Show me your sliver slingers!

Funny you say that! I just started 4 years ago and have a habit of taking this too far right of the line :smiley:

My buddy who hunts has amazing aim with his compound; 20 yards away every sling is a solid hit. I tried his bow and after figuring out his sights I was doing the exact same thing. I then handed him my bow and well… we needed to go searching for some of my arrows… He was also tired after the round because his bow cocks the power into gears alowing him to hold aim without needing to actually hold the poundage… well, he found out that session that his skills are reliant upon the tool and I made myself the tool not to BE A TOOL.

Granted his bow could take something down in a single shot but good luck with a hoard charging!

@DougDawson : OMG that thing is so cute and small! (compliment); it’s “almost” pocket sized!


Nice bow man. I like the three slot quiver on it.


I did at one time. I couldn’t do it now that doesn’t sound right I had to change it up a little bit. So cool. Lol

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I was talking about pulling on it I know how some of these minds are around here I it isn’t deliverance guys. Joking

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What do you hunt for?

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@DougDawson post up some of your others when you have time, would love to see them!


Sorry for the ignorance, but shooting a bow is something I’ve never done. I’ve been thinking about getting into it. We have a practice range at the state park over the hill. I didn’t realize they’re that expensive but I bet I could find a good used one here in Colorado.

I’d like to think I could hunt. with one, but I’m a complete noob with a bow and arrow.

What’s the deal with those tips? Are they designed to kill without penetration? It’s wild that there is something out there like bow shooting, that I know very little about. I’m curious by nature and try a lot of new stuff, but hadn’t made it to bows. Looking at the prices, I may never get too.

Cool stuff. Thanks for sharing.


I think they are meant to be a blunt force inducing tip, but they still rip all the way through… They work very well. I’m sure you can find a good used one and tune it up to how you like it. Do a lot of research and reading and you’ll learn quite fast if your interested in it. It’s a ton of fun.


Yea that would be cool.

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Using traditional hunting tips for small game would be like emptying 12oz of buckshot into a 3oz bird.
You’ll have nothing left after you hit it… other than a lesson learned and a decent tale to tell.

I want to get my forge up again to start making weird fucking shit like rope cutters, fire-spirals an screamers!


Those look wicked :laughing: ya using a bladed broadhead would be the wrong choice for small game. The field points are used for small game, judo or the others posted above. Not to mention you’d mess up the broadhead depending on the shot…and be throwing away a few bucks…

This is my other bow I got for a good price, its a youth bow but still can be pumped up to 70lb draw. My brother hasn’t bought one so I just gave him this one to use, he slays with it. Its a diamond infinite edge.


Hey bud, only targets.

Ok, will do. Many of my bows are at the lake so I will post them up the first week of Sept when I head back up. My strongest bow would be my Ten Points Phantom CLS. 185lb draw, 345 fps with 111 FP of Kinetic Energy.

I have one other crossbow plus some older Browning bows that I rebuilt. They were my dads before he passed so I put them all back into shooting condition. Also have a good Whisper Creek compound bow. I will get you some pics when I can.


Awesome I will get a crossbow someday. I would like to get a bear recurve, our last one got stolen. I can’t wait for more photos, thanks @DougDawson

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All I have is to a crossbow that I bought to play around with. It’s not a super nice one, but it functions lol.

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I spent $350 on a nice bear package. 80% let off, your not holding back all that weight. Kills deer just as well as any of my buddies expensive bows, just weighs a little more.

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I like my assassin, my brother in law his wife and kid all have bows more expensive than mine. The way I see it is if it works for you, and you can improve on a few things that makes it perfect for you, then it’s good. My bow takes deer down, also I’m sure with correct shot placement can take other big game down too. Expensive is not always the way to go. I feel mine was expensive when I bought it back when. But it was and has proven worth it.

I myself have a few…Oneida Eagle


Awesome, you hunt with them?

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Of course, years ago…

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