Show your animal

Mine have problems with cat|nullxnull (village have plenty, they tease him, he just want to make fiends), so I bought this, he cannot pull the same and I can sort of control him, it’s an 8 meter rolling leash so normally he goes relaxed … :sunglasses:


As much as I really can’t afford it right now, I’m going to put in an invisible fence. They are supposed to come over tomorrow.

Maybe I should sell some seeds to help cover the costs. :thinking:


Hey the invisible fence is not going to work for your dog as it did not work for mine. Fortunately the previous owners put it in, so my cost was zero. With the collar set to high, he would run over the fence and it basically tickled him. Your dog has much more fur than ours. I’m afraid you may be unhappy with the results. We resorted to leash training and it was successful to a degree. Walking him was like putting your car in neutral on a hill. I think he was a sled dog in another life.



Heres my buddy, he makes me so happy.


You said it all right there.


My friend’s pig, Izzy!


Do fungus gnats count?


A couple of our Dogs we have either shown or sold an were shown .
We have one of our baby boys about to be a Grand Champion his names Magic Mike if he ever makes his 5 points he might make it to the westminster. Our handler has take multiple dogs to the big shows. This is Caliber at Ventura Fair grounds in 2010 maybe


Here is 2 of the homeless cats I feed.


My tomcat that was a stray, He showed up on my back porch one day and always came back… Made him a waterproof container to sleep in when it was raining or cold, damn thing even had an awning. Come winter time I decided it was too cold for him so I moved him into the garage with a huge comforter and pillows, slowly he made his way into my house and has been my buddy for the last 5 or so years He is without a doubt the best pest control, he gets all the rabbits and chipmunks in the outdoor garden. Called “Meathead” for good reason lol.


Small little plant behind the kitty


Thats awsome
I feed 2 alley rabbits that :running_man:‍♂ the horse trails last couple yrs I let them in the barn in the rainy weather with there food bowl, but only


I sure hope you are wrong because I just spent too much money on an invisible fence. I’m seriously gonna have to figure something out to pay off the other half. We did the first training session today. With the collar on the lowest setting he yelped pretty good and was staying away from the flags. The installer/trainer said you need to make sure you move the prongs up and down a little so they rest on the skin or it won’t work.

I actually pretty nervous. I’m spending way more money than I have to spend on this dog. I really hope it works out. :crossed_fingers:


I am sure it will work out between the fence and lessons, which didn’t seem to work with my dog. Regardless, your dog will be a fantastic companion, enjoy his puppy craziness! :grin:


I’ve owned hundreds of animals on the farm literally. Currently four dogs, two of which are livestock guardians and I can tell you 100% @PlantShepherd you get out what you put in. And if you are motivated like it surely looks your gonna do fine. If I may give one word of advise it would be stay consistant. The dog will repeat if taught the exact same long enough. However if you vary the dog will get confused and react differently. I’m not a trainer but I’m experienced. Haha. That means I failed and learned😎


Thanks man! I owned and trained a couple of Rottweilers, but it was 25 years ago, and I both forget stuff and things have changed. My hope is this dog is going to be my companion and will go everywhere with me. Now if I can just get him to ride in the truck! :roll_eyes:

Seriously though, I think you are totally right about you get out what you put in. I’m a firm believer that well trained dogs have more fun - cause they get to go more places, do more things, and have less restraints. This dog was a livestock dog. So he really hasn’t had any training. I realized I need to treat him like an 8 week old puppy and start with the basics - sit, heel, stay down, etc even though he’s a big boy.

As a side note here, I trained my dogs with pinch collars and it worked excellent. It sounds like people don’t like using pinch collars anymore, but I’m not really finding what the replacement is. I feel like there is a lot of misinformation and people are more scared of how they look then what they actually do to the dog. The prongs pinch the skin together, they don’t stick into the dogs neck. I think choke chains on the other hand are far more detrimental.

My morning rant, and I’m not even high yet… easily solved problem. :see_no_evil:


This is working for our dog. Easy Walk harness.


Gracie. 11 months old.


Much luck brother. You already are a success in that pooch eyes.

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