Show me your sliver slingers!

Good deal hope you had some good times

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I also have this…which I’m selling maybe…

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Here’s is one of my oldest…Bear’s Delta V…


I was just looking at this sweet thing again. Nice bow…

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I have 3 or 4 older bows that need new string, I think one is a bear. Unsure, but will post up later.

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Here is a bear in the first pic I believe it’s 55 lb. And the second is a pse that’s 60lb. I have one more I’ll post when I get to it … they all need new string and adjustment on pins…


That thing is very cool.

It was the fastest bow back in the day and was in 1 mad max movie…I too had a PSE, it was a Nova…

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That makes it even more neat :laughing:

Thanks man, I got some pics of a few others I own but cant find them. This is the only pic I could find. I will get better ones when I open the cottage in May.


Right on, nice place there man. I’m starting to get everything going for a garden right now. But I would and should be doing some practice flinging those slivers lol.

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Thanks bud, that’s part of the basement at the cottage. There is another bow in the case. I rebuilt them both into shooting shape after my father died. I will get some batter pics when I get back up there. I had already taken them but I can’t find them anywhere.


Very cool you rebuilt them into usable condition later. Definitely look forward to seeing them. Do you shoot graphite, or wood, or aluminum arrows or does it depend? I found I used to use the aluminum… but now I have been hunting and shooting graphite these last few years.


All my new stuff is graphite, for the older ones I have aluminum. Do all my own fletching. LOL, I say that like it’s a big thing but it’s not :wink:


It’s good to know how, we were taught young. Now I jush buy them and have them cut, then I glue the jnserts. And the rest was dinner… haven’t made arrows for years.

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Well just thought about this and remembered I did bring one bow home from the lake last year. Meet the Whisper Creek Predator. This would be my second choice if not using my Martin Cheetah :slight_smile:


You put your eye out with that :rofl:


used to go boar hunting with the bloke I used to work for but they used dogs and guns lol,



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I built a fletching jig out of 2x4’s to plane down wood to make shafts. I have a nice tight grain piece of red oak I will eventually laminate with fiberglass and wood glue and eventually teach myself the next step: making the bow.

There’s nothing “primitive” about “primitive tools” if you start to learn how to use them :rofl: