Silver Mountain co-op run (closed)

Thank you @Cormoran and @Uprangewilly :pray: Respect :heartpulse:


Thank you @Cormoran and @Uprangewilly for doing this for the OG community and all of your work that went into this.


Thank you.

Anything appalachia is good. I grew those crosses exclusively for years.


Many thanks @Cormoran and @Uprangewilly for the labour and the generosity.

Just signed and checked my status, and I see that I lost my regular title :cry: … emeritus one used.


Next time we all get together I need to smoke some of this


Thank you very much @Cormoran and @Uprangewilly for your beautiful work, and for sharing it with everyone at OG


@420noob a nudge


Congratulations on a successful co-op run @Cormoran! Thanks for putting the time, effort and resources in to make this happen.

Thanks also to @Uprangewilly and @Emeraldgreen for making it possible by donating the seeds :pray:


Thank you for this great race and achievement @Cormoran and I also thank @Emeraldgreen and @Uprangewilly for providing the seeds to continue this project, you guys are great friends, the community thanks you immensely for this rarity


Hahaha :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: that was good brother, for a rave party this is great :candy:!!! Imagine a strain called caffeine haze


So it’s good weed to smoke at 6 AM while going to work and listening to some good old punk rock!!!



Thank you for your time and hard work to make this a successful run brotha!

Hope you have a great weekend! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Thanks for the reminder neighbor… I also have a pack from an earlier repo… so I’ll refrain to make sure those without get a chance.

Great job @Cormoran sure was a Rollercoaster of a ride!


This was a joy to follow @Cormoran
Thanks for all the hard work, this line is very special and I cannot wait to grow it. I love Haze, especially SSH. Bodhis Silver Sunshine blew me away and I think this one will be amazing too


Congrats and thanks on this run! More amazing genetics for us to sink our teeth into.


It’s the other one, the Mr. Nice SSH. It’s supposed to be more “trippy” and “in your mind” and less “zen” and “soaring” than the OldSog SSH.

Bodhi used the OldSog cut in Dragonfruit and one other strain. And those 2 packs say “Old Sog” on the label. .


Update time! I just packed a bowl of the Silver Mountain, and so I’m having a slightly better morning than before. :slight_smile: Just took a look around at all the rooms and everything is set for at least the day, if not a few days, so I get to relax and LITFA today. I’ll probably need to water the seed plants again by tomorrow, and maybe some of the clones in veg - the seed plants have been taking an average of about 3 quarts of water a day, though some days I skip it because they’re not actually drooping. Today they seemed happy enough, I guess it wasn’t quite as hot as usual last night since it finally rained. The rest of the week has been slightly hotter than hell, but last night it might’ve been a degree or two cooler than hell.

It’s a good thing I set the lights to go off at 3pm. “Outside” temp is in the tent. I’m sure the plants would be happier with fully reversed light-dark cycles, but I prefer to sleep at night, so they’re on most of the morning and a little of the afternoon to give me time to care for them. They’re still looking quite good though, much happier with the conditions in there than I am. :stuck_out_tongue: Group shot:

Lots of drooping branches and a few deficient leaves, but I wouldn’t have a clue at the heat in there just from looking at the picture. Airflow is ridiculous with that industrial fan in there - either 1400 or 1800 CFM, can’t really remember which - so hopefully we don’t have to worry about mold or bud rot, and there’s no outside plant material anywhere near the tent so no need to worry about PM. The extraction fan is only ~300CFM, but it should be enough to keep it from getting too humid in there, anyway. :crossed_fingers:

Here’s the individual pics of the females, as well as close-ups on the buds. I don’t really have any fresh observations - still getting the same kind of smells as last week. I did notice the buds on #5 seem to be slightly frostier than the other two, which is nice since it’s also the one I think I liked the terps on the best. Might very well be my keeper when this is all over.

In some other good news… I wasn’t really stressing about it since I wasn’t sure this was the cut I liked, but it turns out I have the option to keep it around anyway. After 7 weeks in the cloner, this miserable little cut has finally thrown real roots! Gonna be planting her next week, in case she turns out better than the other two despite seeming kinda meh this last harvest. Could be something I did wrong too, my feeding schedule is… a work in progress, shall we say. :wink:


Oh, and as an aside… when I said earlier that I packed a bowl of Silver Mountain, I was being literal. I packed the bowl. I didn’t actually smoke it, but I’m still feeling pretty damn good about the day. I seriously think it’s the terpenes. I mentioned this to my partner yesterday… dunno, maybe it’s just placebo effect, but if so I don’t care. :stuck_out_tongue: I guess a placebo effect antidepressant is still an antidepressant, especially considering how little we know about brain chemistry in the first place… I’ve been to enough therapy to know how soft a science psych is. I used to play games with them trying to get them to diagnose me a certain way, and had disappointingly high success rates. Anyway, all I did was pack the bowl and smell the terpenes on my fingers, that was enough to give me a little mood boost. I thought it was crazy and wondered if it was just because of my mood otherwise, but it seems to be happening pretty consistently - when I do the same thing with my Glue or MAC1 I don’t feel anything. There’s a little bit with the Blueberry as well, but not like this. I think I might’ve found my terpene! :partying_face: Anyway, now I’m gonna go ahead and smoke it, time to check out of my mind for a while. :wink:


Looking nice! :+1:


Just like smelling coffee in the morning is enough to start to feel its effect :slight_smile: Maybe that’s the reward circuit at play.


Update time! Today, just like yesterday, started with me looking inside the tent to notice that another branch had fallen over and would need supporting. :stuck_out_tongue: They weren’t drooping as much as yesterday, but I watered them another 3 quarts as well. I took a break and stopped watering for two days before that, and they were definitely not happy with it… so about 2-2.5 quarts a day seems like it should be the sweet spot, for now. Any more or less, and they’re getting either over or underwatered eventually. That’s each, of course. I may have mentioned that it’s getting slightly hotter than hell in there occasionally; it’s cooled down a bit this week, but still very much a jungle in there. Here’s the group shot after picking up the branch that collapsed, and salvaging another seed that fell out:

Just looked at the forecast and it’s not supposed to get above 90° for the rest of the year. I expect that’s about as reliable as usual, but hopefully they don’t get it wrong by enough that it gets worse than last week:

Right now it’s 93°/62%, which is right about where I want it as far as VPD anyway. Could stand to go a few degrees and percentage points lower, but this should work as long as it doesn’t get much more humid outside in absolute terms.

Here’s the individual pics and close-ups again, as always. They’re all starting to fade a bit, #3 in particular; she’s definitely the hungriest of the bunch. Gonna have to keep that in mind next run. For now it’s pretty much too late to try feeding more, I did add a bit of gypsum but I’m not expecting it to make much difference.

Getting set up for the next run, I’ve got a clone of each Silver Mountain female in a 10g pot and one in a 1g pot; we’re planning to flower out the ones in 10g while keeping the 1g rootbound in veg, possibly with an up-pot at some point if necessary for the smaller ones. Also a few MAC1 and GG4 RIL hanging about in the background.

As I mentioned earlier, I salvaged another seed that fell out this morning; here’s the first one, nice and mature-looking already at only 9 weeks. :partying_face: Still planning on giving them at least another 4-5, depending on how things are looking by then. Getting bud from them is a lost cause already, and I want all the seeds as mature as possible. Both of the seeds fell from #3, btw; she’s also a faster finisher than the others, it seems, as we’d expect from a Chem leaner vs SSH leaners.