Sick seedling? Crap

Good point, I put it back outside. And I won’t make that mistake again.

So I have the other 2 germinated seeds in starter cups

Seriously, check out my grow log. I’m very detailed. It will help

Personally I use plastic pots from germ until their final destination either the ground or for outdoor containers I use fabric as they self prune


Ok I will check your grow log, and i have plastic pots too that I can use. These are autoflowers too, I must say, if that makes a difference. I have 2 feminized photos in the tent and they’re doing good, I have them in starter cups as well. It’ll be a while before I put them outside though.

I transplant all of my autos once. Never had a problem. Still don’t need ferts for a long while in soil

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If you have the perfect outdoor climate, not too cold at night and not sitting in blazing sun during the day then outdoor germination is fine but otherwise start them inside and move then out once the roots have started to move in a lateral direction in small cups or pots.

This is not an indoor technique or indoor advice, I am an outdoor grower.

With asking advice you need to be wary of your environment because there is so many variables. What works for example in NorCal will fail where I am in Central America and vice versa. Don’t over think it, you got this mate :v:t4:

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Thank you so much I’ll keep updating

Ok, thank you for chiming in. I’ll keep updating!

If I recall from his other post with his current temps and weather. His temps are great right now for germing seeds outdoors

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I just had a 2 skywalker OG die like this,I don’t know what happened they were the only 2 to pop out of 6 seeds, broke through the soil grew couple of leaves and straight up died

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Wow, I think mine died as a result of the cow manure water mixture and the big pot. I’m doing the litfa method on it from now on, and I’m only watering my plants. I find that a few drops of Hydrogen peroxide in a 1:2 ratio with water worked great before all this. I use peroxide every time I germ with 100 percent success. I can pop any seed, just gotta stop messing with it and shit lol

I use tap water to pop seeds,but I knew these seeds where kinda small and didn’t really think they would open anyway,one of the reason I stopped using growers choice seeds they were always tiny seeds

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I used North Atlantic Seed company and im going to start using Seedsherenow. I also meant to say a 2:1 ratio of water to peroxide, not predominantly peroxide lol.

I’ll be ok though. I know now that it’s best to build your roots up gradually with small pots. Along with that, I now know that you only want to water when they’re that small, and not add anything. Like I said im still learning but I’ll get a harvest one way or another. I feel that if I hadn’t done that manure water thingy lol, I’d be seeing a healthier plant for sure. And I need to watch out for mom’s watering can; she puts Miracle Gro nutrients singles in it.

I usually start them off in solo cups once they have some leaves I put them in a 3 gallon pot always worked for me,I don’t like dropping a seed into a 3 gallon pot or a very young plant

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Everyone I meant to say with germing seeds, I use a 2:1 mix of water to Peroxide, not the other way around. I just put a teaspoon of it into a half liter spray bottle

See I tried to be all fancy and picked up the biodegradable starter cups. I’m not even gonna post the HUGE friggin… monstrous coffers I planned on originally planting these autos in🤣 in the beginning I definitely picked up the biggest pots that my local farmers store had. I still plan on using them, but for my photo period plants.

Gorgeous plants man

Sorry im at work, those are gorgeous plants!

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I’ve been growing autos over a year now,I do grow photo plants now and then I have one growing at the minute funny enough,it was sold to me as an auto lol

I’ll just let it do it’s thing I have it in another tent I have 7 autos growing at the minute,sweet tooth,wedding cake,bubblegum,skywalker OG ,different seeds from the ones that died,mama2, Amnesia, I can’t remember the other one lol,

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