Show your animal

all the cats are asleep!!


Holy shit dude! That is freaking awesome!!! I really love how you have the ramp and over hang so if there is a lot of snow they can still get in and out easily. I have an overhang on my trailer. I was thinking about putting a dog house underneath it for when we get feet of snow. I donā€™t want to have to dig the dog house out all the time.

Can I ask, do the dogs do well with the chickens, or will they eat them? I think my dog will eat them, but I havenā€™t tested that yet. I really wanted a cat too, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s gonna happen.

Really love your little spot, thanks for sharing. Iā€™m gonna keep hoping I can something similar one of these days. :pray:

Good news is I think I found a job with another dispensary for the summer. Now I just need to get him situated. Really concerned about leaving him home alone for hours on end.


We also caught two baby sun fish and let them grow before release well one made it he was a territorial asshole and killed every fish we had in there besides the cray fish even his sunfish buddy of a year ina half ā€¦last winter we got three dozen rosey red minnows and let em in the tank three days all the minnows were gone ā€¦between the two sunfish and the three cray fish they did some damageā€¦ended up moving to a place with a pond so we let the big sunny go in there


They are a work in progress. Every once in a while they get too buddy buddy with a chicken. Lol


Mine ate a rabbit for lunch. Iā€™m not getting a cat. :see_no_evil:


You donā€™t trust him yet to sleep in the house? :grin:We got a big collapsible kennel for in the house that our dog used for a month, till we were sure he wouldnā€™t destroy the house while we slept. Bought an outside dog house that he wouldnā€™t use. Your boy looks very happy in the snow!


Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. He might like cold weather, but where I live, you can have your pets taken away if you keep them out when the temps get down beyond a certain point.


Its not about that. This is NOT a normal pet. Livestock guardians have not been completely domesticated on purpose to keep their instinctual habits. These are whatā€™s preferred when looking to protect our animals. There are stories of making them a house dog but every pro breeder and trainer advise against it. Lord know my wife would have both my monsters in my bed and Iā€™d be in the coup! Not trying to be condescending but I have done some research and training lessons


I had the animal control officer show up here one night. Someone drove by and reported my cows outside in the 5 degree temp. I told him if you can get them in the barn ill lock em up. Those cows give birth at ten degrees. Black angus. Baby just fine. Very nerve racking until I understood nature and the defenses they give these animals


Actually heā€™s super good in the house when I sleep at night! The doghouse is for if I need to be at work all day and itā€™s going to be really cold out. Heā€™ll probably never use the dog house lol. Iā€™m going to keep thinking on that one. Omg, he loves the snow. Itā€™s crazy.

Oh shit lol. What is considered a house dog? :speak_no_evil:

So, your situation with this type of dog is quite unique. These dogs are bred to bond and protect. All the time. My trainer had me train my dogs to leash up and leave the electric fence area because there are stories of dogs turning on owners when they try to get them to the vet. The dogs donā€™t understand anything but to protect these animals. The good part is they donā€™t know sheep from goats from chickens. If I wrestle with the male goat the dogs get anxious and circle me and will jump on me. Its pretty cool. When I say the dogs get too buddy with the chickens,in the break in period which could last 18 months they tell me the dogs will occasionally grab a chicken and lay down with it. The chickens natural defense is to just freeze not fight. Well at least the hensšŸ˜Ž. I come out and a chicken will just look up from under the dogs head like ā€œholy balls man get me the eff outta hereā€. Haha.


So after hitting the Google monster, it seems as you can make them pets. After though they will not be Guardian dogs. Only to you @PlantShepherd . like a personal badass bodygaurd. Haha


I honestly had no idea. Iā€™ve only had Rottweilers, and they slept indoors with me as well. And that is so freaking cool about the chickens! I thought you meant they ate one once in a while. Iā€™ve considered some livestock animals, but I donā€™t know anything about raising them either. (I have had laying hens, but thatā€™s it).

Thatā€™s awesome about the personal body guard lol. I did actually get him to go hiking with me. The wildlife around here is pretty fierce. Iā€™m gonna do my best to socialize him though. I donā€™t want him attacking anyone.

Been spending a lot of time reading through the training material and working with him. Sometimes I shake my head, but sometimes he gets it and Iā€™m pretty stoked. Not sure if it is common for livestock dogs, but Iā€™m really impressed you got your dogs a trainer. Thanks again for all your help! :v:





Wellā€¦ My new dog (that came with the house) got her shots & exam & sheā€™s got heartworms & probably hookworms too. :frowning:

Have any of you had this issue & were you able to treat it? Iā€™m mostly familiar with the posters in the vetā€™s office where they show how nasty it is. :blush:




Beautiful pups @anon98660487 ! I have been thinking about getting a BT lately. We grew up idolizing Spuds MacKenzie! Thanks for sharing brother! djsf

