Thoughts on mycelium co2 bags…

I saw these mycelium bags for sale at a local mushroom farm. Was curious if anyone had tried them and thought they were worth the money…


I have used them, seemed to make a difference in veg. When i used them they were not that much money, but i also used yeast sugar water to make co2 it worked about as well, just had to change the yeast sugar water more often


I used them and felt they were a gimmick…that being said I invested in a tank and all that good stuff, I was running it. But plan to later when I switch grow areas.

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Might as well get mushroom grow bags, same thing basically but tastier.

Try dry champagne yeast. More tolerant to temps and alcohol content. And more bubbles

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Do you have a CO2 meter? Without a CO2 meter, how do you know it was even producing enough CO2? According to my meter, the acid/base reaction didn’t produce any notable CO2 increase in my 4x6 grow room. With a tank and regulator I can easily get it to 1000-1200 PPM. At that level, I definitely see a difference.


They have these co2 burner bucket for 60 bucks. I don’t know exactly what they are called. It’s some kind of chemical reaction I think. A 60 dollar bucket supposed to last 4 weeks. Ebay carries them. I think that would be the way to go for safety and if your on a budget. That’s prolly what I’ll wind up trying at first.
Other then that it sucks because I want co2 to be added to my grow as well and the best safest pretty much the only way is saving enough money for the whole deal prolly around 300 bucks

Don’t waste your money. My 2¢.

Don’t waste your money on what? Co2 all together?

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I would not buy mycelium Co2 bags. Co2 supplementation depends on the situation imo.

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Absolutely. It depends on light strength and intensity. I don’t think there is any good way of achieving perfect Co2 levels for maximum growth unless you buy the whole nine

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im currently setting up a sealed flower room and I think for what its worth if your already going through all the work of sealing up a room just for flowering might aswell get a co2 tank and go all the way :wink:

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Absolutely agreed but it’s something a lot of people can’t afford all at one time.
Have you ever looked at your indoor plants and thought man they just don’t look good today or why are they saggy? IMHO it’s a Co2 issue

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:sweat_smile: I’m looking for green and not much else. I still have lots to learn haha… Right now im at a spot where my plants are so big i dont know if i should even worry about the rough looking leaves because it still has so many healthy ones lol

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I have a propane water heater. I could vent that to my grow space but would prolly be way to much. I gotta fucking save up a few hundred more for Co2 now. There’s no end lol. But will save for it. Next expenditure is going on cool tube vents and filters. Maybe the month after next I’ll get a Co2 setup. Shits expensive…!!

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Almost always worth saving and waiting in my experience! I tend to regret “cheaping out” and end up upgrading later on anyways.

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