Silver Mountain co-op run (closed)

Dam @Cormoran that is one happy :smiley: tent :tent: too be very proud of the success inside! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Right on, looking great!

Have you ever tried painters coveralls? I’m curious, chuck a set on before you go in, then bag them up and shake them off otlutside when you come out… Should help with the. It production… Unless there’s something painfully obvious I’m missing :blush::blush:

Anyway, just a thought, girls are looking fantastic :metal:


I’m sure that would work reasonably well, though it seems unnecessary since I’m homegrowing. I’m wearing a hair net and boxers to go in there, and just wash them both and discard the net afterwards. As far as accidental pollinations, the problem is all the pollen circulating in the air. The controls for the fan are in the tent, so I can’t turn it off before going in and turn it back on afterwards, though that would also only help a limited extent. I’m managing fairly well, but everything I bring into the tent comes out with at least a few grains of pollen, I expect, so I either wash it off or at least run a damp cloth over it, for my cell phone. Dunno, maybe that’s more than necessary. :man_shrugging: I haven’t tested it out by just walking in and out between the tent and the closet I’m trying to keep sinse, but better safe than sorry.

I think this music video sums it best. Just substitute “I’ll be watching you” with “a small cloud of pollen drifts away.” :stuck_out_tongue: It doesn’t rhyme quite so well, but seems more apropos to the situation at hand. Every move I make, every breath I take… :


Yeah, for sure.


Update time! We’re pretty much on cruise control now; I’m just keeping them watered and waiting. I’m not gonna say nothing can go wrong because that’s just asking for a meteor to hit my house while the Gestapo are breaking down my door to arrest me for threatening the corporate oligarchy’s profit margins by daring to grow at all… but it’s somewhat less likely that things are gonna go completely wrong now that my part is mostly done. :stuck_out_tongue: Tough to screw up when you’re not doing anything. Unless I’m supposed to be doing something and I don’t realize it, of course… but it’s week 7, and I’d normally stop feeding around now, so that’s what I’m doing here as well. Anyway, enough rambling, here’s the group pic of the females:

Individual pics of the females. I did some long-overdue defoliation last week, and got a better sense of the smells. #2 still comes through kinda woody, but with undertones of fruit. It’s definitely a more muted smell than the other two, didn’t get much from it even in defol and that’s usually very smelly. #3 is all-around loud - smells strongly without even getting near it, a very complex smell. A lot like a Chem 91 LLR vape pen I picked up a few weeks back, which probably isn’t surprising given that this one’s been showing variegation the whole time. It’s not like chemical cleaner at all, at least not what I think of as cleaner, but it’s definitely tasty. Sweet, spicy, savory… I don’t know what to call it because it’s got a little of everything, apparently. I’m not great at tastes & smells in the first place, I’ll ask my partner next time he’s around and we have the tent open. #5 is a muted smell as well from a distance, but when I was defoliating I got what smelled like a blast of perfume right in the face. Last time we had one that I thought smelled like perfume, my partner thought it smelled milky or creamy, which is another smell people have reported getting from crosses of this Appalachia male. I really liked the last one, so I’m hoping this one comes out equally well. I’ve got a clone in veg doing fairly well, another one rooted in the cloner, and one in a pot dying from (probably) epsom excess, not phosphorous excess per se - though they’re somewhat closely related, since magnesium stimulates phosphorous uptake. Gonna give a transplant a try now that I think I’ve figured out the problem, but even if not I’ll have backup to hopefully keep this one around. :crossed_fingers: She’s also the most narrow-leaved of the bunch, which seems promising though not necessarily definitive. Anyway, pics:

Males are dead and gone, I’ve sifted what little pollen I managed to collect from the massive number of empty male flowers that I also collected. I’m not sure this worked; it was kinda difficult to get the pollen out of the container. I think all the dessicant did was dry out the flowers covering it, leaving the rest of the container to clump up in the microclimates. I’ll test this stuff out next time I have a plant at week 3 of flower, the current ones are all at week 5+ and our jars are starting to get empty of everything but Glue. Not that it’s bad in particular, but it’s nice to have some variety. If it’s actually viable I’ll package some up and start sending it out, but I doubt it will be. This little container weighed 37 grams more than the other, empty ones, and this doesn’t look like 12-17 grams of pollen (the dessicant should be 20-25):

Oh, and Bob Ross will be happy to hear there’s one especially happy little accident in all this! I think, anyway. Pretty sure the fact that a seed pod is actually forming means this was a successful pollination, at roughly 1:1000 odds; this is my MAC1, which is right next to the GG4 RIL I pollinated. There are only a few seed pods on buds that I didn’t specifically pollinate on the GG4, so I wouldn’t think there was enough pollen drifting for 1000 pistils to get hit; I think this is just fantastically lucky. I wasn’t particularly trying for seeds from it, but it’ll be interesting to see what this one holds. It’ll probably end up being a male though. :roll_eyes:


Great update!! Cruising into the final stretch.


@Cormoran landing the plane :airplane:!! Very pleased to sign up for this one!


Thanks for all your hard work @Cormoran !



+1, was quite an adventure but you made it. Thanks for distributing this beans!


Ty my friend
I do already have a pack of silver mountain f2
From the original repo

I do need to run them


Thank you for you effort and work.


@Cormoran and @Uprangewilly A big congratz for the run guys, and tyvm for the chance to us try these genetics. :hugs:🫡


Awesome job @Cormoran :v:


Congratulations, brother @Cormoran on this wonderful work!!!


Thank you for your hard work and dedication @Cormoran !! It is very much appreciated!!


Congrats on a successful run @Cormoran. :+1::v:


Great job @Cormoran :tada::tada::tada:. Congratulations on your successful run


Way to bring it on home :checkered_flag: @Cormoran congratulation on the fabulous finish! :clap::tophat::clap::tophat::clap::tophat::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


You rock, @Cormoran. Appreciate the dedication and hard work (and thorough documentation) that end in a chance to grow these out. All the best to you and to @Emeraldgreen and @Uprangewilly for the donations! Hell of a show all round!


You ALL rrrRock!
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Awesome. Thank You @Cormoran for doing this important work, and @Uprangewilly for donating the F1 seeds!
This strain is supposed to be like smokeable caffeine.