Silver Mountain x Pleiadian Love Nest

So I got some of these seeds from the Great Cannabis Share in VA when growing became legal. Never grew cannabis before but hubby is a satisfied fan so we were stoked to learn that these seeds are both sativa dominant. Out of the 12 seeds we got the first 4 died (grower error). We are using Teresias Mist to try and get feminized seeds from her fo our future grows and if it is succcful we will have 7 seeds left the can be used for a seed run if anyone is willing to try it. What follows is our grow diary to date.

August 27 she sprouts

Oct 10 she’s looking a little rough. Let the diagnosing begin

Oct 21 we flush

Oct 23 we give fox farm nutrients and put her in veg now that she has her first set 5s

Nov 14 veg progress

Dec 1 we put her into flower. She has some new problems we are currently diagnosing as calmag deficiency and light bleaching. She has rust spots on some leafs, and tips as well as visible color bleaching on a fan leaf that was partially hiding

And that’s where we stand today. Feel like its gonna be a long flower. We fimm’ed her a few weeks before flower but I’m sure I messed that up lol.


hello pleasure I take the liberty of saying some things I do it for you because you have an excellent spirit of initiative so first of all the soil I do not see suitable two too much water and in this phase it takes little … the soil remains wet because it does not Drain the water then last thing always check the pH of the water and then it seems to me that you gave little humidity in the initial phase … do not take it as a criticism but as an aid it happened to everyone at the beginning :muscle:


from the leaves you see in zig zag I understand that the pH is wrong and therefore the plant is unable to absorb nutrients … it is in bloom and adding liquid nitrogen I see excessive test with the coffee grounds very rich in nitrogen and the shredded egg shells excellent source of calcium


Since I learned that ph matters I’ve tested the water every time I water the plant and it is between 6.5 and 6.8. Could it possibly be lock out? I was planning a flush if the cal mag doesn’t help. I have some coffee grounds I can add tomorrow, how much would you suggest? I was also concerned about over/under watering so ordered a moisture meter just last week. The tent humidity is also consistently 48 is this to low? How can I raise it if it is?


6.5 to 6.8 is perfect, no need to change that, and 48 humidity is fine for a vegging or flowering plant.
When they are seedlings, and very early, they benefit from a little heat and humidity. For seedlings, keep the soil moist but not flooded, and the humidity higher. As they get bigger the root system is developed enough to soak up plenty of water and you can drop the humidity. Some sort of humidity dome, or even some plastic wrap over a solo cup, half full of soil, until it gets big enough to hit the wrap…


50 percent cold coffee to 50 percent water for indoor plants is the recommendation.


Awesome. Thank y’all for the info. She will get half coffee half water on her next watering day.


Ooh I do have a question or 2. When using teresias Mist do I have to remove the branch before the pollen sacs burst or can I just leave it to do its own thing? Also I feel like I should trim her down a bit more. Looking at all yalls grows I feel like she’s a bit full if that makes sense.


This is so cool! The grower who made these seeds is @mr.childs who I hope is still around and doesn’t mind me tagging him in to provide a few details. I haven’t grown any of these, but he also gave me some of the seeds that I’ve shared with a few people here.

You’re right, they’re going to be a long flower time. Probably 12-14 weeks if you got a hybrid, shorter if you got a Silver Mountain pheno, and longer if you got a Pleiadian Love Nest pheno.

I wish you the best in your grow and I’ll keep checking in.

:christmas_tree: :peace_symbol:


@nube that is freaking awesome. When we first got the seeds I scoured the internet for all info I could find on the 2 strains and kept coming back to this forum. I do have a question, how do I know which pheno I have or if it is a hybrid? New to all of this.


Glad this strain brought you to here! :slight_smile: It’s a good place.

As for how to know which phenotype is more expressed, it will partly be based on how long it takes to flower and then all the associated growth & smoke characteristics. I think mostly how long it takes to finish under 12/12 light will be the primary indicator. But it’s bound to be a mixture of both parents, regardless. Pretty rare for one to dominate the genes of the other.

Not to worry you, but it will be kinda hard to tell unless you can get the plant healthy. I don’t have any advice there, though, but I think the other kind people on this forum will be able to help!

:rainbow: :sun_with_face:


So I’m sitting here wondering why my beaut has not given any flowers as of yet. I checked the light schedule and yall im an ass. She was still on veg lights. Could have sworn I flipped her. Switched her today.


Looking great! Looks like she’s displaying some narrow leaf traits as she matures. I’ve made the same mistake with the timer before, or programmed it cut the lights on for an hour or two in the middle of the dark period… whoops! Looks like it gave you some extra time to fill out the screen though. Get ready for the stretch, and happy growing!


That stretch is what’s got me nervous lol. She’s already at 2ft


looks like the pln is pretty dominant. what light period are you planning to run for flower/bloom 11/13, 10/14 ?


Was thinking the same thing.
Did you keep a journal on the parents? Not many people ran the Pleiadian Love Nest. Even fewer continued the line


I’ve currently got her on 11/13.


didn’t keep a journal, just took some pics a few years back. pln male had good pest resistance, stem strength & stood up to the elements pretty well. sil mtn mom smelled like turpentine/solvent to me, & had a thin bushy bud structure. not really a golf ball og nug structure, more so like spears in a way, an old school non commercial looking flower. i still have an unopened pack left that i need to figure out what do do with & treat with the proper attention to f2 & give away.


Hello. Just wanted to share I also got these seeds and started growing about the same time. First grow, Knew nothing and winged it.
I ended up with 2 different trees, one sativa almost 6ft tall and the other indica about 4.5ft.
They took about 12 weeks of veg, and another 12 weeks of flower. I used too many nutrients in the last month, also had too many hot days up around 85-90 in my closet space. I harvested and ended up with some decent buds from the smaller plant and a bag of blah from the taller plant.
I got lucky, trimmed some cuttings before flower and got 4 more plants to grow… so hoping for better results the second time around!
Good luck!


4 plants off the cuttings for second round… just less watering this time, less nutrients and light not so close. Got my heat stable at 70-80 and humidity stays around 45-50. Just wanted to share what I’ve done maybe it will help!