Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict

I am in the position for the first time to not have to buy someone else’s used tent. I would like to find something that I’m not going to be patching pin holes in and duct taping the zipper right out the box. I was thinking 4×8×8 and 2 4×4×8 tents. I was looking to have made this purchase already but w/the holidays coming up id be a fool not to wait for them to be on sale. Does anyone have an opinion on marshydro’s tents or any other company I might look at? I don’t know what brand the tent is I have no but it went up in flames way too easy for comfort.


The 3rd BH×PTG plant is still being shy about showing sex but she is looking good…

definitely looking better than the 2 fast showing males. They are a bit shocked and now a cold front has made it a little on the cooler side they may take longer to get over the shock-or they may just give up and shrivel up.

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Im pretty sure the spots are from a bit too high ppms of mg. That is the only thing I’ve added lately. I’m just going to leave it and water w/plain ph’d water.

Thanks for sharing brother, I’m glad things have been better and your plants look great!

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I had made seeds last run and I need somewhere I can see quickly and whenever so im making a note to myself and/or anyone who may be interested in what I’ve got going on.

RC - Royal Chem
TB - Texas Butter
SC - Strawberry Cough
SD - Slow Death - is a name I gave to a plant from the SC4/TB seeds I made. The plant was perfect all the way to flower when the buds were small and spaced far apart and super slow to form until one day I open the tent and her donkey d$#ks were huge and she smelled like strawberry and fuel overpowering all the others around her. Slow death w a s born from the perfect plant stressing me out by seemingly flower horribly only to finish as one of the best plants I’ve ever grown.

Those are what I’ve made so now I want to plan the next step in my plan-w/plan being used very loosely.


Damn this shit can get confusing. I have all the female plants I started with. The RC/TB seeds were fantastic-im running 2 plants still from the very first run I did of them some 4 or 5 runs back. Im just beginning to get a good cure on the flowers from the past run and each new jar is my new favorite. The smells go from lemon Starburst to mixed berry and fuel and sharpie markers black pepper some onion and bo and my favorite buttery garlic and gas. Im finding the plants never have the same exact terps from run to run. The plant I labeled garlic & funk came out w/a sweetness that was not at all there the prior run/s.

Edit# CAKE i cannot believe i left out vanilla cake. One of the q keepers I have from the first RC/TB is vanilla cake in a jar



Definitely have roots on these clones. I’m using one for the solo cup challenge so it won’t get much more room but anything beats a medicine bottle.


This seedling is from the SC3. It had been a cutting in a cup when it was pollinated. It revegged but the seeds still maturedon the then vegging plant. I must of missed one of the seeds bc I found this little plant after the seed had fallen off the plant into the substrate.

(Nevermind the half dead clone that got lost under the canopy until I found it just then.)


Pardon the nasty hash finger, I found this in my revegging plant. To me, my uneducated guess, would be these are pollen (or sterile) “nanners” that the plant threw as last ditch effort in preserving its genes by pollinating herself. I was just hoping to get this confirmed or cleared up it i could. @anonymous4289 @shag


The taller of the 2 is the BBD the other it the goji og cross. These are 2 clones that im using in solo cup challenge that have rooted. The :pill: bottles did alright for cloning



The flower room is down a light, you can see it is showing quite badly. Flower sites are showing things are about to get real. The anticipation is building, these are all soil all fed w/ferments or organic dry amendments.


Beautiful man! Looks great!!!


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Thank you but it wasn’t me, the worms get all the credit. I just gave them a place to do their magic. Keep the worms happy and in turn they keep the plants happy.


This is my first go using LEDS, besides the blurple I used for 1/2 a run after getting suckered out of $200 by Amazon sellers. Actually my brother grows beautiful plants w/that same blurple light I gifted him when I figured out I’d been had. I picked up 3 1/2 Spectrum King sk400 plus second hand for a really great deal and I used one along side the end of my hid for the last 1/4 of flower last run. This run all led and I’ve got some great results. The guy I got them from was disappointed w/them and said they couldn’t do what he wanted, his run w/them did poorly. I got home and the lights were covered w/root aphid flyers gnats thrips and any other nasty flying insect you’d think would make any run not up to par. It must be nice to be able to buy brand new $1500 lights ×4 to use for a single run and decide they aren’t right so you just give them away on CL. I am grateful for the generosity and if you’re reading this here sometime someday thank you. (And you may want to check your roots).


I was thinning out the old buds where the new growth was beginning to shoot from the flower. I try to do it earlier rather than later when there are so many branches shooting in every possible direction w/branches branching from each of those and so on and so forth. It tames the plant before it is out of control. It can be ugly but not as ugly as a tangle of thin garbage branches that can’t hold themselves up let alone flowers.

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Reveg tent



2 of the Blueberry Diesel ladies that have been up-potted into sips. I mixed soil/compost/worms/worm castings/coco and perlite together for the substrate. They will be fed only ferments and LABS and organic dry amendments from now on.

I found a new door for the burned out wall on my fired kissed 4×4. Im looking to add a new 8×4 and 2 new 4×4s sooner rather than later, just waiting for holiday sales. Then I can flower everything out at the same time.


While mostly true, the pollen is most likely not sterile.

I was only speaking on the pollen I was holding on my hash finger, I was judging by the color that it wasn’t viable. That and there were no seeds or seed starts in the revegging flowers I was cleaning up.

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The buds unravel into hundreds of shoots if left to reveg w/o interference. Once there are shoots growing out i like to destroy as much of the old flowers as possible to cut down the jungle of sucker branches that you will have to cut away later if you allow them to grow to start with.