Silver Mountain co-op run (closed)

Howdy, Ishmael!

I haven’t related this much to something on OverGrow in a while.

Lots of trials and tribulations, but you dodged and weaved through without skipping a step.


I’m wondering if I jinxed myself. Granted, I was talking about my RIL and MAC1 clones, not the Blueberry, but still…

Not just nanners, but full-on goddamn balls on this lady. Definitely no longer a keeper. I started looking at the Blueberry and RIL this morning to see if I could see signs of pollination and realized that although I was starting to see signs on the RIL, but in only the spots that I’d pollinated, the Blueberry had red pistils all over the place at only week 3. Miraculously, none of the other plants in that room were showing any signs of pollination before, and still don’t seem to be after a close examination. I guess maybe they haven’t opened yet, or whatever pollen they released went to pollinate the Blueberry itself. Either way, I’ve chopped this one, and I’m gonna warn people right now that there’s a chance the RIL x Silver Mountain seeds might be slightly contaminated with Blueberry genetics. Luckily @G-pas got me to move the plants I was planning on pollinating out of the room with the Silver Mountain females, because that chance to finally see them herm has come to pass. :roll_eyes:

Anyway, seeing this makes the fact that I’m losing the clone sting significantly less. Maybe I’ll get a chance to replace her with that SC Blue Dream cut that’s been floating around the forum, might be a snip of that coming to my area soon. :slight_smile:


Update time! Nothing too exciting this week, just kept watering them and trying to collect pollen. There’s some in there, but either I’m overestimating how much they should be making or this isn’t going great. Probably because there’s normally a pretty stiff breeze in there, and turning off the fan once every few days to collect pollen isn’t enough to stop most of it from just blowing all over the place. Great for pollinating the girls, not great for collecting. I don’t feel particularly comfortable turning the fan off longer-term though, it’s getting up to 87-88° up there already and I don’t think it would do them any favors to let it get into the 90s. Hopefully there’s enough to put together a few small packages to send out so people can get crosses going, but worst case at least there should be plenty of F2s to grow and get pollen from. :slight_smile: Anyway, here’s the pics, group shots first as usual:

If I didn’t know better, I’d be worried these were herming too; the leaves are covered in pollen and there are male flowers all over the place, including the topsoil. :stuck_out_tongue: No particular signs of anything on close-up examination though, other than lots of seeds starting to form.

The males obviously aren’t going to fully recover where the stems are snapped, but otherwise they’re looking pretty good. #4 wasn’t broken, just bent, and it’s almost standing up straight again. As far as pollen, looks like they continue to drop… and is it my imagination, or is #4 getting a little frosty? I think it is, but tough to tell even close-up with the naked eye, much less with cell phone pics.

Looks like a successful pollination on the RIL as well. First shot is where I dusted, the second shot is a random top bud. Hopefully there’s a decent number of seeds, because I suspect the clones of this one aren’t going to make it… fairly sure this is coming on 4 weeks in the cloner with no roots. :frowning:


Way to go @Cormoran !
They look great. Can’t wait to see how they finish.
I definitely see frost on that male.


@Cormoran looks :eyes: like you got a lot going on rate now. I know what you are saying about the fans, as it almost seems better to isolate the males away and maybe do away with the fans all together to collect the pollen. I have to say that it looks :eyes: like the females too well and will yield you plenty of beans 🫘. WTG bro :sunglasses:! :clap::tophat::clap::tophat::wink::facepunch::+1::ok_hand::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Looks great as always

I like to use a small 24 x 24 tent for my males it helps to control the pollen a bit ( no matter how hard I try I still get pollen everywhere lol :joy:)


That reminded me of this song :musical_note:! :wink::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


This thread always reminds me of this song:


I don’t recall ever hearing that song before seeing this thread.

Now I hear it almost every time I go to the garage. I have the classic rock station on out there constantly to scare away the squirrels, and they play it very frequently lately.

It is an excellent song and it reminds me of this thread every time.


The frequency illusion (also known as the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon) is a cognitive bias in which a person notices a specific concept, word, or product more frequently after recently becoming aware of it.



Like when you buy a car, and then notice that car on the road more frequently than before. Lol


4 weeks in the cloner happens. I have had some that took 2 months. Plant tops. They take forever, i think a different hormone in them tips, I read.

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Ideally at this point, that’s what I’d be doing… I considered it last week but I just don’t have anywhere to put them anymore. I don’t have any more lights, soil, pots, or grow space for them that isn’t already occupied by other plants. :stuck_out_tongue: Times like this, I like to daydream about putting plants outside, but if I actually tried it this run would be ending with a prison sentence.

