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Maybe one previous owner with a ball cap has beaten him? icon_e_surprised|nullxnull It’s the counter part of shelter dogs, you never know the “baggage” of past experiences they carry :roll_eyes:. Mine came from a family that had a mastiff with puppies and was aggressive with him, he came all the travel with his big head in my shoulder and the paws in the gear and steering wheel, fortunately no popos around :sweat_smile:.

Next day I wanted to take him to the mountains but didn’t want to mount in the car, had to push him inside but escaped because front door was open. Very nervous while travelling, guess he thought I wanted to give him back.

Descending in a mud pathway in the woods he almost threw me down by pulling, I took a stick and threatened him but he laid down instantly four legs in the air and with panic in his face. I understood he was beaten before and never did it again.

Now he is more confident and rushes inside the car as it means walking in the countryside and just rule him with my voice. This means that you will have to be patient, at least now he feels safe in his crate and it’s “home” for him.

It takes longer to build trust and confidence, don’t think the problems you mentioned are big enough and can be solved with time and patience, I am sure you will find the way … beer3|nullxnull


My sons name is Bear does that count
With his God father
Yes he’s a 28 yr old Bear that’s when he was a cub



He looks so.much like Buzz


I won’t let him in the grow area any more because do to him :100: cat he immediately jumped on the top of my gorrilla tent
I about shot right then


I know what you mean … Tom Cruiser loves sprouts for breakfast … 12 man …

Safira jumps… in the nurcery trays

Loves fan leafs

Made a mind protocol to avoid crashcat stuffTom and Safira  frame


I had a pomerainian that was in love with strawberry caugh
Twice in 1 yr it cost 600 to have his stomach pumped at Santa Barbara 24 hr emergency vet becouse it always happend in middle of the nite when I was trimming
He would eat any buds that smells like strawberry


Might be good for there tract

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i would like to see more pigs and cows. does anyone out there own pigs or cows?

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not sure why, but your dog reminds me of the dog in the movie road trip;



dude looks happy in that first pic. i don’t really know how i feel about the idea of owning a cat.

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I have always had cats in my life since day 1. It would be weird for me not to have more then one. :joy: :crazy_face:



No offense i normally don’t find these dogs cute but yours sir a heckin adorable


Their good dogs but then come with a lot of problems both mine have allergies,pup has wheat allergies and and they older white one has pollen and grass allergies lol
The white one hates dogs ,he grew up with my pitbull after the pitbull died he wasn’t dog friendly anymore,he puts up with the pup he don’t really have a choice lol

The pup loves everyone lol she’s not really a pup anymore she’s 2 years old now,white dog has bladder cancer so at the minute just trying to keep his life easy till it’s his time to go,he has to take pills daily
Can’t live without a dog I grew up with them


This is my sweet boy, Daxflame. He was my best friend and companion for 16 years.
Unfortunately he took the journey over the rainbow bridge this past weekend. I will never forget
all of the happiness you brought me Dax, love you always.


I’m pretty sure they own me actually :sweat_smile: