Grandpappy skunk

Has anybody tried growing the grandpappy skunk from jade nectar? Santa Cruz Naturals, Watsonville, Apta


I have a Alpha Roadkill Skunk that the master breeder at Purple Caper Seeds gave to me. He said its his raunchiest and closest to real skunk pee, smell it a block away kinda stuff. Anyways been reading about grandpappy, sounds like it’s the next closest thing to something we can’t ever get back apparently


I have actually, I got some in santa cruz last august. Popped a bunch in january (?), failed at a pollen collection/seed run and now I’m sitting on 2 females that are being very stubborn about revegging

this is the tiny one, about 4 weeks ago

look how much it purpled since then!

looks like it’s refusing to grow new material and just keeps collecting sugars :thinking:

and here’s the bigger lady, she was a trooper from the very start

true to sam the skunkman’s infamy, these plants aren’t skunky in the very slightest :joy: but they are deliciously sweet, with a moderately strong aroma. I originally grew these for seed so they never got big, I’m looking forward to seeing what they can do in round 2 :eyes: gave em both a topping and hope that encourages the reveg


Thanks for sharing that! Awesome plants! It’s unfortunate it’s not skunky! I will update on my alpha skunk. She’s less than a week old right now. Fem seed. Very vigorous! It may take a certain strain to cross these skunks with or who knows!?!?. I heard somebody crossed a cherry pie with something and it smelled like real skunk pee. I just hope to find it before I die! :slight_smile:



I’m growing Skunk #1 right now.No skunk smells but Ton of Lemon head Citrus and Nail polish smells


None of that grand papy skunk story actually makes sense. If you were actually around at that time. Its sad when breeders do that kind of stuff.


I’m willing to believe it. Skunk #1 was never known to be skunky, why should its predecessor?

What I mean is its predecessor were colombian x afghan and Acapulco gold which were accidentally crossed by skunkman and is what ancestral skunk is. Grandpapy skunk is non of those so its not pre-skunk skunk, at least not to do with skunk#1

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really? do you happen to remember where you heard that? All I’ve seen is what Jade Nectar said about it, that it was originally Flying Skunk and allegedly the same genepool skunk 1 was pulled out of

There are pictures that document the skunk in it American version before it was taken to Europe and reworked. Look up madjag skun#1 79/80 and something should come up. Or you could look up pictures of the ancestral skunk. The parent phenotypes are visable still and nothing like whats sold as grandpapy skunk. The guy selling grandpapy skunk obviously has its story wrong.

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This is skunk#1 pre Europe as it was in the usa just after the Colombian Afghan parent was crossed to the acpulco gold.

You can still see the parent phenotypes. What ever grandpapy skunk is dont match the skunk#1 parents and it dont match pre Europe skunk#1. And it dont match Europe skunk#1.


I’m not trying to run defence for jade nectar here but without having ever grown or smoked skunk #1 myself I can’t say I’m convinced :man_shrugging: Maybe when I grow the grandpappy skunk or see them grown big enough to compare I can decide myself, but iirc middle eastern landraces can show a lot of structural variation without much variation in the high and aroma. Reading madjag’s thread on ic he said almost all of his skunk #1’s smelled like RKS and just about everything I’ve read on skunk #1 here on OG would suggest that sam’s work and RKS are as far apart as can be.

the story of “skunk” plants is so convoluted with so many rumors and hearsay that I’m getting close to the point where I think the whole thing was an urban legend from the start :joy:

edit: I’m still reading madjag’s thread and I’ll be damned if 2 pages after he says all his plants had the RKS smell, he swears he must have gotten the later, sweeter skunk #1 seeds and not the earlier skunkier ones. Talk about adding confusion :face_with_raised_eyebrow::sweat: :confused:

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I remember madjag, that was an epic epic grow show.
Do you know of any threads showcasing the non sweet skunk?

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Madjag and sam both say the rks isnt from skunk#1. Some plants stunk but not like what people are looking for. Skunkman did claim something called skunk#2 had it but I doubt it. Skunk made some vague claim about it used to have rks like phenos in skunk#1 but he bred it out but I dont think he is on about the same thing people look for . I know some of what nevil worked and put out from about 87-90 stunk really bad but I wouldn’t exactly skunk as in the road killed animal. There were acrid ones and cheese ones and spicey ones and diesel ones and rank sick smelling ones in nevils. But they inbred those futher too and by about 94-95 they were already upto 4 generations further in and had stabilized out somewhat. Skunkman claims he used his afghan#1in his skunk, he used to have a well know lemon version of af#1, more than likely he has used it to stabalize his version of skunk#1 when he got to Europe.


I guess the only way we will ever find the old-school real skunk is when we smell it on somebody, confront them about it!


Lemon Nail polish remover = trainwreck


I’m growing Colombian Gold and Acapulco Gold now. I also have a skunky Heirloom Afghani male. I’ll cross them together soon. Many ways around those 3, I’ll start by crossing Acapulco Gold to Colombian Gold and Punto Rojo to Acapulco Gold.

And of course I have to preserve every strain as well.

I just dropped 16 Punto Rojo Gold phenotypes that will be used as well. 4 Panama Red strains about 160 of those seeds. I’m going to do a Panama Red preservation project for them to find the best breeders.

Some time next year I’ll have seeds from all these projects. If you have any old school Colombian or Acapulco gold I could run those for phenotype hunting. It’s a long process to do all this. Looks like I’m going to be very busy on these projects.

Here’s a pic of the 70s Colombian Gold I’m working with. 2 weeks from the gauze sponges tails showing. I just fed them yesterday.
I had to do surgery and build an enclosed environment to get them to take off.
They are in stsge 1 root development in 5 inches of soil. Next will be 25 to 35 gallon pots. :100::dove:


I’m confused. The true narrative has always been that Skunkman was a skunk exterminator, not a breeder or lover of skunk.

Like Turtle Man, he catches turtles from other people’s property, to remove them from other people’s property. Turtle Man doesn’t collect breed and worship turtles. Skunkman didn’t collect breed or worship Skunks. Yet people still waste time on his garbage seeds hoping for skunk to come out. Does pot cause memory loss or something?


You can completely discredit any Cannabis narrative coming from west of Oklahoma. Arizona specifically, is the inner butthole of the shady bullshitter weed bro game.

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