Show your animal

Stink in his natural habitat


Agree @George



Hank and spike :blue_heart:


My DSD love those berries too! :smiley:


This is Marlo, he wondered onto our a property a few weeks ago and was stalking my free range chickens. Normally the strays around here are pretty skittish but he walked right up to me when I came outside. He must of gotten caught in a barb wire fence because he was covered in cuts and punctures. He was really in rough shape between that and all the ticks I had to remove. The picture above is about a week after I found him.

Everyday Iā€™d let him out and heā€™d run off but always be back in time for dinner. He healed quickly and he was a super sweet dog. Every night heā€™d sleep quietly in the garage. After about a week or so we found a local shelter that could take him and get him neutered and vaccinated. Itā€™s still breaking my heart that I had to leave him there but unfortunately we canā€™t afford a fifth dog and I couldnā€™t find anyone I know to adopt him. Itā€™s been 10 days and I think the shelter is annoyed that I keep calling to check on him.

Just wanted to share with you all cause heā€™s awesome and maybe someone is looking for a new friend.


My next drawing after I draw a kitty cat for Lady Zandraā€™s Daughter who just had one pass from cancerā€¦ so to cheer her up Iā€™ll be starting her something next.

Then, my older brothers Mastiffā€¦ this is her begging for coffee at a campoutā€¦
and I thought my dog was a coffee addict.


pharmerfil, you sir rockā€¦ To take in a stray, clean her up and give her a fighting chance is so epically cool and right on. Animals are like kids, the purity of their heartsā€¦
I hope and pray someone sees the side of this pup you seen worthy of assistance, love and friendship. I see him tagging along on fishing tripsā€¦


Any person whom does this generous act will be rewarded with karma. Just ask @PlantShepherd Way to give the guy a chance @pharmerfil


Millie. Almost 6 months old.


smoking a joint at the back door and come back to spike perched in a basket. Managed a terrible snap before he jumped out. Hank figured his teeth make good holes in the trampoline and for some reason he really wants to eat the neighbour Graham :rofl: due some sunshine tomorrow so going to go for a walk up at binn green. (A Google will show you I can only upload one pic)


Hey Boozer!! Thanks for tagging me! Been so busy I forgot to keep up with this thread. And yes! Karma goes around, especially when it comes to animals. I absolutely love my boy. So glad I stuck it out!

@pharmerfil Nice work man! Keep annoying that shelter! Maybe then theyā€™ll find him a good home! You could also foster him, just saying lol. But yeah, looking at my food bills every month I understand not being able to afford another. :wink: :v:

@MonasticDank Omg yes! I love him/her! So beautiful! (Iā€™m a sucker for big dogs). :heart:

@Floyd Millie is absolutely gorgeous! Canā€™t wait to see what a beauty she grows up to be! How much is she weighing now?

My boy doesnā€™t like to be inside much, but I sure love it when he does. :slight_smile:



She goes to the vet next week. But Im guessing 60+ lbs


Nice! Sheā€™s gonna be a big girl! :+1:


Not big like your boy but a good sized dog. She is kind of thick. Lol


Man, 60+ at 6 months. Sheā€™s gonna have to fill out to at least like 100-120 lbs no? I last took my boy to the vet in January, and at 2 y/o he was 121lbs. Donā€™t think he will get much bigger. Maybe a few pounds. I wouldnā€™t mind if he started eating a little less. Heā€™s eating at minimum 7c of kibble, ground beef and/or soft food, a pig ear and beef liver treats every day. Some days itā€™s up to 9c of kibble. :sweat_smile:


Ive read that at 6 months large breeds are about 60% of there adult size. But we will see.
My other girl is 75 lbs. I have to feed them both. Lol


Look how pretty Iā€™m sitting.
Look how good Iā€™m being.
Look how much I deserve a treat.
Seriously whereā€™s my fucking treat?


Try feeding four 100 pounders, its silly


@PlantShepherd thatā€™s a great looking pup you have there!

Iā€™m hoping everyday they find him a good home cause heā€™s a really sweet dog. If they donā€™t find someone to adopt him I will end up fostering him. It was just bad timing since we found this other little goofball a few months ago.

Heā€™s probably the most carefree dog Iā€™ve ever had, nothing bothers him and he just wants to play all day. Iā€™m pretty lucky that they find me somehow.


Thank you! I love the shit outta him.

Thatā€™s super nice of you to take care of Marlo. Dogs can get a real rough lot in life. Good karma to you. And lmao, those floppy ears are adorable! He sure looks like a carefree dog (complete opposite of mine).
