Show your fresh and clean glass!

No metal, totally agreed :ok_hand:

PBW (Powdered Brewery Wash) is a patented alkali cleaner originally developed for Coors, now widely used in commercial breweries across North America. Use 1 to 2 ounces per gallon for cleaning kettles, 3/4 ounce per gallon for fermenters, kegs, tanks, and other equipment. Soak equipment overnight in PBW solution; rinse the following morning - no scrubbing required! Will not damage rubber gaskets, soft metals, or your skin. PBW can effectively clean items that can not be reached with a brush or sponge, and is strong enough to remove thick, difficult, caked-on organic soils.


Yup That’s the stuff @3bombedmice
It works great on all my brewing equipment and it is safe. Thought I’d try a little on my glass and it works great and I found it is easier to use than the salt/alcohol. Much less scrubbing for me.
Plus it works instantly. You can see the resin just fall away. Most of the time I don’t even need to use the bottle brush to scrub but I do it anyway.


I wanted to see glass and I got a lesson in brewing liquor :rofl: I love overgrow! Yall are great!

This is my daily. Thought it was a bubbler when I was tripping nuts. Put water in. And we’ll it’s not a bubbler. Oldest piece I have.


I like the (pinched sides) ice cubes holder.

Isopropyl alcohol works great. In First Aid section of drug stores. Melts old resin quickly.

This is my “color changing” pipe for sipping on ganja. The flared stem makes for extra smooth smoking.



91% isopropyl alcohol and pink Himalayan salt, the alcohol does not dissolve the salt and it acts as an abrasive, knocking the resin from the pipe walls.

would the iso work with white kosher?

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Yes it works exactly the same way

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If you don’t mind spending the $40, this ultrasonic cleaner works incredibly well:

It will fit two pipes with room to spare. Two drops of Dawn dish washing liquid and hot water and they are completely clean. It runs in adjustable increments up to 5 minutes, so you have to restart it every 5 minutes, but 3 cycles cleans my wife’s filthy, disgusting, stinky pipes like they are brand new inside and out. I can’t stand the smell of a dirty pipe, and she has several of them :slight_smile: She has a white pipe I wanted to show you after it has been cleaned, but it’s filthy. I’ll do a before and after sometime today. Here is a pic for size reference. This is a standard size spoon.


$20 at Walmart for a gallon.

Works instantly, leaves no residue


You sure that acetone is pure? I am by no means a expert but I believe many of those Lowes chemicals are not pure and would leave something behind.

Who knows what the something actually is lol.

It’s Walmart acetone. I don’t mess with that Lowe’s stuff. Their buckets are inferior to Home Depot

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