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nope just go easy on the N thats all it needs some PK thou sooner than later

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I do it the easy broad spectrum way. Topdress with a little bit of everything, add a wide variety of organic matter; kitchenscraps, treeleaves, grass, nettle, thistle, dandelion, etc.
This ensures all minerals are covered.

I just sow beans for N and there’s plenty of nitrogen in the other stuff too, apart from brown tree leaves.

Diversity solves everything.

Can’t overdo it really, it’s all slow release.
The beans will just die on their own when the soil is saturated with N.

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The plant was flipped to flower 3/21
Top dressed 10 days ago with IMG_2024 IMG_2023
During the feeding I plucked most leafs that were showing signs of illness …
Now we r here …

I do have aphids but not by the hundreds the leaf pictures has nothing on the underside !
I also just watered with some Epsom salts the past two rounds have been checking and ph is good …

Any input would help

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looks like calcium deficiency, if i had to guess.

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I’m not very good at doctoring up a plant once it goes arwy !
It contains 7%calcium in the top dressing but I do have a bottle I could add more to it during watering…

Thanks for chiming in!

Yes, could be, but when I see perfect round blotches with a little circle more clear inside it could be a spore growing around, like septoria, what’s the humidity? icon_e_confused|nullxnull


I was told this before :face_with_raised_eyebrow:The humidity is usually around 35% light on 55 tops lights off …
Pic was taken of a single leaf after a spray down
I zoomed in with my microscope a little while back


Just not seeing the halos around the spots really… but I did think that as well.

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Hava a look to this, interesting info … empollon|nullxnull
Here’s @Rabeats2093 plant:

You already know :joy:

Edit: @Slammedsonoma420, you may be right, watching other pics like the one below and with such a low humidity (unless spores came with the top soil) it looks like Calcium deficiency, nice catch … beer3|nullxnull


Okay I will give her some more calcium next water and see if that improves thanks fellas !


Im day 45 flower or so, and im noticing my girl just isnt thickening up, im not sure whats happening, she looks otherwise quite healthy.

Can you post some pics? :hushed:


Here you go! I tried to get multiple angles and a couple with flash

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They look fine, I don’t see any problem, maybe they just need more time to stack up, how are you feeding them?

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Ive been giving her a half teaspoon of jacks every time shes gets watered, about every other day. ( bout a liter+ of water, a gold peak tea jug worth of water)

I cant find much on Atonic, but Cakefighter the other parent finishes in 60ish days, so I could very well be looking at 20 more days :slight_smile:

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Any ideas y’all ? Other leaves are beginning to look like this too. I was thinking she’s lacking some flowering nutrients so I did feed her extra today

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If not nutes… possibly rust fungus? Is it widespread or only on a few fan leaves? Are the other leaves that are showing this toward the top/bottom or both?

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Ok , so we’ve got some of it up top, mainly clear on the middle / bottom accept for 2-3 leaves. ( could grab a pic of the whole plant if needed )

How far into flower? Some plants will start to canniblize themselves and est fan leaves. I’ve had plants close to finish do that but that is pretty antidotal.

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To be honest, id have to do math but I’d say at least a month and a week or so into flower at the very least.

Cannibilize as in turn the leaves yellow then brown? I’ve got another plant doing that right now actually, this looks quite different

looks like i picked off the most affected leaf