Silver Mountain co-op run (closed)

Almost fitty myself…
Oh with greying also :joy:




Bro I will go to every church in town and light a candle for this grow if I have to :pray::pray::pray:

Mid/upper 40s myself. Nippin @ ur heels @Emeraldgreen :wink::metal:


Seems to be a couple common age groups in here


Silver Mountain is a lovely plant worthy of reproduction.


Awesome, glad you made it! Was wondering about that post, too cryptic for me I guess :slight_smile:

Really cool @Emeraldgreen and @Uprangewilly


Yeah! I’d love to get my hands on some. Great this thread got revived :partying_face:


What a great update brotha.
I hope you get a great ratio to work with for a bountiful harvest!

Three cheers to @Emeraldgreen and @Uprangewilly, Hip Hip Hooray! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Wishing you all the best and that those plants produce some bountiful loins @Cormoran :seedling: 🪴 :crossed_fingers:


Still pulling for you bro :sunglasses:, never gave up on you as you were sure to bounce back! :+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Very cool to see this one back in action - silver mountain has many rave reviews throughout the massive bodhi threads ha. Bravo @Cormoran and @Emeraldgreen for making this happen.


I usually like to keep my updates pretty brief and boring. Unfortunately, this one is not entirely boring - it’s about 11.1% exciting. :frowning: Most of the plants are doing fine, just cruising along with veg growth. I rearranged them a bit to make sure everyone will be getting light evenly, and I’ll spread them back out once they’re a bit bigger.

This one, unfortunately, is proving to be a bit “exciting” to grow… in that it’s just not happy with the same conditions all my other plants are fine with. I thought it was drooping because they were running out of water, so I gave each of them a tablespoon. Looked the same the next day, a little droopy but still turgid leaves. Then I thought maybe it’s overwatered; I still haven’t entirely ruled it out, but it doesn’t make much sense. I haven’t watered the pots for a week and a half, other than that one tablespoon. Before that, I’d given them each about a quart and a half in the bottom so it wicked up; the soil at the bottom should be moist but not wet. The bottom of the fabric bag is completely dry, like all the others, and the soil feels slightly moist but not wet when I dig down around the edges of the bag. I was wracking my brain for what the hell else it could be, and then I remembered why I’m even doing this run in the first place. :stuck_out_tongue: Bodhi’s F1s are still basically polyhybrids, rather than being uniform like true F1s, so this could be some nute sensitivity from the SSH side of the line showing up. I haven’t grown straight SSH, much less Bodhi’s cut, but typically hazes are more NLD “sativa” so it seems to make sense. I’ll still have to transplant, but this time I’ll try to make the soil a little bit weaker.

Looking back at the group pic from last week, I can see this one (middle left/front) was a little depressed even then, though it hadn’t started really drooping or yellowing yet. The leaves weren’t “praying” at all though, unlike the other plants. Anyway, I’ll probably transplant it later this afternoon or tomorrow, once I get a pot ready with some slightly weaker soil. Hopefully it recovers. If not, 8 plants still isn’t bad; if this weren’t a co-op, I’d probably just figure it doesn’t get to live if it doesn’t like my soil, but might as well shoot for as much diversity as possible even if it seems like a negative trait right now. :man_shrugging:


@Cormoran awesome dude! What kind of soil mix are you using? Also is that pumice?


It’s a custom mix, based loosely on Ed Rosenthal’s book since that was pretty much the sum total of the resources we were working with when we put it together. :stuck_out_tongue: I think we’re at 40% compost (Coast of Maine Bumper Crop), with 20% each of sand, peat and growstone. I amend with Dr. Earth & Earth Juice dry fertilizers depending on the occasion, my mood and what bag is the most full when I need to add amendments, and occasionally a compost tea with EWC during late veg.


Oh now second questions lol, which earth juice. I currently running earth juice but get some issues that seem to be almost just an imbalance. But it’s my first run using earth juice.


I’m tapering off on it because the Dr. Earth seems cheaper at this point; their prices stayed pretty much the same, while Earth Juice took advantage of the pandemic to double theirs. I’ve still got leftovers from a bag of Rainbow Mix Pro Grow (8/6/3) and a full bag of Rainbow Mix Pro Bloom (2/14/2) - typically I use 1 part EWC and 1 part Dr. Earth Tomato, Herb, & Vegetable (4/6/3) instead of the Earth Juice Grow, and 1.5 parts Dr. Earth Flower Girl (3/9/4) instead of the Bloom.

As far as imbalances, you’re right, at least with the ones I was using. Earth Juice is too low on K, which makes sense because they sell a separate bottled fertilizer called Meta-K that’s nothing but water and potassium sulfate. They want you to use them together. It’s also almost entirely lacking in magnesium, but so is Dr. Earth. I put 1/4 tsp epsom per gallon into the water instead. I’m gonna try to amend it into the soil eventually, but this grow is not the time to experiment. :stuck_out_tongue: I know what I’m doing at least kinda works, if not perfectly.


Maybe just some seaweed as a stimulant. Should be plenty of fertilizer in your mix for them in the beginning. That’s my .02 cents. Looks great, one just needs some extra attention :joy:


Thanks dude!

1 Like

Update time! Things are looking good ahead. Most of them are getting to a decent size, so I’ll probably be taking clones this week; should be able to get decent size clones while leaving 4 branches to develop with at least 5 of them, maybe 7. The two others are recovering from recent transplants and abuse, and will need a few more weeks to get ready. Here’s a group shot:

The transplants went off fairly smoothly; our troubled little runt took to the new soil immediately, while the clone of F1 #1 showed some stress. Not sure if it was from the transplant, or from going under stronger lights, but I’d guess the latter. Dunno, maybe I overwatered a bit too. :man_shrugging: I still don’t have a real process for transplanting clones, just kinda do it by feel, and for me that tends to mean too much water. Mostly I think it was just in rough shape after 6 weeks in the cloner with no nutrients; that tends to be a bit stressful for any plant. A few of the leaves crisped up in the process, but new growth is looking good, so I’m not concerned. Pics below, #1 first.

Just a quick pic of the clone mother of F1 #1 heading into flower, 3 weeks from flip as of yesterday; looking pretty good, though I was a bit asleep at the wheel and sent her into flower the same day I top-dressed rather than 2 weeks after. Probably should’ve seen more stretch, if she were getting enough food. I typically don’t strip the lower buds; if they’re gonna herm, they’re probably gonna herm there, where they’re not getting enough light and the plant might be cannibalizing resources. If they’re gonna herm, I want to know before I breed with them, so the fact that my grow style is kind of a sustained stress test might not be entirely a bad thing. :wink:


Looks great my friend