Siberian Ruderalis Grow in a 2x2

I got my seeds from “white widow rocks” seed bank from canada. The plants they use now as parents produce airy foxtail buds. They dont make the little beads. I think @Upstate is right about the “bead” type having oaxacan in it. I have seen oaxacans in mexico that looked like “ Dr. Grinspoon. Also I dont play video games :grin:

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Hey man. I looked on The Real Seed Company’s website and their siberian is from the same place as Kalifa’s. So I am assuming its the same strain. The Real Seed Company has a small write-up on the Siberian that they grow. You might find it interesting.


So basically aside from lower resin production she did what she was supposed too and there wasnt really any error. RIGHT ON. Thanks man


what i thought id get vs


what i got XD


Yup. outdoor and indoor are not even close. I can grow anything outside in sun but when I play with indoor plants during the winter it looks pathetic. 🫣


Im noticing a trend of my indoor winter plants just failing :eyes: ( just seedlings hehe )

so I feel that one. Cant do outdoor though. I think my next step is a smart humidifier :stuck_out_tongue:


^ and just temperature - stuff grows better when its hot

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I think you did siberian some justice. They can be just as fussy about soil and nutrients as a Sativa. Yours looks happy. Nice job.
You just got a different phenotype is all. Looks like Siberian produces indica and sativa style buds…you got the Sativa. No error on your part.


Looks like it needed more light imo or picked too early . Still cool grow and thread. Are you sure that the correct genetic was sent? I always thought Siberia ruderalis was rather short with no branches. Seedlings are tricky when it’s cold. Make sure you have a warm spot until they get a few set of leaves or maybe get a cheap heating pad.

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Thanks @BeTheLight, that was an interesting read :open_book:

I just realised that it’s Siberian Ruderalis’ :100: year anniversary this year!

Discovered all the way back in 1924 :astonished:!


Dude that a wild fact wow !!! It was a wild ride LOL. Im glad that I have a more experienced grower on board for the next run of these ( secret secret )


That was my thought too, I thought they were short and small as well

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Thought I’d show off some Siberian I also grew in a 2x2 lol, heavy smells of lemon with a touch of incense and dash of anise. Non intoxicating high


Looks about like mine !!!

its a weird plant haha , mine id say smelled about the same tbh !

Looking back I think my issue Is I didnt let her finish :eyes: :confused: lol


All the more reason to get this repro going for the community. :wink:
Centennial celebration!


Ohwee. Im stoked man!!! If you’ve been following my new grow, I finally had sucess and made a new cross !!! Super cool, not alot of beanage though.

I hoping for the best for those Ruskie beans !

She really has a unique terp profile, would be very interesting to see male genetics carry those terps onto something, its hard to say if a cross with her would lower the THC much as her CBD content isnt that high anyway , either way. Im setting that repro to watching when it goes live !


Boi :rofl: did this pheno prove wrong ,

Man, this pheno sure proved wrong :skull::rofl:. I know for fact I didn’t finish the girl out because it was still getting taller when I chopped :skull:.

The way I see her, she was a stupid early starter but however long I grew her just wasn’t enough! All in all, it was a great lesson and fun experience, praying for success for the repro :slight_smile:


Interesting plants. Looks like a tropical Sativa!