Sick of tax evading seed banks

they probably wouldn’t try to avoid taxes if they could have started this legally. You think after this seed bank has been hidden for however long, now that a couple states are faking legality they should just be relaxed? Unfortunately the government uses taxes to still pay pigs to stick guns to growers heads. Maybe not in some of your states but in MANY states they still do. If you don’t like it shop somewhere else, soundin like a punk about it. I ain’t got no bitcoins I like payin cash with this stuff but I didn’t like pigs sticking guns to my head for flowers so I understand many that don’t feel comfortable with stuff on paper.


Banks set their own policy and tend to err on the side of international law versus the laws of a single country—even if that’s the country they primarily operate in.

Because cannabis is illegal in many countries globally, banks are steering clear of it until they can be certain their funds will not be seized due to violating federal laws. That includes credit card companies because—gasp—they’re backed by some bank or another.

Seed banks that directly accept credit cards/electronic payments tend to do so until their card processor catches wind of what they’re actually selling—then their account gets shut down. That’s why any whiff/hint/indication of cannabis, plants, seeds, etc tend not to appear in comments/invoices from those companies. There are a few banks and credit processors who will help seed banks take credit cards, but they tend to take a bigger cut than other credit processors.

Did you know it’s actually illegal to collect credit payments using a different company than where the purchase was made to avoid linking the purchase to something that’s against the merchant agreement? So if you make a purchase from Joe’s Seed Bank but pay Sam’s Textile Company, that’s actually illegal and is basically money laundering.


Yes indeed

I like the line on your tax return that asks you to claim all your illegal activities. It really outlines their motivation. So naturally, no you can’t have money for the thing you also profited from for prohibition.

God damn govmnt wants a slice of the pie they fucked up. Suckma.

Sniff around a little. Due diligence etc


You can’t skirt tax laws with Bitcoin. It’s a public ledger of all transactions on the blockchain. Once your real life account is tied to your digital footprint, then they know when you don’t pay your taxes.

Cash is the king of not paying taxes.


Who accepts gold/platinum ingots? Lol


come buy our new weed ipo just for the love of god dont buy any bubble bags with our credit card

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The Yard sales and flea markets. Damn them!
This is what I got to say about taxes . Every time you buy something you pay for taxes . In some states some things are not considered taxable . In some states this is considered recreational and we can write it off . We are not big money I could care less whether you pay your taxes on these beans . Go for it.


heck if that’s how you want to pay… gold ingots it is!!! :smiley:


Not uncommon at all. Sensible has been around as long as anybody. Have to get a euro amazon visa gift card online to pay from the US and forward it to them by email. I’ve done it several times. If you can’t federally deposit the money in the bank. You can’t pay a tax past local and or state. That’s only if in a legal state.


Let’s all do this. Nothing but solid heavy in the hand metal. I bet fort Knox weighs in a little light (i think its already light), once the shuffle is complete, putting regular holes that aren’t bullet holes in the side of stuff, we can drain whatever people are upset about and start a tax free nation based on ayn Rands atlas shrugged but with weed instead on the infamous cigarette with the dollar symbol on it

We’re barking up the wrong tree unless you want the oversight that goes with big bizz

A moldy light bulb, to represent my idea flickering


It’s always true, the entire universe is infinite change. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Tax evading is a strange argument to make about seed banks. I’m still trying to figure that one out. You do realize the second they have to pay a tax or federal tax the price of your seeds is going UP.


personally I loathe the taxation scam we all endure.
Seems every politician that is all for raising taxes and making new taxes does not suffer for anything and sees thier bank account fatten nicely while they are in office. They get the best medical care, the best schools for thier kids, and all the other perks of getting a fat salary for fucking the citizen. Meanwhile the rest of us pay tax on damn near anything in life that those leaches can apply a tax or regulation to.
So fuck the man and the taxation scam that we all endure.
The way I see it is if you can’t kiss the cash goodbye once it’s in the mail then you probably shouldn’t be ordering seeds online. If that couple hundred bucks or whatever is gonna break you if it goes missing then save your cash and hit the free seeds and clones thread LOL


Boooyahhhh. This


Meanwhile they maintain that holier than thou blessed sentiment oh I’m blessed, but fuck you your not chosen? Get off your tax horse. It’s thirsty. What a great separation of church state and cash.

Separation of you, from your cash.


Ooh didn’t mean to turn this into anything political.

I have to admit, I’ve complained about no pictures, no parental lineage, no description of the strain, the price and the availability, but I can honestly say I’ve never complained about tax evasion when seed browsing. But then again…



no one went political… death and taxes… it’s pretty hard to avoid either one :wink:


In before the lock. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


This is a hot take for sure. It almost comes off like you feel entitled to a portion of their money in some way.