Sick Plant - Ask The Community

I would go for Potassium instead, when I see it’s surrounded by yellow I discard Ca … beer3|nullxnull

So this is happening on mid to new leaves.

I just talked to a guy about it and he asked me how I’m doing my calmag.

He said if I’m using ro, which I am for water, that I need to add the calmag up to 150ppm into the ro water to bring it up and then when I add my nutrients along my feed schedule, I should be adding their recommended calmag amount on top of that.


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I agree you should add trace minerals to RO water as they are missing, but too much Calcium can block Potassium, just wondering … icon_e_confused|nullxnull

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Ok update on my plants kinda. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So my auto has some leaves starting to look like this.

And on my other plants the 2 GG#4
I have one plant that is starting this and the other one is fine :man_shrugging:

It isn’t like the GG one is at this stage but starting out like this.

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To me it is looking like this.

I’m thinking I should flush the 2 plants with the problem flushing them with Ca to 150 in RO water then add maybe another 200 ppm to it with the nutrients

And yeah so as I suspected :man_facepalming:
Flushed with 2 gallons of water and the ppms were at 2700 :flushed:

I’ve now hard flushed down to about 700 ppms
As my water from the tap is high ppms

Will try to update in a week :sunglasses:

My plants aren’t sick and they’re not weed…if I took pollen from plant A (below)

…and hit plant B (below) flowers when they appear, will I get seeds?

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Ok so I’m back again :man_facepalming:

New plants in a hydro/soil octo pot setup basically.
Using gh flora series and calmag in RO water. PH is on point at 5.8 yes i calibrated the pen again and checked with another pen.

Also if you look at the gh flora series schedule on their site, I’m going based on the middle schedule.

So this is weird but some plants have an issue and som do not show anything but as for the example this is what I have going on and I was thinking that because my water got too low it caused the problem but now I’m thinking no.

Thought it was nitro deficiency but I’m seeing some burnt tips meaning too much but the lightness of the leaf and some spotting makes me think different.

Any help is greatly appreciated

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Looks like magnesium deficiency to me.

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@Slammedsonoma420 I had thought this previously, so I had bumped up the calmag, but didn’t seem to make a difference on the other plants…
I wonder if I could add something extra to it for magnesium like some epsom salt… another thing is this is happening on new growth also, and I thought that a mag deficiency affects the bottom more

Cool weather is doing this to lots of gardens. Make sure your temps are in check. I’m just north of you in Canada. Some nutrients become immobile when temps drop.
I just hooked up my heater last night.
Some of my leafs are showing similar issues.



yeah my temps lights on are around 75-76 and lights off not too much lower as I have a little heater in that room


Curious about these white things that are on the surface of my leaves.

that to me almost looks like little bits of perlite :thinking:

Ok thanks was thinking that myself. Just wasn’t sure with it landing in the leaf veins.

give the plant a little shake or blow on it to see if it moves :stuck_out_tongue:

Got this on top of my soil , good or bad ?

Bad, I think it’s white mould, you should remove it. If you let vegetal scrapes decompose in a humid environement it’s a gate entrance for it, organics are not for me … :sweat_smile:



It might be genetic / just a fade but any ideas whats happening here?


Could be nutrient burn icon_e_confused|nullxnull, how many ppm are you giving her? beer3|nullxnull