Shantibaba website?


I didn’t find information about this on the forum or anywhere on the internet, really.

There is a shantibaba seeds website which supposedly sells re-created versions of many classic strains. Does anyone has any idea if this is legit and are what the quality of the genetics is?



You’re looking for MrNice Seedbank.

There is always controversy about what is “legit” (not that it’s a bad question), but you’ll find some classic stuff there for sure. Check out their auctions too, unless there is something specific you need right now, you can end up with a lot of stuff for a fraction of full retail…and auctions are fun…

Good luck!


This one?


Well that is news to me, and good to know.

I’m not certain but I think I heard him or read somewhere where he was talking about his son running a new shop under the MNS brand. Possibly in the recent Pot Cast interview with Shantibaba.


Highly recommend the mr nice auctions…no fancy packaging just labeled tubes…old school high dollar Shanti genetics at an extreme discount. I have jars of the tube’s that go into outdoor rotation mostly and all have provided gems​:fire::fire::fire::fire:


Now that I think of it, I was on their forums a couple years ago and at the time Shanti was talking about getting some kind of North American company or distribution thing going.


Totally agree with this. The Mr. Nice auctions are some of the highest quality genetics getting sold for the best value around in the retail seed world. You can usually always find something at or right around the minimum bid amount that’s got incredible genetic potential. The popular names like Neville’s Haze, SSH, and Mango Haze along with the newer releases and one off offerings seem to get the most action. A few classics like Black Widow and Medicine Man seem to get a little action sporadically and the rest seem to usually go for, or right around, the minimum bid amount. Those auctions are a wonderful resource for the community.


You nailed it and great reminder such a generous way in my opinion to grab killer genetics that are such a staple to our scene. Really lucky he runs these and good reminder to get over there and grab some. My buddy has some Mango haze flower from an auction he finished that is first in line when we get together and our group all grows but that flower calls!


I have some Maui Mango Haze from @misterbee gotta pop that now got a hankering since i heard the Mango haze


Me too the bee stings more than once :wink:


Just came here to say that @misterbee generously gave me some Medicine Man which is the only Shantibaba strain I have in my vault


Yep, that’s the one - I wasn’t sure about posting the link.

So supposedly the genetics will be the same as if I’m buying from Mr Nice seeds?


I haven’t made any purchases yet myself, so I honestly couldn’t say.

I’m pretty confident the site is legit though, as I found out about it from a reel on Mr. Nice’s insta announcing an opening sale back in March.

I seem to remember Shanti talking about it in a recent interview, but I can’t remember which one atm :man_facepalming:.


I don’t know about “shantibabaseeds”, but I do know this one, Mr.Nice with the .com instead of nl, is one of Shanti’s US branches. I emailed him a few months ago about it, and he said it’s legit. The sale seeds don’t seem to have a great germ rate though…


Indeed - I had good luck with germ rates on some Ortega from an auction purchase, but lousy rates on a pack of Medicine Man (formerly White Rhino). I think most of the tubes of auction stock have around 18 seeds, which helps a little in that department.


It would help if he clarified things; there was a Mr. Nice dot com and a .NL at the same time & now this confuses it further :sweat_smile::man_shrugging:

At least the CBD crew collab was mentioned somewhere.

Definitely one I would try out if I didn’t have a ton of seeds making me stressed & guilty



Well, the cat’s out of the bag. We’ll see how the auctions go. Hopefully the prices don’t skyrocket with this thread being out now


He also has another site…and there’s also the thc crew selling some of his genetics crosses with cbd

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I was hesitant to reply for the same reason of prices getting out of hand because I’m pretty sure Shanti does it mostly as a solid for the members of MNS to be able to acquire the genetics at a great value. Hopefully anyone who finds usefulness out of the auctions will also join up on the MNS forums to share their appreciation as well.

I found it helpful when the historical prices of previous sold auctions were still available to be viewed, I was able to better form a current value from which to establish a firm bid limit and not get emotional if a particular lot went for more, knowing another will be listed for sale in a future auction cycle and will likely go for closer to the historical average. I wish they would bring that feature back. It’s a bit more cumbersome to keep up on the values as it is now, and I think it leads to more emotional bidding and higher prices without that data more easily available. Many blessings and much love