South African Landraces

I hooked up last night with someone I just followed from an IG live that’s from South Africa who’s been traveling the world and picking Land Race Strains from Zimbabwe, Thailand, Sumatra, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia, Bali, Java etc… Like Strainhunters and he’s been doing this for 15 years and growing for twenty. He has seeds from all those original landraces and wants me to get them to Breeders in the States for free. Interesting Gentleman well educated and he is in love with the Cannabis Plant. So much Passion. I got some work to do now! Wow! And to think how fast the ball is rolling Wow! I’m overwhelmed with joy at how my life can change if I go with what God has put on my table for me. So first thing I thought of was Overgrow and how great the Community is here, all people with the same thing in common, Passion for the Plant! Not to mention some of the best Old School Breeders around. I told him I have some work here to do to get all interested parties together. What do you think? Should I get all these landraces for everyone? He says South Africa doesn’t have Feminized seeds and that his Country is wide open for business. He can ship us seeds but we might have a problem shipping him Fem Seeds cause of their customs regs. Let me know.
Kenneth Greek
:v: :sunglasses: :pray:


Overgrow The World, It’s the goal.
I’m willing to participate if I qualify.


I would love to be a part of the action. I can add a few more exotics and make seeds for everyone. Let me know I can also try to send them some of my crosses. If we all Throw enough packages at them something will get thru. Determination is a very powerful tool.


I’m happy to do anything I can to help!

Sounds like a very exciting gentleman and proposition!

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Great that’s what I’m looking for iterested people in this adventure. I’ve still got to figure out all the logistics and this is the place to start. I feel so good about this, we had a long conversation about the current status of South Africa and how the Cannabis Industry is going to explode there. I know he would especially like seedbanks to get in there but I told him he might not be able to trust them cause some are not about the Plant their all about how much money there is to make and that’s not what this is about. It’s about preserving the LandRaces this Planet provided us. We all know how hard everything has been crossed and he has the True Genetics were always trying to find. I’m supposed to talk to him in a few days so spread the word all. I sent @LemonadeJoe a message but no response yet. I’d like to get the Elders involved. So be patient with me and we can all benefit from this. Let me know what your thoughts are and Blessings to all.
:v: :sunglasses: :pray:


you got me interested, def. would like some land races to grow out


There are several growers from there on this site, myself included. We have several seedbanks running already that easily import overseas strains. We have growers with 40+ years of experience. Everything from small indoor craft cannabis too large scale facilities that export tons of flower to europe for medicines etc.

Sheesh you making it sound like we live in mud huts and shit. PLEASE just do some research and reading up about places or setups like this. Dont just take the word from one guy you spoke to. That guy saying that SA doesnt has fem seeds must have no clue about whats going on or doesnt even know about sts. I’ve got mates who are doing f4 auto fems right now. I can link serveal local breeders who offer fems too.

edited so I dont sound like a dick


Hey Mac always knew the mud hut weren’t permanent, hope you don’t keep it for guests really don’t need the authenticity thing if come visit you :joy:


Don’t worry bro but you’ll still have to have a you ride on my pet elephant.


Fuck off bruh said I’d do giraffe for a laugh, like big dogs you said.
What next hippo rodeo? Ride on by bruh


What is your friends opinion of Sumatra ganja?

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Yep. This sounds… odd. Maybe @UncleLemur would like to provide everybody with this guy’s IG handle?


Yep count me in, landrace beans for the bros downunder👍


Alright from what I’m reading I guess I’m being taken for a ride. Here’s his IG @lowrydersrsa. I will try and look further into who I associate with and not be so naive. Being as Old as I am, I still don’t now everything, LOL. So I guess we can end this topic and put it in the history books as “FAIL”. Sorry to take everybodies time away from their daily adventure on Terra Firma. And please be nicer to people here, I thought I was on another site for a moment there.
Blessings to all
:v: :sunglasses: :pray:


No worries mate its all good, thanks for trying👍

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So…no Zebra rides?? Dang.


Yeah man that just seemed weird that he would say there are no fems or seedbanks…maybe he lives under a rock or something.

@SkunkHunt101 stay away from the Zebras, there’s a reason they made prison overalls the same colours back in the day. They’re like disgruntled donkies.


Hope you will stay enought time here to find out we have “guys from all kinds”, even someones who bite frech|nullxnull, nowadays you can find smart arses anywhere. That IG account is private, hope we will find out more about this story, sounds interesting if true …


Well here’s an update, He was communicating on a daily as of 5 days ago then nothing. So I’m thinking Scam, but I’ll wait and see. Thanks for all the help and insights. I’m getting better and doing more research on Scams and finding out most of them are documented and info is readily available.
Again thanks all and I’ll update again in a week or so.
:v: :sunglasses: :pray:
Gobble!! Gobble!!


Magic beans you say?