Skunk Magazine cannabis around the world

Found my old skunk mag and had to share these pics! It’s my most favorite issue!!!
What catches my eye the most is the Swazi Skunk!!!


@Guitarzan did you ever get OSS 96 from Sick Nick? Wonder if there is relation to the Swazi Skunk?
I got one growing btw

Hah! I have that issue somewhere, too. I used to live right across the street from a newsstand that sold Skunk. Bought every issue like clockwork, before I remembered that the internet existed haha!! Credit to The Rev, though. His soil mix may be completely redundant and a little stupid, his teas may be asinine, but I’d probably be growing hydro if it wasn’t for him.


That writeup for Swazi Skunk is odd. So it’s 10 plus weeks indoors for 1-2 oz or 4 months outdoors for 2 lbs. Yikes. Cool magazine.

What year was that roughly, 90’s? I don’t remember seeing that one.