NDNCHILD’S Broke Like A Boss DIY Clone Shipper

There’s been some interest in the little clone shipper
I made so I figured I’d go ahead and do the write up.
There’s plenty of ways to skin this cat, this is just mine. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll start with the materials list.

Bottles I use.

LIFEWTR Premium Purified Water,… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N9OJ2AP?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

Clone collars

Neoprene Inserts 3 Inch Clone… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KHX4PP3?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

Lights. I like these because they have a hanging hole for attaching the wire. :+1:t3:

Novelty Place 30Pcs White LED… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076DLSYSZ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

Rubber coated plant tie wire

TELENT OUTDOORS 118 Feet Soft Plant Tie Green Twist Garden Ties with 20PCS Garden Plant Clips for Plants Gardening Home Office Organization TPR Garden Ties Supplies with 2mm Diameter https://a.co/d/4AN1tbB

Boxes for shipping

Colarr 50 Pcs Mailing Tube 3 x 3… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C61XT3K5?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

Ok! Let’s do this. :crazy_face:

Step one: Drink the water. It’s good for you! Here’s some work in progress. :joy:

Step two: remove label and clean bottle. The label glue sucks. The best thing I’ve found so far to remove it is good ole mineral spirits. Use whatever works well for you. :+1:t3:

Now that you have a clean bottle to work with you need to cut it in two. I’m using Rapid Rooter plugs and generally ship in soil so I need enough space to leave room at the top for the collar to sit down flush or close to it. 2 1/2 - 3 inches from the bottom of the bottle is usually a good number for me. I won’t tell ya how to go about cutting the bottle. That’s on you. Don’t blame me! :grimacing: BE CAREFUL!! :pray:t3:

Step three: cut the bottle

Step four: shaping the rim of lower portion with a heat gun (a hair dryer may work as well. I have no hair so don’t have one.) to hold clone collar securely.
Fill bottom portion of shipper with water until clone collar floats even with the top.

Use heat to shrink bottle rim to squeeze collar. Move quickly and rotate bottle while heating. The water gives you a buffer as not to mis shape too much but it happens quickly and this is the part where a bottle can be ruined.

This process also allows the top to be slid over the bottom without bending everything out of shape. The fit should be snug.

If the shaping went as desired the fit should be pretty water tight. That is until ya give it a squeeze! :joy:

Step five: make the light hanger

Make a loop of plant tie wire inside bottle cap with a leg bent to center of cap then bend a 90 down and make a little hook for the light to attach.
It should look something like the above pics.
Then just pop it in the cap and you’re good to go!

That’s pretty much it! Put clone in bottom and secure with a collar that now squeezes into the rim. As an added safety measure I put a couple strips of tape over the collar as well. Just to make sure it can’t be dislodged during rough shipping. When the top goes on the collar can’t move.

Slide top over until it overlaps about a half inch. Wrap the seam with packing tape, turn the light on and screw the bottle cap on. And BAM!! You’re ready to box and ship! :slightly_smiling_face:

Please feel free to make any adjustments or changes that suit your needs. These have been shipping 2 day ground and arriving in great shape!
With soil the package weighs around half a pound. You’re stuck at 1 pound billable weight which brings total shipping cost for me so far to $12.98.

More gratuitous pics! :joy:

IMG_1029 IMG_1030

I hope this helps anyone interested in my little side project. As stated there are many shipping solutions out there. I just wanted one of my own. :wink:

It’s a pretty simple process but please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Have a great day OG! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:🪶🪶🪶🪶


This is DIY as art, really beautiful tutorial


Thanks buddy! @Dirt_Wizard
I think they’re actually kinda nice to look at as well!
Most importantly is they seem to do their job well. :slightly_smiling_face:


Bravo my friend. Great tutorial and solution! :grinning:


Is it legal to ship clones to another state, like is it considered hemp? I’d imagine so because there’s no apparent THC but idk if there’s any laws stating that a hemp plant isn’t considered hemp if it had the potential to produce THC over the legal limit.


@GrowTheAtlas As always is good practice check your local laws for clarification. That said there are several large and legal companies shipping rooted clones to all 50 states. They do ship in bare plugs, no soil. Sending soil to other states as I understand it can be a no no. I believe clones fall under the 2018 hemp act. Others may know more. I’m not brushed up on many laws. :man_shrugging:t3:


I looked up my local laws and apparently I need to give the state $500 for a “hemp producer license” in order to be able to legally receive clones but that’s just for hemp. I have a love hate relationship with my state. We’re gonna be the last hold out for legalization…I just wanna get a crazy cut and not have anyone knocking on my door

Edit: They’re so fucking retarded that they made it the law to ID people for CBD….FOR CBD!!! Gotta be 21+ for literally a cannabinoid that doesn’t get you high…ok rant over lol I love your shipper design for sure though, that’s pretty nifty


I hear ya! I know if I send or receive a clone names and faces have been changed to protect the guilty. :joy: As far as ordering from a company I suppose it’s a measured risk on the receivers end. I’m certainly not telling anybody what’s in the box regardless of legality. :+1:t3:


Seeds I’m comfortable with. I feel as if it’s the most basic and original form of keeping genetic material preserved and it’s easier to ship. But a whole ass plant sketches me out. Not to dox myself too much but TN has such a skewed perspective and laws on cannabis that idk if I’d be willing to take the risk for a clone. Unless I physically drove to a legal state and drove it back while somehow keeping it alive, I’d be too scared to receive a clone in the mail.


Not using names and for sure using safe addresses is always a good idea. Also a good idea is to stay within your comfort zone if you feel a particular activity could place you in an extremely uncomfortable zone! :+1:t3: :joy: I can’t blame ya at all for being nervous about the situation. I know I sure as hell was the first time. Hell, the first time getting beans in the box kinda freaked me out. :joy: tryna scope out the neighborhood to make sure I wasn’t being watched before going to check the mail! :rofl:
I knew it was supposed to be legal… it sure didn’t feel that way! :grimacing:


I felt the same way the first time I got some beans through the mail. My first attempt was with my buddy, we tried to get foreign seeds from holland through the mail. We got a letter from customs letting us know our seeds were seized. You could imagine a couple 17 year olds looking over our shoulders every day for the next 6 months lmao but then I found a US based seed bank and it’s been touchdown every time


@NDNCHILD bro this is going to be a game changer. Excellent work bro this is definitely weed history you just made


This is amazing hehe can also be used to carry clones through busy areas if the bottle is opaque. Careful though, depending on what authorities believe, it can be a shit show! Got myself a conviction over clones that were never found :man_shrugging:t2: this is amazing though. Thank you for sharing


Well done, my friend! Very nice, complete detailed tute! I never use real name/address when I ship anything Ganja-related! lol If asked, just say it’s a doll, or whatever. lol
That’s a good reason for the box (packing taped all around any opening/joint) They can’t see what’s inside. The same as the big companies that ship in the high dollar clone shippers (Amazon $20.00 ea.)


Thanks for the kind words bro! @seeds2weeds
I just saw an idea I could put my twist on. (The poor boy twist!:joy:)
I hope the idea helps others get cool cuts to folks safely and a bit cheaper than the big retail clone shipping containers! :fist:t3:🪶🪶


Stick it in a coozie and the split won’t show! :wink:


I’ve been saying it’s a personalized sports bottle. They just put down water bottle. :joy::man_shrugging:t3:


pretty damn clean… thanks for the guide and inspiration!


Pretty slick man


Thanks for the breakdown! :vulcan_salute:
Bookmarked for my poor ass. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: