Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict

4×4 I guess this would be my veg area. I have been under the weather the past few days but tonight I got all the rooted clones potted and up potted some cuts that were beyond ready to move up and pulled a couple males out of the rotation. I’ve decided to cull all males from this run, I can’t take on any more “projects” right now. I have a way of taking on more and more and it makes getting anything accomplished impossible.

This is Blueberry Diesel - Bubble Head/PineTarGush - NYG13HAZEAO×GOJIOG -and reveg plants from last run.

The last pic is was taken through the brand new door I got from the fire raining down into the tent. As soon as I have the funds I will replace it and have another flower tent. Now it’s the 3×3 and flower room open to flower plants out in.


This is the flower room. I just flip to 12/12 on 11/01. I’ve got to hang another light - im either hanging a 600w hps in between 2 spectrum king 400plus or 3 sk400+. For now I’ve got 2 sk400+ running.


This was a Critical Purple Fem. Auto from a place not worth mentioning by name. This big mf"r never flowered until I flipped 12/12 and it became the biggest resource hogging male I’ve ever grown. The way the plant grew I never would’ve thought it were male, it were male.
The seeds were a gift and this was the only one of 5 to pop.


Bud shots from this last run.





I apologize for being slow w/updates; I work overnights 7 nights a week at the moment and time isn’t something I’ve been able to spare. I will get this current as soon as I get back to the grow here in a few hours. I’ve decided not to do any more making of seeds besides what I’ve been working on already in fear of taking on too much to give any of it a chance of completion. I will call males as they show themselves w/o mercy. The very first one has been exposed and his time is short.


no worries at all man. you update plenty. :+1:



I had placed him on top of my worm/soil/compost pile and did a little HST just bc and left him for later.

Today I saw he was happy as could be not fazed by my harsh treatment. So I decided to do some stress testing.

1st I gathered a sterilized exacto blade and went into a clean room and did some HST

Carefully I cut down the middle of his main stem and used the cap to the blade to spread the now 2 halves apart.


Wanting to see how he handles it was my purpose and I would’ve left it uncovered but w/the lack of air movement and his sitting on top of the worm bin I bandaged him up w/the best bandages you can find for plants.

He is on borrowed time already but could very well surprise me w/how this treatment is processed and worked through these next few days and he could stay in the male quarters out yonder.


Day 49 (???)
Blueberry Diesel update


Plus the male i cut on makes 6. I know for sure I saw one more male and at least 2 female w/the remaining undetermined. Im about to buy a couple/ few tents so I can get a better route to finishing everything I got going on in a timely l
K . ZZZmanner. My 4×4 caught some fire and that thew me off but not for long. Thanks for reading.

Shit! There’s 6 plants w/o the male! So I may have taken a pic of one of the Goji crosses. Sorry.

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These plants in the bigger organic pots are starting to form flower sites. This is the start of flower for them, they were flipped on the 1st of November- today is the 12th. The top couple of inches of substrate will eventually be nothing but worm castings-it is quite remarkable-i top them off with fresh compost when this happens to keep the worms fat and happy, also anything that comes from the beds goes back in to it. Any trimmings leaves stems it all gets put back on top and the worms just do their thing and the plants just get better and better the longer I recycle the plants back into the substrate.

He is out of the worm bin for now. The split stem hasn’t fazed him and he just keeps on truckin. Im thinking about seeing how he flowers and how the stress and torture is reflected in his flowering cycle.



I read about this thing called scabbing or something like that where you cut all your leaves off and then you get 3lbs per light bc of the way the scissors make the leaves fall with only that little sound. Im looking for my 3 lbs here-you know about this method? Have you ever seen it work? I was worried so I only cut up the one plant that was growing better than the other 2. If this is something that works im going to scab the shit out of all of them!

There are the 3 of them all together. Its hard to believe the middle of one was so much bigger than the other 2, I think I may have screwed up.


I got excited about 3lbs from a light and went on and did another one. I got heavy handed and broke a branch and pulled a couple too many leaves but that 3 lbs is still in my reach right?

