Sick Plant - Ask The Community

Hmm I was under the impression coco retains enough air that over watering in not an issue, I know its common to fertigate many times a day in coco.

I was feeding them at 2.0-2.2 ec prior to dropping it to 1.6-1.8., I doubt underfeeding was the issue.


I would say too much nitrogen as well. But for sure have dry backs with coco.


Thanks bud… I kind of figured. I water em twice a day. Any idea how long it take to see recovery after dropping my ec and N down?

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I water my coco plants every other day depending on the size, when small sometimes ones a week. I think new growth should be normal within a few days. Maybe flush the medium with phed water.


What’s going on with this seedling? It’s a Sweet seeds devils cream auto. It sprouted quickly and a couple days later sprouted a twin.

These leaves grew out fused together and there doesn’t appear to be any new growth.

I tried to split the fused leaves but I still don’t see any new growth from the top.

There’s new growth under so the it’s looking like it will only be two branches. Opinions? Should I just keep the twin? Both?

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Bump for Saturday morning crew. Any thoughts on this?

If that new growth progresses it will be fine and you can finally top her. Happened to me once and plant grew normally after that. You can try to transplant the little one, extract her with surrounding soil with a tweezer before root develop further … beer3|nullxnull


Do you see how the leafs bent upward , is that too much wind over time?

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no they are what we call praying leaves up to the sun loving life that is the sweet spot conditions are just right in there unless they taco looks just like it sounds or chicken claw where the tip curls under or you see discolor in the leaves now you are in flower keep an eye on the humidity in the room i know more pressure. you got this

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Well I asked because I have a fan that’s blowing that leaf directly up xD it wouldn’t be praying if the fan wasn’t blowing on it :stuck_out_tongue:

Humidities reading 42 when I turn it on !

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lower is better when flower is involved powdery mildew or the black mold bud rot makes trim day a kick in the nuts all the leaves are grabbing sun even the ones in the back of pic

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So I wouldnt be to worried about the fan ? awesome :stuck_out_tongue: , I will keep the humidity levels in check , or try anyway. but its been about 40-50 % in there without the humidifier on

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65 to 70% is were the bad happens i just have a 12 dollar Walmart fan in my tent it just clips and every day i move it well not every day but most in nature the wind comes from all directions 4 points of the compass i try and mimic outside as best i can sometimes i will turn it off for the day the wind does not blow every day either

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Good point ! , It gets a little hot in there so I may not turn it off much but , I will move it , thanks for the tips

Any input on this? I noticed those two little burn marks a few days ago but no more have shown up so I’m less concerned. The yellowing I believe is the start of a nitrogen deficiency but I wanted to get some feedback to be sure, up until this point they have just been working with the nutrients already in the fox farms soil. Time to start with adding nutes?

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not alot of info but they look hungry spots look to be cal mag the yellow is nitrogen she looks to be in early flower if so she is stretching time for a feeding sooner than later i would as you never know how they will react to a feed some love it some not so much go 1/2 or 3/4 strength as you dont want to shock her now to close to harvest plant is stealing energy from the lower oldest leaves to finish its life cycle flip the leaf over to see if there are not any critters as well


Thanks for the info, I’m gonna feed her some nutes later on this evening at 1/3rd the recommended strength to start. You’re right that she just started flowering so I wasn’t sure if they always pull nutrients from the lower leaves, they are also autoflowers so ive read that they will sap the lower leaves more often as well.

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autos like light feedings better usually i usually go half strength for mine you will know too late you over did it if the tips burn a little burn in books is a good thing just a tiny bit on the tip is most likely the stretch out paced the avalible N in the NPK in your fox farms in flower they usually need a lot less of the N and more P K top pic is a good color to me little bit limey green the bottom pic has plenty of N really dark green healthy nitrogen is for the green the green is chlorophyll chlorophyll is the hay taste after cure


It often happens to the lowest leaves that the plant sucks the nutrients from them and lets go of those leaves because they don’t get enough light. It’ll be fine.


Okay, would you think to hold off on the nutrients a few days to wait and see?

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