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crazy eyes


She’s beautiful bro. :heart:
Bobby my Lhasa would destroy her.
He’s had to be put on a diet after the vet told me off for him being overweight. Suprising hes so fat with his addiction to the white stuff. :rofl:



Gecko customs is the name


Lol thats actually just the effect of the cam flash

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So, they aren’t that gorgeous green? :green_heart: :seedling:

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Week 6 and 7 have been pretty quiet, he’s decided to test laying on my lap occassionally and if I’m really lucky rolling over so I can scratch his belly.

He showed signs of a seizure on the 22nd as he was having a hard time keeping his balance and was jerking his head in a spastic motion and was glued to my side, so I camped out in the living room with him that afternoon and his true cuddlebug nature came out. Seemed like an appropriate time to sew patches on all the holes he tore in my jeans during one of his furry ball of fury moments. Which kicked off Shibanalia, 5 days of celebrating the wee rage gremlin with toys, treats, long walks in the blizzard running after snow flakes(apparently our new favourite thing to do). Which was a good time as the last chomp was still bleeding; it took around 10 days for the deepest puncture to fully close which has added a new layer of fun to walks/working as I hobble along. We’re at 15 days chomp free again, 10 more to go before we break the old streak.

Since I’ve been working the last couple days we’re having a quiet night for new years; we’ll go for a long 1.5-2 hour walk since we’ve just done the bare minimum morning/evening walks, stop and visit his fans at the pet shop and pot shop (we’re working on social skills not as I try to convince him not to eat other people’s faces as a general rule) and then bunker down and hope the fireworks aren’t too bad/triggering. If they are I just finished baking a new batch of treats so we can do training to keep him distracted and as relaxed as possible.


You’re doing a great job with him, if my dog bites me I personally cut his balls… Aplausos(1)


When I saw how close the bite holes were to my balls he was lucky I didn’t notice earlier that he was trying to castrate me lol.

I don’t blame him as he’s just scared and wasn’t given the structure he needed growing up, I knew taking in such a reactive dog that getting bitten was likely. He’s far surpassed my expectations as I wouldn’t have been surprised if he never got affectionate and we simply learned to co-exist peacefully. His growing affection is worth the work, chomp’s and a scar or two; seeing him come to me when he’s scared, his excitement when I get home or wake up and now slowly letting others get closer is heart melting. He wanted to stay and visit longer at the shop yesterday as he gets more comfortable with the staff, I had to coax him back to walking with a treat lol. The fact people are obsessed with becoming his friend to be able to pet him makes finding victims, I mean volunteers for socializing a lot easier.


I saw where those patches were located :see_no_evil: but didn’t want to make an easy joke with it :sweat_smile:, mine had a tough challenge when a neighbour came to liberate him from his dumbness with an electric saw and a hammer, fortunately no one wounded … ges_up


This is AISHA. (Ya-jah).we got her thinking she was a chow but she not… She loves water … She dives underwater… She jumps a 4foot fence…:green_heart:

This one is my pitbull. Smile. I trained her to hunt lizards lol… Now i point at anything and she git’s it. Lol. But she is such a people person. Both my dogs are very protective of my daughter.

These are my daughters. Yeah right. I take care of em’ :joy::rofl:. But all my animals are females. Shuuuut my entire house hold including animals are all female’s im the only male. Talk about never ending chores shuu


Mrs. mota and I, independently of one another, had Guinea pigs when we were in single digits. Don’t you just love their squeaks?! I had males and females. My folks were on the more liberal side. rofl


That’s too funny, doesn’t look like he’s impressed with the idea of being liberated lol.

There’s a hole just below the crotch but I couldn’t fit a patch so it got sewed shut…


He stayed like that almost 4 hours until I found it, my neighbor heard him moaning pretty early, I just encountered a dog with no head on the other side of the door … :see_no_evil:

Maybe yours think one male at home is enough … frech|nullxnull


Happy new year to you and your pup @George : )


Would CBD work to control the seizures?

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Thanks, same to you and yours beer3|nullxnull, he´s the only one to bring a smile on my face daily, here inspecting some strange plant full of :tomato::tomato::tomato: at this time of the year … icon_e_surprised|nullxnull


Genki, the long headless cat.

Does your cat love hot laundry? Of course she/he/they do! They’re cats!


When the rage gremlin comes out any rational thoughts disappear as the urge to kill everything takes over lol


We’re trying CBD now to see if it controls the seizures since they aren’t regular enough to merit anti-seizure meds which are hard on the body. Kinda hard to say if they are doing anything since he doesn’t get seizures regularly.