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Curious how this turns out!

Stress testing is a good thing.

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I dont think I’m gonna get the the lbs im searching for in these-i broke one of the branches off the 2nd one so maybe 2.2-2.6lbs should be no problem

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These are the males that are confirmed. 2 males 1 unsexed. I am culling all males currently so I decided stress testing is in order on their way back to the earth from which they came. (I couldn’t pass out and leave those posts as they were. Happygroqing

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I am not sure what you read…but in my opinion, stressing a plant like that is not the way to bigger yields.
Did you save a plant that was not stripped for a fair comparison?
That way you can see if it really makes a difference.
If not you have nothing to compare things to and it will be hard to determine the results properly.
If you can compare the difference in the 2 for yield in the end you have a decent experiment, without a control you only have a test with no really valid results.

Personally, I feel your yield will be decreased from all the stress.
I wish you the best.

Good luck!

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Oh, now I get it…LOL
I kinda thought you were being a bit sarcastic with the 3 pounds per light and all, but was not real sure.
Stress testing…now that makes sense :grimacing:
I was gonna try and get you a job at tony green’s cannabis torture camp. :rofl:
From the tony green torture manual…Take a stick or anything really and poke it into the dirt to disturb the roots.

That and a messed-up light cycle will stress em out for sure.

Happy growing brother man.

Sunrise as I leave work 11/13/22

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I’ve been kind of obsessed w/growing since too many years to remember. I grew some big beautiful plants when I was a kid, they either always w err stolen or met the wrath of the Dragon who was my mother. This was before internet and I knew very little about growing anything-i knew to top, about germination in a wet paper towel, I could even tell a male from female by the number of leaflets each leaf had. Life happened and I found myself kicking myself in the teeth-totally stumbling along numb to everything going from fuck up to fuck up spent more years locked up than free from the time I turned 17 till 37. I managed to get a plant halfway through flower in 2005 while home from prison for a short visit but my brother cut the cola and then pretended to go look for the mf"r he saw climb my balcony and cut some 1/2 finished flowers. Finally in 2015 I was gifted a tent 600w hps/mh w/both bulbs and 2 film canisters of seeds thc bomb/ko kush AK48/KO Kush. I fucking went nuts. My 500sqft apt was overgrown quickly. I wish it was “and that was that” moment but I am unable to keep my fucking head above water for some reason. I had a bag of males I culled and I didn’t put it out w/our trash b/c you know, im paranoid I was told and the males were buried in the trash can. The next day I was chopping anything verging and moving as many flowering ladies as possible to a new spot. I only was allowed 1 plant at the new spot so I fucking broke my heart and culled some beautiful ladies w/budlets all over them. Spent 2 years on the run and another 2 in a cage and got out and all my grow shit was gone-except a 4×4 tent shell w/o poles, I put a frame together from pvc and I used Cobb leds feit brand to grow a bag seed and clones I snipped from a neighbors plant. I also tried to germinate the last of the ak48 seeds I had and got a single seed to sprout then quickly fizzle out and dry up. I found my neighbors plants were male and female and he kept them close for too long so these were my first seeds. Soon after I had some decent vegging plants. After an incident I was not even a part of my grow was smashed lights broken (I had added a couple blurple leds) even the pvc poles I put together were broken by a drunken inlaw. I managed to get the $ to buy some hids for cheap on CL put a new frame together and ordered some Texas Butter from Greenpoint. This grow did it. I am doing what makes me happy. I was strung out still when I started back growing and soon after I got on a maintenance program and I’ve been working a real job at a real business and even passing ua’s at the maintenance program for over a year now. I’ve been home straight now for going on 4 years and it is for one reason only-growing cannabis. I’ve never been one to share personal shit w/anyone but I was thinking about the time I’ve been home and it occurred to me Marijuana saved my life and that I feel needs to be shared. Sorry for the book. Back to what we are here for:

Thats the AK48/KO Kush my 1st plant to flower

First TX bttr grow