Shishkaberry Preservation Run, Open-Pollination (CLOSED for sign up)

I’m glad you’re okay.


I am glad to hear things are getting under control for you. We all need to unplug from time to time.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Thanks @Alaskagrown for stopping in to ease our worries! Glad to hear you are okay! We all need to unwind here and there.
One Love ☆ DJSF


@Alaskagrown good to see you back man! Missed your updates and contributions, hope that things find stasis for you with everything going on, I’m sure everyone can relate to being stretched thin from time to time :heart::v:t2:


im just gonna spam emojis


I’m glad to hear that you are doing better @Alaskagrown and I will be around if you ever need to talk don’t hesitate to reach out Happy Growing The Doc


Look forward to seeing how this goes! Just grew some shishkaberry and would love to grow some more!


Oooh shishkaberry. The second bag of true “dank” I ever picked up from a friends older bro in high school. It smelled so much in my pocket half the class was making comments so I left class early to avoid getting busted!

This would be cool to try again. Thank all who contributed!


Still excited about this run! :grin:. I’ve been doing some thinking…based on what I remember the shishkaberry definitely wouldn’t have had dj shorts blueberry. Djs has the real dark leaves with tight buds… The shishka had (when dry) very light colored leaves, with airy buds and particularly large trichs. Like I mean really large, like “damn are those trichomes? They’re huge!” :grin::grin::grin:. The trichs were so large that you thought the bud would be much denser than it was, but on a closer look it was giant trichomes filling in the gaps. I would bet that it actually has a very mild Cindy cut in it that was called “blueberry”. Or maybe like a c99 precursor :wink:

Now going a little deeper, on the greenhouse and outside grows I have seen of the shishka the plant looks “cramped” if you know what I mean. Based on this observation, I’m wondering if perhaps it would benefit from an extended veg time to produce a very large plant. Maybe a true, like peak summer time, veg of at least 6 months to really let that momma fill in.

Just some food for thought. :slightly_smiling_face:


(Edit: “notes of the underground” so let’s assume shishka wants a very long veg, so long as if there were 2 opposing suns giving it a 9 month summer veg cycle with a 3 month flower cycle before it drops it’s seed and revegges into an even bigger plant. So it likes a long veg…indicating that if it normally has a 9 month veg cycle, perhaps it would benefit from an, in this case, extended veg 50% longer or 60 weeks (420 days, coincidence? Let’s hope not! Right? :wink:) Boom, PREHISTORIC sized pot! On this note, (again :thinking: :wink:) I think that in the future a good trial cross to shishka would be kosher Kush!

Ok, have a good night you all :grin::wink:!!!





I actually remember this now that I think of it. The 3 pound a light was a metaphor for the amount of hash you would get off it. Like if you grew a 3 pound per light plant. Ya know…don’t want to overhype the internet, :wink::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:!


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I’ve gotten this strain ONCE in 20 years of smoking. And that one time elevated this strain to my “have to find” list. I’m just getting into the breeding side of our wonderful plant, so still struggling a little, but getting better. I now have a tent that will be used solely for selfing. Currently I’m vegging out an S1 run right now but when I get ahold of some Shishka, she’ll jump the list entirely and be next up.
I swear should I find a donor they’ll be getting back at least what they sent. It’ll just take time. I’m not up to @DougDawson level (Mr. 30,000 beans) I don’t have that kind of room. Either way excited to hopefully see the end result of the seed run.


Not the shiskaberry I’ve encountered super hard huge solid buds , giant plants with a 3 week veg if you vegged for six months NASA would have to divert the space shuttle around it .

They’ll get 10/12 ft over the summer if you let them and that big around easily.

There very prone to bud rot also due to there dense structure.


What about the trichomes? What stood out to me was the amazing trichome production. I remember cash cropper Kens 3 pound plant…this was after my runin with the shishka. But its the trichs size and coverage that really had me going. I mean literally from a distance it looked like solid bud…but up close it wasn’t solid at all but had these monstrous trichs that it was covered in making it look like another plant :scream_cat:. This is where cash cropper Ken got his “3 lb per light” pheno…at the time the internet was hyping over .8 grams per watt. Someone commented that this plant would produce as much hash as if it were a 3 pound plant, 1.5 grams per watt; which of course at the time was beyond the holy grail standard of 1 gram per watt.



That’s what I’m saying based on what I have seen. The poor giant thing looks like it’s cramped, fat man in a little suit type thing. Big plants now are 10-12 feet, but this thing wants to be a gdamn giant…would also explain the rock hard nugs and bud rot (:wink:, one theory anyway) take for instance earth 20 million years ago…the north pole would have been tropical with a damn 6 month summer. :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:


Wonder if you can grow marijuana in an igloo?



That’s seriously frosty. I’d wager it’s knock-down potent.

Is a bump allowed? :flashlight::flashlight::flashlight:

Apples and bananaaas…:+1::grin:.



I have a pack of the Ustad Shiskaberry as well. How did they compare to the SpiceofLife ones?


The Ustad version were F2 of Breeder Steve’s Shiskaberry 3
For Shiskaberry 3, if my memory serves, he bred back to the parent afghan line which produced plants with all the same traits but were less “berry”. Kind of more raw is how I would describe it.

A lot of misinformation out there in weed land on the Shiskaberry…
Lets start with the comment a few posts back about DJ’s blueberry not being in the original Shiska… this is simply not true.
When Breeder Steve went on tour with his debut into selling at seedbanks, he was also repping DJ Shorts line. At the time it was called the DJ Short Collection… Blueberry, Flo, ect
I met breeder steve at the marc emery seed bank in Vancouver BC back in 1998 and purchased my first vial of Shiskaberry seed right from his hands.
Now, the DJ blueberry male… it had a number, was used to create Shiskaberry… this is a fact. Breeder Steve held two afghan sisters called Afghan the Red and Afghan the Yellow. If my memory serves, The Yellow was selected as the parent for the shishkaberrry as it was sweeter. Shiskaberry the Red was danker, acrid… a very raw plant.
Now lets fast forward a couple or more years and some shenanigans take place between emery and breeder steve where a large lot of seeds “disappeared” … short time later out comes this guy calling himself Cash Crop Ken… and he is teamed up with emery , selling seeds and entering cups. His Kish… what he called Shiskaberry x Shiskaberry were made from those disappeared seeds. There is much more to the story that also includes steves claim that those seeds were not the “original” shishkaberry , they were raw workings and were to be sold as such under the spice of life label… that never happened.
So in my view, cash crop ken was a hack, ripping off on the reputation of steve’s work… with the assistance of that greaseball emery.
Touchy subject in some circles but I only try and find the truth.

I still hold a modest sack of 98 shiskaberry x ustad shiskaberry 3 f2… I have a 110 plant indoor count for pheno hunting and a modest breeding if anyone holds a special shiska lady or if a breeding project is on anyone’s mind… I’m game.


Man I used to have a lady from that era. Seeds were purchased from Marc Emery in London Ontario. I grew her out last summer. I thought my buddy still had one but he had a cloning failure.
This is another one that tops my to do list. I will be following along to see what happens. And when I get time will read this thread.


I have to agree :100: % on that info.