Show your animal

That is not an animal.


The black GSD in the background
She is eating these berries


Now you’ve got my curiosity piqued? :thinking: and please do, all these pics are great!


Hank as a pup, Hank and spike (my girlfriends dog) meeting for the second time on common ground after the first not going great :roll_eyes: hence the muzzle on Hank even though it was spike who caused the reaction. I take full responsibility for the situation though. Should have known better but just drove for 9 hours :sleeping:
And now they’re inseparable :blue_heart:

And I can’t DM you to tell you for some reason bro



It’s funny how they can grow inseparable and best friends like that after meeting on bad terms, dogs are so great! Puppy pictures get me every single time! Especially with the big oversized ears etc. hmmm? Probably still too new, that will change quick. Hey is hers a pit bull?


@Jetdro where you located it’s early for the black berries to be out? Just started budding out here? But morels did pop early this year.


Same as people though. Fought with most the people I’ve called good friends for many years :rofl: a handshake and a spliff usually settles anything after that :muscle:
And once I can message I will do :100:

Spike is a Staffordshire bull terrier but he definitely has a pit face if you ask me. He’s like 11 years old now

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You are right, didn’t think of it that way. Odd how enemies become friends. With me it was usually the fact they actually stood up to me, usually makes me curious . Yes I thought for sure it was a pitty, man your dogs a big boy !

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Exactly the same. And a man that can fight it out and then shake hands after has good morals from the off. It’s a rare quality nowadays for sure :rofl:

I think there is a good % of pit in him but they’re a banned breed in the UK. So for that reason he’s a staffy :rofl::rofl::rofl::eyes:
Hanks just under 60kg. On his hind legs my height (6ft) he came here from Romania.

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Oh ya that’s a big boy wow! And I couldn’t agree more about that being a rare quality. It’s crazy as 20 years ago it was how u wanted to be seen, nowadays idk what they want to be seen as but it’s definitely not loyal, respectful, trustworthy people who’s word is bond haha. Definitely a strange new world bro. :man_facepalming:t2:

My big boy (62 kg approx)


My hiking/fishing buddy 7 months old now


No, been picking them for 2 months, they ripen different times over a few months right here.

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Couldnt ask for a better buddy!!!


Yeah he’s awesome,my old lab passed away after 14 years of friendship so after 6 months of being dogless,I couldn’t take it anymore.



Some happy dogs in here! Cats too :wink:

This is Kota, she’s 7 now


I’m a pretend artist wannabe… I love the looks of a good sketch and colored pencils are a favorite medium. but, learning to grow a bit taking on water colors lately… I get this interest from my Aunt Judy who has a gallery out in Vegas…
Meet Loki… my buddy Matt’s new pup. the photo had him sitting in the kitchen in doggy jail…

lol I’m now working on a pose he sent where Loki is laying down facing you.

and one I did years ago of my 1st Toy Rat Terrier named Rizzo, and yes, named after a muppet rat named Rizzo from Muppet Treasure Island… lol


@George i absolutely love that pic! @Carty very nice! My dads Wheaton recently died and he has portraits commissioned and I love them. Honestly I think I’m going to get a few done of my baby girl Charlii before she starts looking old and her colour fades.