Single pistil on a male sour bubble

X to autosome VS active Y
Here’s an excerpt from a discussion about pistillate “males”.

“[…]But to put it overly simplify, x to autosome is where it has one decent X chromosome which does a good job, and a fucked x chromosome. When two fucked chromosomes meet, you get the male flowers flourishing. When a fucked and a good x meet, you get standard flowers which are a bit shitty, and when two good x’s meet you get great female flowers. So the maths give you 75% female and 25% male expression numbers. Of the females you should get 1 in 3 that are representative of the strains potential. So you are searching for the best out of 25% of what you have.
If you swap out the sex chromosomes, while keeping as much of the autosome as possible, with active y mechanisms, then you are searching for the best of 50% of your population. Now you have two good “purpose built” X chromosomes in all of your females. Plus your males are actually male. Meaning you have a Y chromosome to silence the female flower production. So you reduce the number of female offspring, but double the number of decent worthwhile females to search through to find the best.
Plus of course you’re likely to get alternative versions of the other genes in the autosome, generating the healthiest most vigorous plant growth and the greatest range of compounds to be produced possible.”

“how do you identify the plants with the messed up chromosomes? There are a few strains that express the higher percentage of females, old timers haze, destroyer and Tom hills haze from what I’ve read and didn’t really understand what mechanisms would cause it. All 3 of these lines are supposed to have exceptional prodgany and I’m just wondering if it’s related to what you are saying here about the chromosome selection?”

“Lines, from their inheritance and the ratio of m/f. Individual plants, to know for sure, you’d have to test them in a lab. As for specific lines, ask their breeder. I asked tom earlier in the thread about his haze, and he agreed that its likely they are x to autosome rather than active y. There are home order test kits available for identifying male plants. It should be easy enough to test a “male” to see if it has the male genetic marker. If none of them do, you know for sure.”

"The species is in a constant state of flux eventually landing in dioecy as a sort of genetic fitness move. The X modifier system is more primitive is all, messed up is a bit harsh haha.

Ie it is commonly accepted that all plant species begin with perfect flowers then move along the slow ladder towards dioecy in an effort to survive as deleterious recessives are less likely to be fixed in that scenario."

“Lol that’s funny cause the plants may have actually stood a chance of achieving it if we weren’t around to mess with it.”

"Yeah, or, or… the majority of elites are still using the more primitive system.

When pressed my money is on that, until, the line drives itself into the ground."

“Ie in my experience, the very best outcrossers from thai to haze to shorts blues right on through the chems and og’s - have all been on somewhat shaky ground sexually speaking. I can not fathom other hypothesis than that this has helped them to fix valuable traits.”

“Could just be dumb luck”

“Actually the maths are pretty solid when it comes to fixing traits good or bad monoecy > dioecy.”