Sick Plant - Ask The Community

hehe ngl, Not a clue brotha.

Now that you mention it though shes a light feeder so that is a likely scenario ,

Shes gotten mainly tap water but I did do a dose of apple cider to try and raise the ph a little after the wood ash she got, PH is sitting around 6-7


“The pH of apple cider vinegar is about 2-3, which is considered mildly acidic”


I can’t seem to make this TK happy. Anyone want to help try and figure out what she needs? @George?

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Looks like your pH may be off and you’re not using calcium/phosphorus that well. You’re as in the plant…lol not you yourself. What’s your vpd generally?

Overwatered or something else ?

Yes it’s over-watered…… I would also consider transplanting in a larger container.


No transplant here thats not part of the challenge, alright just wanted to make sure it isnt something way worse than overwater. I will let her dry out <3

Need to be put into a bigger container 100%…that’s exactly what mine look like when rootbound. You could take the plant out of the cup and scrape a bitnof soil off the bottom and tease the roots, add some fresh soil to the solo cup and put plant back…but bigger container with fresh soil would be best. Don’t chase deficiencies, pot up and see the results.

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does mine look rootbound at all or just overwatered?

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I can’t see your soil, but looks pretty dense and plant looks overwatered, yes…how old is your plant? I see you topped it, so it’s probably gonna need to be potted up soon too. You’ll see the difference almost overnight…try not to overwater when you transplant.

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I can’t really transplant until the tents empty, I was hoping she can stay solo cup as long as needed haha.

it may be dense on top but it should be rather airy soil, it drains well,

shes probably a month old + now . I think she hit soil back around October 20th

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Wow! Yeah, maybe take it out of the cup when it’s a bit drier, scrape some soil off the very bottom add some fresh soil to the bottom of your cup and put plant back in. But you’re really only showing signs of overwatering at the moment.

Or even use a slurpee cup or something just a touch bigger then the solo cup.

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Thats what I figured too, I will for sure do what you mention when the time comes.

If I can even find an old cup thats bigger , I may transplant to that if it gives me more volume for roots ,

I have a pot sure , just dont have room for it :confused:

TBH I did not think this rudie would have taken so long

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Edited my above post with this…

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Yeah exactly Man <3

I have a few good ideas if they do decide to get root bound

Any idea what I need to do to get these plants green and happy?
Plants are 26 days old
1gal container
Royal gold kings mix soil
Bio bizz nutes
I fed one time with a 4ml cal mag 4ml bio bizz grow to 1gal of tap water ph was 6.2 400ppm.

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Up the food, raise the ph(for soil) and don’t water so heavy a few look overwatered. Good luck!


Sorry, been away, looks like Potassium to me … :sunglasses:

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I tried posting elsewhere and didn’t get any response. i think it is a toxcity. i just cut down nutes. N or P might be too high. There is some very slight claw going on in the tent, so it’s probably N.



I see some tip burn so your nitrogen feed is a little high so cut back just a little at this time. The slight cupping could be excessive heat. They are either to close to the lights or your tent may be getting hot.
You don’t usually see cupping from a slight over feed and why I am saying heat frustration.

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