Odd. I hadn’t thought about it until now, but I used to hear that song on the radio a lot and don’t feel like I’m hearing it at all lately… :thinking: Maybe it’s just because I’m spending less time in the car, so I’m listening to the radio less. Dunno, maybe they’re actually playing it less… or maybe I’m listening to a different station and forgot that I changed it within the past year, actually. That last one sounds more like me. :rofl:

I don’t think I’ve ever had a cut actually succeed after that long… usually if I’m feeding them right, they root within two weeks, three at worst. I’m not killing them until I run out of cloner space, which shouldn’t be for a few more weeks, but I don’t have much hope at this point. I’ve taken a bunch more cuts from the MAC1 and Frankenstein in the meantime, and at least half are rooted already after less than two weeks, so I’m pretty sure it’s just that I was feeding that plant wrong when I took the cuts and it’s not gonna happen. Might reveg, but I already have two more RILs going in veg downstairs so I might not. I wasn’t particularly impressed with this one anyway, tbh, just pollinated it because I don’t have anything else going… and it’s still GG4 RIL, the worst example I’ve had is better than most other plants imo.


Doing an early update this week because the females are beginning week 5; I might be killing the males tomorrow. I was fairly certain I was going to before I started writing this, but now I’m second-guessing myself as I look at the plants in the closet. I’ve had mixed luck pollinating at week 5 in flower; usually there aren’t many viable pistils left by then, at least with the plants I’ve tried pollinating before. That might be more about the particular plants though. The GG4 in the closet looks half-done already, with most of the pistils going red at week 5; the Silver Mountain F2, on the other hand, has like 3 red pistils. The ones starting week 3 of flower look more like they’re 2 weeks in, with buds barely starting to form. I don’t want to keep pollinating too late and end up with a lot of inviable seeds, but otherwise I’m not sure there’s all that much consequence to leaving the males alive another week, so I think I’ve managed to talk myself into doing that instead. :stuck_out_tongue: So yeah, that was much ado about an O-thing; instead I guess I’m just doing an update a day or two earlier than usual. They’re not gonna change much in the next day, so why not. :man_shrugging: Group pics to start:

Individual pics of the females. Whatever’s going on with the un-pollinated F2, there certainly aren’t any white pistils on these. They keep surprising me with how much water they need, up to about 2 gallons a week now. Maybe it’s because of the heat in there, definitely seems to be more than usual. Maybe it’s because they’re fully seeded, I’ve done branches before but never full plants.

Close-ups of the males. Not sure how much it’s gonna show on the pics, I can barely even see the screen for the previews when I’m in there because the lights are reflecting too brightly off it. Basically just point and shoot. At any rate, I’m fairly sure all of the males are now showing some frost on the balls, though #4 is still the best-looking as far as that goes.


If it wouldn’t give me a killer sinus infection I’d smoke that #4 in a heartbeat :joy::heart_eyes:


WOW @Cormoran very well done :+1:! Looks :eyes: like you are going to get one hell a lot of beans 🫘 from that run! WTG my friend and very well done again! :clap::tophat::clap::tophat::clap::tophat::wink::facepunch::+1::ok_hand::sunglasses::partying_face::peace_symbol:


Theses males are certainly impressive, next gen will be something :slight_smile:

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Guess it’s about time for an update. I took pics on Friday, but didn’t get around to uploading them then and things got busy over the weekend, so they’re a few days out of date already. In reality the males are already dead and I’ve started spraying the tent to cut down on the amount of viable pollen still floating around; the females look like they’ve developed PM overnight, but fairly sure it’s just from the fine coating of pollen clumping together after the water spray evaporated. Would certainly be quite a coincidence otherwise. Anyway, I’m not going into the tent again and then showering and washing everything I touched again right now for current pics, so these will have to do. Group pics:

Same as last week, pretty much; the females are starting to have some branches fall over from the weight now, though. Probably not a bad thing since it exposes the lower bud sites better, we’ve done kind of a half-assed job spreading these out since going into the tent is always a big production. Don’t want to get everything in the house pollinated, though half of the Glue ended up hit with some stray already. Only a few on the others so far, though. :crossed_fingers: There’s some variegation on #3 as usual, and some showing up on #5 as well now. As far as smells, #3 is the stinker of the bunch as well, so I’m gonna go ahead and call her a chem leaner. The other two are more muted, but there’s definitely a woody undertone to the whole tent. I’ve heard haze described as sandalwood and cedar, and that fits fairly well for #2 and 5. Here’s individual pics:

Last glamour shots of the males. They’re not very pretty, but they seem to have done their job quite well:

Here’s the Silver Mountain F2 in the closet, pistils increasingly turning red; probably a bit further advanced by today, this pic is from Friday as well. She’s 6 weeks into flower and looks it much more than last week. Assuming the F1s are on roughly the same track, I’m gonna give them 7-9 more weeks of flower before taking them down. I doubt they’d need more than 11-13 unpollinated, and I’ll probably be taking the F2 by week 12 at the latest, but seeded gets more time. The bud’s not gonna be anything special anyway, so might as well let the seeds get as done as possible.


mmm frosty males and woody scented girls :drooling_face:
Lookin fantastic! Sorry to hear you got a bunch of other things accidently pollinated but


Loving the updates!! Looking great