Show Me State Medical

Speaking of Kansas City whoever the member was in KC that spoke to me about clone swapping hit me up in the pm I forgot who you were and my pm box is pretty much unmanageable at this point with the thousands of messages or so it seems at least some months back we also talked about the hyperlink train lol I can remember are whole conversation but not your name :roll_eyes: but either way I’ve got some for you whenever you see this message


You try searching your messages?

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There’s hundreds of them

I hear ya, I just figured if you used the search function and something specific like hyper train youd get there pretty quick.

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Oh shit there’s a search feature for the messages I don’t know why that went over my head the first time you said it lol

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I hope I’m not talking outta my ass now!

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Perhaps or perhaps I’m still not figuring it out

I got you bro- go into your messages, click on the magnifying glass at the top, then click the box that says search messages below the box you’d type in your search term. Voila.

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Just a note, taking 9 days for license renewal atm. Due to application volume.


Thanks for the heads-up mine doesn’t expire for a couple months but nice to know they move slow

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A legal home-grow facility may be indoors or outdoors, but it must be “enclosed” and “locked” — and Missouri provides a 150-word definition of what constitutes “enclosed” and “locked.”


Guess it’s time to invest in a little lock for the tents zippers lol

Wonder if the hook lock on the basement door will suffice


For indoor gardens, the regulations say: “(12) “Enclosed, locked facility” means an indoor stationary closet, room, garage, greenhouse, or other comparable fully enclosed space equipped with locks or other functioning security devices that permit access to only the qualifying patient(s) or primary caregiver(s) who have informed the department that this is the space where they will cultivate marijuana”.

I was a MMJ patient for a couple months before applying for cultivation privileges. My initial application to grow was rejected because I didn’t use the phrase “that only I can access” - they coached me on that! It went through successfully after I added those words. I take it to mean that you need a lock that others can’t open: doorknob or deadbolt (something that takes a key), combination lock/hasp, maybe fingerprint/retinal scan if you get down like that. A hook wouldn’t satisfy the regulations.


Well I guess it’s time to get my medical compliant

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I got a buddie growing on three licenses, indoor and an outdoor grow. Camera and motion sensors. Chain link fence and hail protection devices. His lawyer says hes within regulation outdoor. Im going to think about another outdoor grow with the same things. Its basicly like the liability having an inground pool. Lock on the gate…ect.


This may sound stupid, but what in the hell are hail protection devices? How tall is his chain-link fence?

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4ft. Tall fence. We are rural. So city ordinances may have different rules depending on where your located in MO.
Forgive my wording on the previous post.

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Same here. 3 neighbors, 60 acres between all of us. The fence just kills me. What in the hell is a 4 ft chain link fence going to stop?


Probably not alot except for maybe some critters. add some electrical currents on the fence? :laughing: