Silver Mountain co-op run (closed)

I’ve been trying to avoid this update, but I suppose I have to admit that there’s no deus ex machina coming here; the plants still aren’t even particularly close to dry three weeks later. If you want God to laugh at you, tell him your plans. :roll_eyes: It’s not hot anymore, at least relatively speaking, but the humidity’s still been off the charts. Today’s the first day in ~2 weeks that it’s been under 70% in the house, and it’s better in here than outside. For most of that time it was raining or near 100% humidity.

As far as fridge drying, I decided not to bother with it. I tried drying those seeded GG4 buds in the fridge; after a week in there I took them out, cracked them and germinated them. At least, I tried. Out of the 5 solid-looking seeds I tested, 3 didn’t make it; on one of them the seed cracker obviously failed and crushed the seed rather than cracking. The other two that failed seemed fine, but that’s the most likely candidate I can think of, since if they were inviable from the fridge they all should’ve been inviable - seems like they were crushed rather than cracked because they weren’t dry yet, even after a week in the fridge. Either way, that didn’t seem like it was gonna get it done in time even if it went perfectly. It’s now pretty much impossible, with 12 days to go before the deadline.

I’ll keep the seed plants labeled and move them into another room soon - we need the tent to flower actual living plants now, my partner’s jars have been empty for a month or so and mine are getting there. Worst case, they will definitely be plenty dry by winter. If people are extremely eager to start growing them I may send some out before the co-op boxes, but otherwise I guess you’ll just have to wait a little longer for what seems like the longest, most drawn-out co-op run ever to finally finish up. :stuck_out_tongue: If you guys are anything like me, at least half the people signed up won’t have room to grow them any time in the near future anyway - my eyes are bigger than my fridge, which itself is much bigger than my grow space.


Buck up little camper the sun :sun_with_face: will shine again, time to reload and try it again! We are all still rooting for you and success. Don’t take it so hard, as we have all had it happen just hang in there! :partying_face: :wink: :+1: :sunglasses: :facepunch: :peace_symbol:


Need a room with a dehumidifier, crazy humidity is that high for that long


Good seeds late is better than shitty ones on time :wink:


Exactly… You can’t dry flower and beans to 60% when the room itself is 70%, that’s just nature messing with ya :metal:.


Kind of a mini-update… the plants are finally most of the way dry, though we were already gonna be pushing into September, past the deadline - so at this point I figured another week doesn’t matter, since we were already working pretty late yesterday. My partner should be able to finish shucking them within a few more weeks, but we were moving the plants out of the tent to hang somewhere else and a bud dropped in the process. It didn’t crumble as easily as he was hoping, but he broke up that one bud and it seems they’re pretty full of seeds. Looks like about 80 from a bud I’d expect to get one or two bowls out of, normally.

In the meantime, if anyone wants to follow along I’ll be logging my next grow here; I’m growing out the clones of the three females from this run for bud, along with two new GG4 RILs I’m testing and a MAC1 clone. Not much to say about them yet, just flipped the lights yesterday. Really today, I guess, since we worked late yesterday and didn’t actually get the lights off till 10pm - they’re supposed to go off at 7, so they only got about 10 hours of darkness last night. Here’s a group pic to start, of course:

Individuals of the Silver Mountain girls, though they aren’t really too interesting yet. #2 and #5 are the bigger and stretchier ones, #3 was both more compact growth, and is also smaller because my partner was trying to train it and went a bit too far, killing a quarter of the plant or so. It’s only had a week to recover, but hopefully during stretch it’ll be growing back a bit more to compensate for the lost foliage, since the roots weren’t damaged.


Those are good looking seeds too!


Great looking plants and rooms (I’m jealous of your grow rooms! :grin:)!!

From what I know, which isn’t a ton, the seeds look great too :metal::metal:


Nice seeds!! Thats a good amount for a little nugget. Excited to see the seed free clones grown out


The seed plants aren’t moldy still. :stuck_out_tongue: As far as updates on them, that’s about all I can say. Most of last week was 80-100% humidity outside again, which ends up being about 65-70% in the house. Even if they were dry though, I’m not sure we would’ve had time; my partner and I spent most of the time we did have figuring out the plan for our next grow and moving pots around. He’s training to be able to move 10 gallon pots with just his mind, but in the meantime we still have to carry them. :frowning: Next week will be transplants, so it won’t be happening then either. Maybe in ~2 weeks, depending on how many rainy days we have between now and then, I’ll push him to finally break them down.

I wasn’t gonna update at all, honestly - that last paragraph felt like it wasn’t really saying much, other than lots of words - but it looks like the server update’s been fixed so we can upload 5 pics at once now. Maybe it was always working in my browser, I can’t really remember whether it was already active last week and I’m not using Tor… :thinking: Anyway, that’s at least enough that I can post pictures of plants without having to fight the forum software like I was thinking I might, so here goes. Group shot first, of course:

On to the individuals of the Silver Mountain clones. #2 and #5 are still much bigger, but it seems like they all had fairly equal stretch. There’s never all that much when you have this many tops, anyway; stretch is something that happens to big central-cola plants much more than plants that’ve been topped 5 times, in my experience. #3 does seem to have gotten more growth in general, but that’s probably more about having a branch ripped off two weeks ago than genetic differences. Maybe there’s a bit more stretch on #5 than #2, looks like about 5-6 inches of growth last week vs ~4, and also about 4 on #3. They’re just barely starting to flower, as far as seeing pistils, so might still see some stretch over the next week as well. The room still smells mostly “green” - lots of transpirating leaves, not much in the way of buds yet. We’re gonna be focusing a bit more on defol this time as well; my partner just did round one for flower, with two more rounds to come at the end of week 3 and week 5 or 6.


Hahaha love it, Jedi in training :grin::metal:.

Plants are all looking awesome, especially after a recent defoliation :metal::ok_hand:


That’s a nice tent ! Once I renew my lease I’ll probably invest in a larger soil bed and maybe a larger tent. Just seems easier to walks inside of lol !

Looking good my dude. Going to be a lot of seed separating did you get to build the tool for it ?


Looks like I missed last week… the plants continued to grow, surprisingly enough. :stuck_out_tongue: The seed plants continued to hang, also not surprisingly. We’ll see if I can get my partner to spend some time with them today. The sensi run is starting week 4, and I moved up another clone of Silver Mountain #5 because we didn’t have enough 10 gallon pots to transplant her and she’s getting fairly big for 3g. That was last week, so she’s 2 weeks behind and starting week 2 now. They’re getting defoliated right now, but I took pics before that started and I’m lazy, so those are the pics you’ll be getting. :person_shrugging: As usual, group first:

Individuals… didn’t even notice it last week, but the grid format appears to have disappeared. Maybe it’s buried in a menu somewhere, and I’ll be adventurous enough to go looking for it another time, but right now it looks like we don’t get nice manageable thumbnail sizes anymore even for pic dumps like this. Ah well. They’re flowering like I was expecting based on the seed run; #2 and 5 are stretchy, with large buds that are probably pretty fluffy, while #3 is staying more compact with very slightly smaller buds that probably won’t be as fluffy. Looks like #3 could be the winner on yield despite being smaller, we’ll have to see; dense buds definitely make a difference on that, though. I messed up the order of the pics, but I think I’ve managed to sort them out so I’m posting these in order… which, looking back at the last few posts, seems to be 2->5->3. May as well stick with that, I guess. :person_shrugging:


Looking nice!

Have a look here : New gallery layout - The Grid - #38 by LemonadeJoe it’s better than ever.

Keep up the show!


And here I was thinking I had signuped for this run… only to find out that my mind has played tricks on me…

If there is any overflow @Cormoran I sure would appreciate a pack…



An amazing effort my friend great job :+1::+1::+1::+1: