Show your Knuckles! (Super Crop)

Apparently @Mr.Sparkle has his own technique that I was told by @KingGhidora was like “super cropping” maybe he would be nice enough to explain it to both of us


i can’t show mine or the girls’ (no camera yet) but i have just started a variation on this technique after reading Soma’s Organic Cannabis book. also, it seems there are variations of topping/training and the word “supercropping” applied to more than one(?) my first encounter with the term was Jorge’s purple book in which a plant is topped after the 2 largest bottom branche segments. i did this several times now and it is a great technique for space/profile mgmt & more uniform branches. i find that 6 branches is ideal & 8 too crowded(so the 3rd segment is topped).

and now i’ve started bending to the near-point of kinking/cell-rupture…Soma-style, but less rough(in his book he shows a nasty wounded bend going grey-brown…ugh! :astonished:). i aim to only bend & form, not damage the branches, to gain the bushiness & reduce stretch, and it’s working beautifully. i like it. :slight_smile: the big caveat is that some plants are stronger than others & there’s somewhat of a permanent learning curve because of it. also, the time of day seems to affect the response, with morning being ideal, afternoon not-so.
(matches the harvest-in-the-morning rule too).

and there’s almost certainly at least one fertilizer or some nute crap out there with the same name, heheh…(…ReikoX?)

:evergreen_tree: <-- hates bending because he’s stiff & old & knuckley

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I did a experiment this round and tried to see how much was too much when rupturing cell for a bend. I smashed one down to the skin, it split and I thought for sure it would fall off. It’s flowering just fine, nasty flat and 4 way split. I can’t even see where anything would get to the rest of the limb. Yes it’s slightly stunted, but it’s still doing what it does. I honestly feel like you get better bud site development when damaging cell slightly vs just a gentle bend. When I harvest I will try to take pics of this experiment, I took a single plant, got rough with 2 tops, and put a gentle bend in 2 tops. Should give me concrete data, that I will share.

I’m a noob so I’m sure this has already been done 1000 times, but it’s what I do in my garden lol



Chopped this male down today it has a nice bend in it! To the compost pile it goes!


I have been looking for a thick enough knot to work into a pipe. :slight_smile:


6 posts were split to a new topic: Medicinal properties of Male plants

All good by me! Clutter away


I wanna try this. Is it done in veg? Do you have to do it when the stems are solid or hollow?

Its done in veg as a form of High Stress Training. I like to bend and tie for low stress, but some times i need this limb at a 90* right here hehe… Snap crackle pop… Perfect!

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There are quite few articles on supercropping in our #advanced-techniques-experiments:growfaq. Essentially it is traning and using ties (similar to Scrog). It is often combined with stem crushing:


My 50State F1 Bodhi OrangeSunShine1 … all knuckley & see the neem overspray sunburn :fire:



This girl I have tilted over pretty good plus a nice thick knuckle wondering how much bigger her trunk is going to get ! Going to take a saw to get this bitch down! lol


if you can, just shear it off at the ground level & let the “soil food web” magic eat up the roots. :rainbow: :comet: :wheel_of_dharma:

or just tie it to your bumper & :blue_car: give it a 5’ drive. :wink:

:evergreen_tree: heh


Love what your throwing down here @cannabissequoia after all the roots have nutes! Eh?


Lol you mean most people don’t leave the root ball?? I have never pulled my roots out of the ground


super bump. miss you @Hoodini :wave:



Loving your mulch man! That’s great stuff!


Bumping this thread!


I’ll get some closeups my next round of it or once these fully heal


This was supercropped and is also tied down. Really curious what this 20 gal beast will finally yield