Sick of tax evading seed banks

This more than everything, problem is not solved

Am I the only one who watched the video and thought I was watching @Foreigner and @CanuckistanPete ?

The only difference was, Foreigner drinks his milk out of a bag.


Foreigner: immortalized on video forever. Your tax dollars at work.


Jajajaja (laughing in foreign)


I’d rather it was cash all the way,they have been robbing me for taxes since I started working and every product I buy and fill their own pockets ,Fk’em.


I don’t feel like overgrow is what you were looking for when you wanted to complain about Seedbanks not being on paper with card
Processing and charging tax lol


Well that didnt go as planned

Which branch of the government did you say you worked for?


What they need to do is take a portion of tax revenue every year and invest it in index funds. Take the profit from the index funds to run social programs for the poorest and neediest and continue to build the fund. This way the poorest would effectively have a stake in capitalism. Taxes would go to help the economy and those in need at the same time.


The Marxist Party.

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I should have never even responded !! This does seem “suspect” ! Few facts being discussed… sad.

It’s starting to feel boronic in here :sweat_smile:


credit protects you as a buyer. that’s its primary benefit outside of consumption smoothing.

Tax Evasion
is Theft Evasion. :man_shrugging:
There is no such thing as your fair share
of what other people worked to earn,
since that’s a description of Slavery.
Viva Agora!


I have no objection to taxation. But we should have a serious discussion about what it gets spent on.


If it’s not apportioned as you say (and it’s not), if it’s not transparent (and it never will be), if it’s not optional and men with guns will come collect if you don’t pay up (they will), it’s theft.
(It’s theft.)


i agree there is probably tax fraud going on…it’s the weed business. it’s an issue if you agree with following basic laws. even if you don’t like taxes, most all of us have to pay them. those that don’t are cheating the system we are all in. that said, credit cards do cost the vendor money, but lots of other types of vendors provide a discount or upcharge depending on payment method. i think a lot of it is that these seed guys are old enough to not want any change to their systems and also that credit card vendors have been jerks about hemp and it’s products…arbitrarily picking on certain vendors over others. NASC never has credit card issues afaik, but Multiverse has had quite a few. Why, who knows…they don’t seem dissimilar to me. Apparently saying the seeds grow into weed or thc or whatever, is problematic…sometimes.

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OK, you got me curious. While nobody likes taxes, I have to ask, how do you think all the things people use get paid for? Things like roads and such?


“Who would build the roads? What about hospitals? Who would run those?”
It’s a common enough question that this meme exists. The same people that do now. These are all privately funded and contracted already, and you don’t actually make those services more affordable or accessible by

  1. Paying a bean counter to redistribute beans which he himself has to be paid
  2. Enforcing a federal monopoly on the provision of those services.

I don’t use roads and so I don’t think I should have to pay for them.

Seriously though my economics are somewhat extreme but I’m willing to cede that some form of taxation is both good and necessary. It’s the price we pay for civilization. I’m willing to give up a few bucks for universal healthcare, for example, because I think that’s both good and important.