Should we add it to the site!

Title says it, but we want to do better for y’all! What could we add to the site that you guys would like to see.


WHAT SITE??? SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Click the man’s profile :wink:




Lets see… not sure if your looking for recommendations for products you want to add to site, or if your asking for ideas / critiques. I can spew out a few here ideas to consider of small things i see off the bat.

The title / main page, I would put a little more here about what lost green valley is here, an intro / a face / a name / a place along with a few lines on each of those. This appears to be a retail site or a club when someone first opens the page, but the title page has the logo huge in the middle with a small shop now button, followed by an e-mail input for membership. Just a few thoughts to help zero in on what you want your visitors to come to understand your brand / shop / club stands for, and what makes lost green valley unique. When a visitor comes to the site hopefully they know what they are after, but if not - you want to give them the quick and easy of what you have to offer.

Tidy up the title of each page so that as a user browses the site the tab info stays consistent (always has last ‘last green valley’ + whatever sub section you want.

Check the contrast on the contact page - 2 light colors don’t present so well unless there is more contrast of some sort:

Small item - for returning users - having the login / pass right above helps them quickly access their info / account stuff, the ‘login’ linky is a bit vague:

Consider linking folks to other useful resources the pair well with your site. If your looking to educate, your users on the use of the products or have resources that others, or you have created else where (like you tube tutorials), link those. Having content elsewhere (like you tube) can also drive traffic back if there are links pointing back towards it.


I suck at web stuff. It’s really just to sell stuff. And I have no idea beyond a few things how to edit certain things lol. But I’ll give it a try.
Also I strictly have used my phone to do everything so I had no idea what it looks like on a desktop, well at least I do now lol.


Well that’s fine, doing web design from the phone is obviously not ideal, but we all use the tools we have!


I added the oddities Commodities page.

DM for the password

One selection has 100 beans of a few different types

Other selection has 40 beans of a few other different types

Other oddities to come…


Here is of a list of what may be contained in the oddities

Ghost OG x Starlite
(C haze x Starlite) x skunk 1
Purple moonshine f2 (GDP x Old Time Moonshine)
Good Leaf x Starlite
Bubba x sweet tooth
Live fire f2
Solshine (solmate auto x Old Time Moonshine)
Cbd variety (superwoman)
1:1 variety
Uncle festers skunk 18 F4 (my cantaloupe skunk)


Some interesting Starlite crosses there ^^
I assume that’s Rocket’s Starlite? (A5Haze S1 x 89 NL5 BX8) ? Did you make those?


The Starlite crosses were donated by someone. I did not make them. So I have no idea what is what with them. But that does sound familiar with what the dude said the Starlite was. Lol. Just get random stuff in the mail I do. Like the pack of Indiana Bubblegum from when brother monk started th seeds. Like before he lost them and was just left with the sativa leaner.

I figured since these were the bulk bags I got Id breakem down and offer them up to entice folks. Price wise I’m beating masonic at this point lol.


Hello @Enjoi802 There is going to be a celebration a starting in 48 hours where a

Will be given away to one lucky OG.

Just saw this thread and gotta go, signed up with my email on your site.

Will be back later to ask about supporting the 7 years of OverGrow Anniversary event, Thank you.

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wordpress and themeforest is all i gotta say for slapping a professional looking website together on the cheap with minimal “web stuff” knowledge. Not saying you need to change your site around but if you ever wanted to that’s the route I’d personally recommend going.


I paid for the site a year in advance. I have been kicking the idea around. Because this serve doesn’t have a smart import for my list of products. So I am for sure looking to change it up once the time presents it’s self.


Figured I’d bring this back up. DM for oddities Commodities page password

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The purple moonshine I do like. Never grown it. I do like the pictures.

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Oddities and Commodities score from the amazing @Enjoi802 :ok_hand:

AAA communication and just all around great experience. I wouldn’t hesitate to check out the site and get some collector items :wink:



I didn’t see where the seed list is. Must have missed it.

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@Hemp here ya go, and just DM @Enjoi802 for the password on the site :peace_symbol:


You got some nice stuff. I like the moonshine stuff. Good growing.