Shroom tent in grow room for supplemental coe

Toying around with the idea of growing some shrooms in my spare tent and using it to supplement co2 in my grow room. Anyone ever do this? If so was it worth it?


That’s brilliant idea!
Mushrooms generate huge amounts of co2, and plants would probably love it.
Experiment, and keep us posted!


My local grow shop sells mushroom pouches you grow in your tent for exactly that reason.


That’s my plan. I’ve got 8 1/2 gallon jars colonizing, then I will put in mono tubs. Hopefully it’s enough CO2 to run the room without ventilation.


If the tents are plumbed together I think it would work, in a single tent I think you would want to try to elevate the tubs so the CO2 drains down to the plants.

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My grow room is my spare bedroom, I’d have the shroom tent set up inside the grow room exhausting towards the plants if I do this.


Yes I have. I grew lizard king free air in my room last fall. It was some extra spawn I had, so I literally mixed it with a half gallon each of compost and manure, that I had in my room, in a 5 gallon cloth pot. I did it for shits and giggles, not expecting anything. I would literally water it with the same nutrient laden water as my plants… I ended up pulling almost 2 oz over 4 flushes from it. I was blown away.

I currently have a 5ish lb block of ps galindoi (a sclerotia producer) in there. Its been colonizing and building truffles for about 6 months, so I just opened the top to fruit it. If you left the bag closed, it should just continue to make truffles and produce co2 for over a year.


As long as your circulating your air its not going to matter.

I have a dedicated mushroom tent going at another location, ill be up there tomorrow to spawn monster APE and to case blue magnolia classic and tidal wave (3 gallons substrate to 2 gallons spawn each). I’ll take some pics.

Fuck i love ann arbor sometimes.

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Whole block


I see hyphae!

I just soaked it down with Dr myc mushroom growth promoter and trich control since its open air.


Rooms gonna be sealed. I’m planning on doing co2 weather or not I go the shroom route.

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What i meant is, as long as you have fans in your room circulating air, your not going to need to worry about the co2 pooling.

I got a bad bag of manure and compost, gotta get more for substrate before I head to the tent. I’ll be up there tomorrow afternoon.

Also keep in mind that they produce the majority of their co2 during colonization, after its consolidated and they start to fruit, they are using o2. I.E. use a sclerotia producer if you want a co2 boost that will last your whole grow.

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Now just throw in a 6 gallon carboy of some home-brew for the full synergistic entourage effect!!!

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Yes, If you search there are a couple good threads here about it.
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:

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