Sine Wave Inversion/Particle Physics: Effect of Glandular Sheath Development in 88g13hp

oh ja,we are fast mail-receivers :postal_horn: :incoming_envelope:


ich bin ein kartöffel

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drive further east to new-brunswick see if it wont change that opinion bout the poutines


Landed in :england: today too. Cheers @Foreigner very much appreciated :+1:


Oh yeah they be dropping!

Love it when a plan starts to come together.


I :green_heart: Foreigner….

Because he’s so f*ing clever at working the rules!
This is a great example. :+1:



Hey thanks a lot man. Appreciate it

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Magu @magu I see you

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Nobody here but us chickens. :rooster: “ cluck cluck”.

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All in the chat it seems. I haven’t been in a chat in…:decades

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I’m always apprehensive waiting for mail to drop. Irrationally so.

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I cant do chat. I cant type fast enough. Then I spend twice as much time trying to correct my spelling. I have a fat finger. :joy:

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I’m trying it out. Way out of practice

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We loaded cows and hauled them to the stock sale on Monday. Im still dead tired and beat up. That will lower my yearly income for a couple years but this drought has killed all the grass. It will be ok now. We are in a good place numbers-wise.


Selling them which will lead to less production?

I don’t know farming really.

We have a “ cow- calf “ operation. Our cows birth calves every year. We keep them on grass until they are 7 months old. Then we sell them to “stockers” who will put them in a feedlot to get them to slaughter weight. The calves are about 700 lbs. when we sell them. Normally the calves are born in early spring. all the cows eat grass during summer. Then we sell calves in the autumn so we have less cows to feed hay to through winter. It is a delicate ballance of animals and resources.


Interesting. My FIL has cows but they’re not his a neighbouring farmers rents (?) his fields for grass.

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Yea. A lot of guys here rent land. Our neighbor owns 3 or 4 separate farms. He grows corn and soybeans on thousands of acres and has about 2500 head of cattle. He is a “stocker” and has a contract with a slaughter house in the midwest. Those guys are not really “farmers”. They are called Producers because they run factory farms. Mine is a small family farm like the Amish community.


My FILs is 100 acres but much of it is forested. More of a hobby farm really but they do have some very large gardens. They do and sell a lot of garlic. Really good garlic too.


I love garlic ! The old timers used to say that a family farm should be 80 to 100 acres. That is as much land as a man and his children can work with horses.