Siberian Ruderalis Grow in a 2x2

It’s likely a pH problem.
But could be a calcium deficiency.


Eighteen what?

S1s seeds made for 2023

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I think she’ll respond better too pure tap,

I went adding nutes to the soil because I am reusing the soil shes in , and it was fine for a bit but I added too much considering this plant is a very light feeder

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I’ve found that a lot of stuff with ruderalis in it can be nute sensitive.


mmm, so any beans I make with her will likely get that trait too, wow :o

Still chugging along here. Would you guys do anything differently? I’m currently getting most of the longer branches tied down to spread her out and let light reach everything else below !

I’m considering light defoliation to open her up a little in around the core of the plant



You’ve got something really special going there @BeTheLight, and your heroic efforts to manage her are impressive.

I’ve been following from a distance, but I have two items to offer up.

First, here’s a tutuorial on doing a selective sequential pollination as you are considering. You may already have a plan but perhaps this step-by-step will be useful.

Secondly, I happen to have a supply of freshly collected original Frankenstein clone pollen available that I be happy to offer for your project. A marriage of two Monsters?
Send me a DM if you are interested.

Best of luck,


The smaller of the two Sour AMG BX @darkillusion the leaves are super soft and I already smell a feint hint of gas :fuelpump:


I have this smaller baby sitting on my desk getting about 178-200 PPFD , and the bigger ones in the tent :tent: I’ll grab a pic of it now


Love the look of these


I always expected pure ruderalis to be a short bud on a stick , oneblade leafs
This looks like a thai or similar :laughing:
Very interested to see where this goes



Shes a monster and I am terrified.

Right on though the seed vendor says this is an XXL that can get too 120M indoors, needs topped multiple times etc.

I just let it grow and did Not top :c … Hoping for the best with her. I need as many beans as she can create

Im realizing 120 M is not the right measurement :o


I’m also starting to wonder If I just happened to grow a seed with pheno traits that lean more ‘’ crazy ‘’ rather than short stick bud

oh you’ll get beans trust me… I once got a male auto in 700 ml pot mingle with 2 fem autos …
1 in a 300ml and the other 700mls… I shaked the male three times in a week after it started busting pollen then threw him out… Got around 6grams of bud and 150~ seeds (95% germ rates)

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<3 Good to hear

my noob ‘advice’ : don’t over pollinate if you want bigger (but less) , more robust* seeds…


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October 29th update.

The girls still crazy , but she seems to be maturing.

Main flower sites are finally starting to thicken up .

IMG_20231029_150512 IMG_20231029_150827


Nice training!

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Hehe yeah bro what Im doing worked but all I am doing is bending the branches down too the ground , since everything is so XXL it stays bent :stuck_out_tongue: