Sex identification - Is this a Myth?

Masters Degree in BS!!! Some of the ends of seeds are practically invisible!!! I saw the guy’s YT-demo, didn’t look the same to me, but, what do I know!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


I did a search but didn’t see any kind of thread on this subject…

Lmao…I dont know why…but that was funny as shit. Thanks


I’m sorry it was on somebody else’s thread.
Either way.
Don’t remember who’s but ya its been done on here before.


I agree, Chart is BS. Would be nice if it was true, for sure. Just my humble opinion :+1:t4: :v:t4:

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You are very welcome

See that’s what I learned real quickly, few people are willing to give free advice and of those who do even fewer fact check. I have to run 90% of the things I learn through the “OG” filter to verify, I’ve heard some damn convincing bullshit as a new grower.

Total BS. The size, shape, and color of the seed is all determined by the mother plant, not the genetics that the seed contains.
This was posted relatively recently, and the poster used the theory and got all females. But as he described the seeds he had, and where the seeds came from (lightly seeded bud from indoor grow, someone had nanners), I ended up telling him that he had feminized seeds to begin with :crazy_face:, and to try his “rejects” and see, not sure where that ended now lol.


I have never seen the chart, but a fellow grower told me about the divot several years ago. So far, it has born true. Admittedly, I am a small timer, usually just 2 or 3 plants per year. I have used this method 3 years running.


Ok, I might have to try this myself just to see if it is true or just a myth.
How about members who have female seeds from seed companies, do your femized seeds have these divots?

What do you do if you place a seed order and they are all “wrong?”


This chart has been floating around for years and has been proving a myth on several occasions.


A lot of people say the chart is wrong but I’m just curious about members who buy feminized seeds, do the feminized seeds have the divots? I don’t buy feminized or auto seed.

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You cant assume gender anymore. Hahhaha

For real though, the chart is BS


Ok, we all say the chart is BS…fine I get it but now I just want to know from members who buy feminized seeds and look at their feminized seeds to see if they do have the divots. Let me rephrase the question…Do all feminized seeds have a divot? .Again the chart is BS and it’s not true.

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ill go check i have some fems

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ok looked at about 50 fem seeds, 2 packs from sebring, leftovers from barneys farm a pack from garden of green and 2 packs by expert seeds…no divots did not see even one


I wouldn’t have bothered, but thanks. :wink:

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Thru alot of different clubs


Who, thank you very much for going through all that trouble…I was just wondering that’s all bromigos…

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