Show your animal

Omg, thank you all! I’m SO happy. I picked him up from the shelter, and he has really been a handful! I have 5 acres that only has some horse fencing, and is not enough to keep him in right now. He obviously knows about electric fence by the way he approaches the horse fencing. I’ve been walking him for like two days, petting him. I am going to get a kennel. George is right, he doesn’t like kennels at all, but I can’t have him destroy my house either. Gonna get him a fenced in area asap. He went to the vet yesterday, and he is 11.5 months old, and 105.3 lbs. I think hes still a little skinny from being stressed at the shelter. So yeah, I absolutely love him, but he is going to be some work! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :


You were both right with that Arriba|nullxnull. Excuse me, I’m like a grandma telling his daughter how to educate her niece nena|nullxnull .

Mine never enters at home, has a marriage bed in the garage but already opened bags and spread some curtains, carpets and tablecloths my landlord had stored there… :sweat:

He was also skinny and weak from the previous family:

it’s just a question of time and taking care, I know you’re going to do a great work with him and he will love you for that, keep posting pics … beer3|nullxnull


Meet my buddy Einstein,

A rescue from a tough city… probably on the streets since a pup… …but with love and a little understanding I AM the alpha dog he has been a great addition to the family. ** Note if you pop a bud on the floor around this guy when clipping… best pick it up quick! :slight_smile: **


:disappointed_relieved: whew, I’m soooo tired. Time for a nap.


My buddy post gift opening and many opportunities to smell. Time for a siesta!


I posted in the past but haven’t updated in a while, in November old age and dementia caught up to our border collie mix Declan and he passed away. My girlfriend and I had initially talked and decided we would wait until after the holiday’s to start looking for a dog that needed a home with the exception if a absolutely perfect dog for our home needed a home or if it was a situation where if us adopting made the difference of life or death than we would. The story gets kinda cool now, 4 years ago I went with my girlfriend to her friend and Co workers house for a Christmas get together, her friend had a little dog that was 1 year old at the time named Ricky, he sat on me and followed me around the entire night, I joked that if he ever needed a new home I would absolutely love to have him, even over the years when I would see her friend I’d often joke asking if Ricky needed a home yet. Early December 2021 due to health issues with Ricky’s owner they could no longer care for him and we adopted him, he came into our home like he had lived here forever there was no adjustment period at all he just fits in perfectly. Life isn’t always easy and having this guy come into life has definitely improved my mental health alot. He is 5 years old and is chihuahua mixed with something else but we don’t know what.


I got two new kitties in July 2020

hades is the black kitty and Nyx is the grey one


Ricky was meant to be with you, why else would he tolerate the Santa LOL Great story mate. Happy New Year.


2 rescues


Been a tough one transitioning with this guy. I think/hope we are making progress. He can be really super sweet one minute, and really super stubborn the next. Tried taking him out last night to pee, and a good sized buck ran out about 20 feet in front of us. The dog about ripped my arm off. :roll_eyes:



The 2 in the back seat have something in there sight .

1 Like

Good Boy.


Ripped it off to get the buck or run away good looking dog



Thanks man! Oh he was going after the buck. I’m not exactly sure how that would have ended, but being as how he is only 11 months, I think I would put my money on the buck lol. Funny enough, he loves the horse next door. Even licked the horse’s nose and wanted to play the other day. :v:


this one is wild lol she chase anything crows paper bits of fluff she only wants to play,I couldn’t let her off leash unless in was inclosed


Midnight with his dad before his dad passed away so we adopted from our passed away friend


Buzz light Year


Our last pomerainian.
We are just about to start up our breading program again . Mo more Breading or showing Dobermans to much work