Should I/We Start A "Canadian Suppliers" Thread On This Forum?

Should we have a “Canadian Suppliers” thread on the forum somewhere? There’s a good one on a different site, and I don’t see why not have one here. Not that the information would necessarily be different. But it would be here (as well), I guess.
American residents might not get this question, or understand why I’d be asking it, or see the need. But trust me, it’s very annoying trying to find many things, and/or price hunting.

The level of “internet scouring” one has to do sometimes is actually absurd (and I’m sure this isn’t solely an issue for me or “canadian residents”). One might be looking for a store that sells “X” product, and finally come across a retailer, but not realize there are also several physical retailers that will sell online, but whose stores will not come up in a regular internet search, almost no matter how hard you try or what terms you use. You’d have to essentially look through yellowpages(.ca/.com) and come across them that way. And in that situation, you could come and share that find by posting it here and letting other canadian residents know.

Anyway, just a thought.
I duno if I should (or can) link to, or mention the other forums thread, so I won’t.


Here is a good start @Nitt


One of those was just closed.

I think it would be good to habe a thread like that, with multiple people coming on to share their experiences


Except for Promix I get at Canadian tire.


True. I got my lights and fans / filters from there. And actually now that I think about it I’ve gotten timers, thermometers, nutrients, grow bags and more from Amazon.