Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict

Best way to do it. :+1:

You can let a couple of plants of each species that you sow mature into seed, then you don’t need to keep buying seed, or grow them in a seperate pot for seeds, and when seeds are harvested let the plant return to the soil.


Good vibes NICO, hope you find something nice. I’ll be sitting in the corner watching the plants grow. Look great so far.


This was a cut i forgot in a cup of water and it had started flowering and was pollinated. The rest of the cuts made a few seeds and dried out. This one was little and was down in the cup. When I found it I just saw new growth down in the cup. I had seeds growing on a vegging plant i harvested the seeds and missed a few. This was one of the few I missed.



Blueberry Diesel update day??
Sorry its been a little longer since an update. I’ve been at war trying to save my worm bin and the plants have been a bit neglected. Waiting for sex to decide what to do.

I found my worms had been invaded by ants. I can’t find where they start and they never stop coming so it has been a a battle. I’ve been doing everything I can think of to stop them that doesn’t involve poisons. I’ve got them out a pretty large portion of the bin and they should be gone by tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

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Mothers getting ready to get flipped. They’ve been flipped already for just a few days and it caused the crazy reveg growth. The lights will be flipped on or before the first of November.

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Mix equal parts powdered boric acid and powdered sugar add a bit of water to make a slurry, and surround the worm bin with it.
Keep away from animals.

If that is not an option, try some Peppermint Essential Oil around the bin.

Misquitoe bits. They’re gone. It took 3 days give or take but there are only a few stragglers left. I have been keeping a wet towel on top of the worms to keep everything wet and inhospitable to ants.

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Happy Halloween


Blueberry Diesel update day 41


Blueberry Diesel day 41
They’ve recovered from my abuse and are growing quite nicely at the moment. Only one so far has shown sex, he was/is Male. 4th pic down, the best looking plant is him. The rest are on hold until I see sex then they get up-potted.



I got them out of the solo cups. They have a tad more room to stretch their legs. I topped them at the same time I up-potted them.


@LouDog420 #Beans for St. Judes


Looking Good @NICO :star_struck:
Tony green always says it is good to top his plants, so here is to hoping for little bushes. :grin:

You, do you, of course, but here is a little tip… they should like x-tra Calcium and Mag.
They will also do well in high light situations.

Keep up the good work brother and thank you again. :heart_eyes:


Is this a chance shot?
If not…
Mr. @BogSeeds would be proud you are carrying on his tradition…LOL
I forget, did you say if you are a young guy, or grey-haired like me?
You may not even get the reference…LOL

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No, not a chance shot. I had read about BOGS pics and when I was taking pics the vacuum was just right there so I threw it in the pic as a sort of shout out to Mr. BOG.

I was an 80’s baby. 1981 to be exact.


All the dots and shit are so I can find the pictures I want to post. If I don’t do something to make them stand out I have a difficult time posting the correct pic bc they’re all the same to me when they’re thumbnail size.

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I just started a new bed. It is going to be a no-till bed like the rest of my containers.

I will be watering from the bottom once things get more established. The container it sits on holds 16qts 4gals. Liquid. I just use bird seed for cover crop. The plant is NYG13/HAZE/AO×GOJI OG from #Beans for St. Jude’s @LouDog420