Show your animal

Hola Gang

Female boxer
from breeder

Got lucky

one buck



Heā€™s like, but I left some for you too man!


Sorry I missed that comment.
Thanks, Its Much appreciated

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:cowboy_hat_face:Is that his friend or foe?? :mage:


Neither, first wild meeting between them.

That said Border Collie is special dog with like cat character and strong connection, also her young mistress was in love with me so it had helped my catā€™s boldness ^^


Millie showing her GSD side. 5 months now, and 54 lbs.

She has been gaining 2+ lbs a week.


What up Guys! Just found this thread and now am thoroughly enjoying it!

The heeler mix is Jenny she is super sweet, the red guy is Harley my pup in heaven.


Nice looking pups.
Lots of pet lovers on OG. This and the kitty thread are a couple of my favorite threads.
Animal lovers always seem to relate to each other.



Sheā€™s a sweetheart lab/pitty rescue who lays down on her belly to let small dogs play with her and is the most gentle dog I have ever owned.


Thanks dude, yeah itā€™s super weird when people say they donā€™t like animals. I do have a few friends that would come over and be like ā€œ Hey you know your dog just jumped up on the couchā€ and then they get super surprised when they find out itā€™s his little couch. But they just think Iā€™m weird.


My dog has a throne. Itā€™s actually mine but I never sit in it so I guess itā€™s his now.


Just to make sure I understand, the top is down when your pup is sitting on the throne? :upside_down_face:

Outta likesā€¦


If I could instil that kind of discipline Iā€™d be a millionaire.


No shit (at least on the floor), pun intended.

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Koa predicts the Maui will be better than the Skunk Super Hero !

Update : Koa was right, the day after this picture the Skunk came down :sob:. It was a boy !


An update on the Face Eating Rage Gremlin (F.E.R.G.) as itā€™s been 6 weeks since heā€™s drawn blood and weā€™ve gone from pretty much daily attempts to kill me to only a couple per week.

Following the advice from a reactive dog group and based on the working idea that his anxiety from being rehomed multiple times combined with unknown abuse/lack of healthy structure and training as a puppy had pushed him to a point where his aggression was decentralized and becoming generalized as he saw everything as a threat; Iā€™ve taken a consensual based training approach to de-escalate the situation and help him relax until we can get back to training to work through his many issues.

The only structured part of the day is feeding every 12 hours despite his food aggression. I donā€™t give him food until heā€™s calm and listening to instructions as the trainers advice to not feed him when he showed aggression definitely only made things worse. He no longer shows aggression when I take his empty food bowl away, only when I bring the full bowl back weirdly. Although itā€™s gone from taking 30+ mins to get him calm to usually 5 or less.

Leash aggression became the big issue as he was more and more hesitant to put the leash on after getting triggered a couple times when I went to take it off which was never an issue. Again, following the consent based philosophy instead of trying to get him to walk on a schedule every 12 hours I followed his lead. When he scratched to go out for a walk Iā€™d loop the slip lead over his head (the only option since he stopped taking treats to let me put it on), which was originally triggering itself but has become acceptable. For a week I was highly anxious and worried about having to put him down as he was only going for a walk to poo/pee every 36-48 hours, last week he decided every 24 hours was ok, which progressed to every 18-20 hours the last couple days. This morning he surprised me by wanting to go out again after less then 12 hours, as well as going farther then we have in weeks. So instead of around the block (which takes 15-20 mins as he has to stop, listen and decide heā€™s not in imminent danger ever 50 ft) we went all the way to the pet store the next block over! Big progress lol.

Not that he wasnā€™t clear he was ready and willing to kill me when we got home of course. If anyoneā€™s wondering the leash looped around him is how we resolved chomping on me when I took it off; I simply donā€™t use the stop to keep it tight around his neck and hyper focus on keeping it taught while walking so he canā€™t slip out until we get back inside (with him snarling to make it clear heā€™s willing to kill at any moment) where I let go and he can shake it off at his leisure. Far from ideal but workable and honestly kinda funny watching him trot around until it drops. Obviously Iā€™d rather not as I realise that itself is annoying for him and itā€™d be best to take it off when we get home bit realistically as that was triggering him because of his issues with having hands (also feet) moving around his head/shoulders itā€™s the best option.

Muzzle training was going well until I realized that if I clipped it on, heā€™d get triggered and I wouldnā€™t be able to get it off without likely being bitten. So itā€™s on pause while I continue looking for a training with the experience and skills to help him, itā€™s painfully clear (literally as I have multiple scars to prove it) that any dominance based training approach only makes things dramatically worse.

For anyone wondering, I kinda stopped counting how many times heā€™s bitten me although Iā€™m sure itā€™s over 20 in total (wouldnā€™t be surprised if itā€™s closer to 30 honestly). Itā€™s more practical to track scars and nerve damage at this point; a quick count shows 27 scars from punctures and thereā€™s a dead patch just below my left wrist from nerve damage, as well as no feeling on my inner right pinky finger from a well placed chomp that caused almost no damage but apparently solidly killed the nerve lol. Nothing serious and in the end trivial compared to the chronic back pain from working in the trades, weā€™re an ironically well suited match as most people wouldnā€™t be able to handle him. Being neurodivergent I understand itā€™s not about me or personal, I can relate to being highly traumatized and reactive and the bites were a nice vacation from the day to day back pain. Which is back which avengence now that I donā€™t have flesh wounds distracting meā€¦


@Somatek, thanks for the update. Maybe the four legged killer is beginning to realize a familiarity with you and his daily activities. Best of luck!

@Somatek so glad to see youā€™re staying the course. Even though heā€™s been evil, it seems heā€™s starting to settle down. I really hope that he comes around. It takes time to ā€œunlearnā€ everything that heā€™s been through. Donā€™t give up, Iā€™m sure that in the end, youā€™re going to have a very faithful pup who truly understands that heā€™s in a good place.
My hats off to you sir!!!


My daughter made a pillow for Dabby. Spoiled dog.


A new favorite spot.