Siberian Ruderalis Grow in a 2x2

And she just keeps getting crazier. Having a little bit of burn on her so I will be cutting back on the weeds juice :cup_with_straw:.

The sour amg is starting nicely , one is growing a little quicker than the other. !

Hairs are exploding everywhere on SR


Holy jeebus! That things outta control, lol.
I recieved your letter yesterday btw. :wink:

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they are trying to escape the tent…
Before they get bushwacked

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I just keeps getting crazier to :rofl: I’m at a loss for what to do :sob::rofl:, good to hear !!

Supercrop that bitch

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But shes auto :eyes:

I’ve abused some autos before.
She’s already stretched and is in full flower, right?
What’s the worst that could happen?


To be fair I’m not 100 percent sure if she’s in full flower yet. Theirs hairs everywhere !! But I’m leaning towards she’s still stretching



My hell, I’m gonna get put through the ringer on that one. :grimacing:

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Absolutely :rofl:. She started showing female characteristics on week 2 I believe, and has been chugging along ever since , no matter what I tie down, the rest of the plant grows insanely and needs tied down in a few days :eyes::eyes::rofl:

I wish we knew for sure if they were fem seeds.

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I agree :confused: I want to believe they are but since they were samples , theirs no purchase data to look back on :confused: . At least they should display sex really early :slight_smile:

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Oh and I will say, the main stem basically is super cropped at this point, thats a forever bend on it :stuck_out_tongue:

Tie it in a knot! :crazy_face:

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I’d s1 that!


crossing her with herself?

To be fair I did throw some black cream on the main branches , Will find out later if it was too early

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It’ll get done. :wink:


Any idea what this is y’all?

I’m thinking it’s a nute burn because it started showing up once I added the weed water I’ve had sitting outside for a week :beverage_box:

I’m only feeding tap water that’s been left sitting for 24 hrs from now on !

I’ve done 18

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