Silver Mountain co-op run (closed)

Filling nicely with some nice little colas. Can see they had some stress, but some drought is not so bad at this stage. You’ll have a shitload of seeds here it seems, as well as some hash with that frost. :slight_smile:


Nice work @Cormoran, looking forward to running these.


Update time! It’s still hot as hell, got up to 97° in the tent again yesterday, but they still seem to be hanging in there. They might be getting closer to done, seems like they’re drinking a bit less now. They’re also looking quite a bit worse, which isn’t really a surprise at the end of week 10. Not sure how much of it’s deficiency, how much is overwatering and how much of it is just the fact that they’re getting near harvest time. They’ve got 3-4 weeks left before I take them down at most anyway, so it doesn’t really matter. The seeds still look fine, and no signs of bud rot or mold despite the heat and humidity; I actually went in and gently spread open a few buds so I could look. The seed pods are turning brown, and there’s plenty of sun leaves going necrotic, but nothing dying on the inside of the buds, so hopefully we’re good to go. :crossed_fingers: Anyway, here’s the group pic:

Individuals of the girls and baby-bump close-ups:


Looks like you’re coasting in the end. It all looks like normal plants finishing up


I agree with EG. My seed crops always look beat up by the end of them. It’s hard to keep them all healthy and happy inside. Continued success @Cormoran !


Thanks so much @Cormoran


Update time! A bit later than usual today, just finished giving them what should be their last compost tea. I wouldn’t normally bother with plants this late into flower, but we were making it for the veg room anyway and I figured I might as well keep the soil in here alive in the process, since we’ll be reusing it soon. Anyway, they’re looking pretty decent; a little droopy on the sun leaves, I’m probably gonna end up watering them again tomorrow morning. Maybe even today again, if I get too hot. :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve been showering after coming out of the tent anyway for pollen, though it’s probably long since inviable, and another shower might not hurt since the temps are going up above 90° yet again - unsurprisingly, almost every day since I mentioned that the weather was predicting we were done with 90+ temps has been 90+. They could at least be considerate and predict it’s gonna be worse than it is like usual, rather than better. :roll_eyes: Anyway, I’m sure everyone here has heard enough bitching about the weather lately without needing more from me, so I’m gonna skip the rest of it and get to the good stuff. Here’s some plant pics. :slight_smile:

Individual pics. The light cable’s blocking #2 and I’m not pulling it back like usual, because I tripped over the plug and broke it in half the other day; the large prong’s still stuck in the surge protector and it fits together well enough to complete the circuit, but jiggling it too much could break it and I don’t feel like dealing with it right now. After the grow’s over we’ll see about splicing it in with another plug, or worst-case maybe we’ll just duct-tape the damn thing into the surge protector and treat it as if it’s part of the light from now on. :stuck_out_tongue: As long as it shines and isn’t catching on fire, I’m not too picky.

Anyway, the plants seem as well as can be expected, they’re continuing to slowly go downhill and probably will for the next 2 weeks. They don’t need to last longer than that, I don’t think I’m actually gonna take them past 13; the Silver Mountain F2 is looking pretty done already, and that’s how long we took the last ones too. At that point it’ll also be 7 weeks since the final pollination, which seems like a good amount of time.


Keep a close eye on that for signs of heat as that would indicate a serious problem developing.



Nothing like rounding that corner and you can see that checkered flag :checkered_flag: and know you are about to cross that finish line to take a victory lap! Hell yeah! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::clap::tophat::1st_place_medal::blush::ok_hand::wink::+1::facepunch::star_struck::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


If it’s the big plug and your in the US, and your wiring is up to code, then that prong is the neutral and is basically ground.

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Took myself out #57 is open.


Yoink! :laughing:



Update time! Not really much to say at this point; the plants are still alive after another week in hell, and seem to have weathered it pretty well. Better than I have, really. I cracked and turned the AC on every night last week, I just couldn’t sleep in that. They’re saying it’s finally broken and the forecast doesn’t have many days in the high 80s ahead; we’ll see how long that lasts. :roll_eyes: Hopefully it doesn’t get much worse than this:

Anyway, enough of that. The ladies are heading into their last week of life; I was considering taking them down this weekend but it doesn’t fit well with my partner’s plans, so we’re waiting till next week. Shouldn’t hurt them to have another week for seeds to mature - I killed the males 6 weeks ago, so a few pollinations could’ve still happened over that next week and we might have some immature seeds still. We’ll take them down next weekend, hang them in the tent for 2 weeks and then that’ll give me 2 weeks to sort and mail them out so they make it to @G-paS in time for the fall box. Sounds like a simple enough plan, at least when it’s just down on paper like this; we’ll have to see what goes wrong. :stuck_out_tongue: Anyway, they’re not very pretty, but here’s some plant pics, group shot first as always:

Individuals are kinda interesting. #3 and #5 are shooting out random clusters of fresh white pistils deep into flower, which I’ve been told is a chem trait. #2 has a few fresh pistils, but not many, and also looks the best of all three, which would make sense if she’s more of a SSH leaner and likes the nutrients lighter; I haven’t amended in 6 weeks, so they’re all getting a bit depleted. Even with the exhaust fan going basically 24/7, it smells pretty good in there; it’s not a loud smell, at least not without handling the plants, but it’s nice. A little sweet, a little woody, a little spicy, a little perfumey; I don’t quite know how to describe it. I’m a terrible weed sommelier, I know… I need to at least pretend I know what I’m talking about. :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll figure it out better once we finish the bud run on the clones of these three we’ve got going downstairs, since they’re almost certainly each a little different and having them all mixed together like this is making it a bit of a jumble. It’s a lot easier to tell when you’ve let a jar sit and cure for a few months, then open it up and get that full blast. :wink: Anyway, individual pics and close-ups:

Seems like that’s about it. I talked to my partner and he said basically the same as what @Gpaw and @MrHamilton said; the one that broke off is the ground, and only really necessary in case of a surge, which should be somewhere between unlikely and impossible since it’s plugged into a surge protector already. He’s seen people using heavy-duty power tools with the ground plug broken off and nothing went wrong; not to say that nothing could, with power tools, but a 300w light is hardly that. Other than needing to secure the plug in the strip a bit better, it’s a non-issue, I guess. The plug isn’t getting hot at all - well, no hotter than the other, unbroken one. They’re both pretty hot, as is everything else. :sweat_smile:


Thanks for the update @Cormoran . Hope the heat wave slows a bit for you and the Silver Mountain girls.


Heats been killer out here too glad to hear it’s going to cool down for you. I had to crank my AC on 24/7 because everyday has been past 100F+ for weeks.


Last update! At least for the plants… nothing much left to be done with them but trimming & shucking seeds. My partner’s gonna do that, so I’m sitting back and relaxing - relatively, only one grow room to take care of - for a few weeks until they’re ready to mail out. The GG4 RIL and Frankenstein also came down and are hanging; we’ve got 10 nice seeds from the GG4 RIL already from a single small bud that fell off, so I’m guessing they were successful too. I feel like there should be more to say, but I can’t really think of anything, so I guess I’ll mostly let the pictures speak for me:


Congrats on a successful run @Cormoran ! Now it’s the easy part, shuckin all those seed! :joy: Best of luck with your seed pull!


Good on ya @Cormoran!! :+1:

Even seeded that Frankenstein is a good smoke.



Great job @Cormoran
Thank you for doing this run.

I agree with with Gpaw, that Frankenstein is real good.