Skunk talk.. I knew it

Sup of, just wondering did anyone catch, the live Q&A… on YouTube, from shantibaba of mr nice seeds. If you haven’t it’s on his YouTube channel mrniceseedbank. On the live a 14:00 a guy asked what would be the best lines to find strong skunk sents. And shanti replied what I figured all along…shit, and nordle. I think both are super skunk stock. Shit being a bx to the skunk side and nordle being a bx back to Afghan t which is the Afghan in sk 1. And is it me or what . I asked shanti what could I find a Afghan t leaner in. He said Afghan haze, which Afghan t is the mom. And the he said something that ringed my bell. He said itll be easier to find Afghan t in nordle.:thinking::thinking:. Now I’m no smart guy or nothing…but what’s probably easier to find a leaner…an offspring…or maybe…a bx…which would indicate that nordle is indeed Afghan t ×super skunk. What do you think…oh yeah


Not going to lie, Shanti ran around a couple of good questions.


Like what.


For what it is worth the strongest skunk smells I have ever come across was a strain my friend growing ups dad grew for many years. He brought the clones with him from BC to NS in the early to mid 80s .I can’t comment on what goes by the same name nowadays but when my friend stole one of his dads grow journals he called the particular strain he had been growing for years Mighty Mite #13 .
I have never smelled anything even close to as putrid skunk as that weed in the 25 or so year since. Both my friend and his sister got picked on relentlessly in school because of how bad they smelled , we later learned from the grow in their house lol


I better not say. It might just start another war


Go on let’s hear it!? :cowboy_hat_face:


Then why bring it up. We can have a discussion and still be civil. It aint like your talking shit about our mom. :grin::grin::grin:


I wonder why critical skunk wasn’t in there. Its supposed to be 75% skunk.