Which Skunk to run?

Back in the day I believe I ran:
The Pure (Flying Dutchman)
Skunk #1 (Sensi Seeds)
The Shit (Mr Nice)

With the final selection that won being the Sensi Seed line.

As I lost those genetics a few years back, I was planning on starting a new run and wondered what peoples opinions are on whether there should be any particular Skunk added to the list of contenders?

Aim will be to lock down my ideal Skunk #1 and select a mother/father pairing to see if I can stabilise it somewhat in seed form this time.

PS. I’ve noted that “The Pure” nolonger seems to be available. So looks like it may be a direct face off if no new contenders are put forward.


i mean there’s always todd’s/Mel Frank’s skunk #1 repro’s from agseedco but… idk how similar it may or may not be to the others :thinking:


If you’re looking for cat pee skunk i think it’s safe to cross Sensi from your list.

Sensi had some fantastic skunk back in the day, these days it’s a sweet, earthy samey boring flavor (jmo)

I’ve read and was recommended female seeds NL for cat piss but it didn’t produce much terps for me.

I’ve got some Swiss skunk going atm but I’ve grown that for it’s cheesy qualities, it’s damn minefield.

Good luck with finding something suitable.


I grew the sensi seeds skunk #1 last year under 12/12 from seed. She looked fine until I checked through the trimmed buds and found a few seeds. I think most skunk strains are prone to changing sex to be honest. :v:


The real dream would be the White Widow we used to get in the mid 90’s. Smelt like vomit.
The Shit and Skunk #1 (from above) are already inbound. Will make sure I run a grow diary


fingers crossed, I’ve not had that problem so far. Have got 1 Skunk#1 from Sensi on the go at the moment, but she needs upgrading (easy grower, nice enough smoke… But not the pungent smell, or yield, I am after).


I was looking there earlier. The genetic line ups look like my perfect shop.
What is the deal with that place? Have many people grown their stuff around here?

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My growing environment was far from perfect at the time but I also did 12/12 from seed. I’m not knocking sensi seeds stuff. Just explaining my own personal grow of their skunk #1.
If I’m honest when it comes to skunk strains the best I’ve grown has been from sweet seeds. Sweetseeds sweet skunk fast version.

Wasn’t stinky as I’d like but it yielded immense. :v:


Mold magnet, dude with boobs, weed.


Perfect description. :+1:

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out of interest, 12/12 from seed. How small did you manage to keep the final plant?
Have never tried it, but could certainly be useful in sexing and crossing small batch’s

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Haha it’s a scary resume :sweat_smile:

I honestly pop seeds like a maniac. At one point I wanted to find old school skunk and set out to buy, grow and cross any and all promising commercial stock. It’s not there. I’ve come to the conclusion that all my efforts should be directed at the 93 line I got after spending too much time doing time :wink:

Mayyyybe one line, the one wuachuma ran, I heard more people saying they found something really skunky… other than that it’s a mystery


It only yielded half an oz. Grew to around 60cm in height. At the time I was running a 60x60 but it was only 90cm in height. They were grew in coco in 2l plastic pots. It was more of a “can it be done” grow.


Smelly plants mean more trichome production. Trichome production increase means stressing the plant. Stressed plant causes intersex to happen. We need to find a happy medium.

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Yes I somewhat agree, I’d add more of different kinds of trichome, some are devoid of cannabinoids, their only purpose is stinking your place. These have been selected against for years in the quest for “muh high thc bro”

Stressed plants are more likely to show their herm tendencies but I wouldn’t say stress is the cause.

Its a different system, monocious vs dioceious, where monocy makes it easier to fix important traits, also why a lot of killer genetics tend to throw nanners somewhere in flower. Ka-ching :wink:


Duke Diamonds Granny Skunk was pretty good. The Nature Farm skunks always have some funk to them too.


I had a skunk #91 that grew huge. I kept that plant under perfect conditions. Never lower than 65f and never higher than 75f. I practically breast fed the fucker :rofl:. At week 6 in bloom it threw nanas and I had to get rid of the plant. I passed it onto a friend that put it under 600w hps to finish it. No seeds in the bud and he harvested around 6 oz :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Yeah man, some plants are a nightmare to run. Some are worth it, some not. My skunk cut is sexually stable but will throw 3 finger leaves and try to flower if you even look at her funny, a total bitch. But a glorious bitch, so I keep her around yknow :slightly_smiling_face:


Been tempted by KOS – Red Russian Skunk F2… anyone tried?

*> *
> When this hybrid first popped up in Northern California I was in those parts on a seasonal basis. It was called Red Russian originally. As I understand it, she was created by some breeders growing her adjacent to the Russian River. Quickly, as her uber Skunk clones were grown outdoors around N. Cali (Humboldt/Mendo) she became known as Skunk, duh. Within that genotype’s (RR Skunk’s) terpene range has always been a very Piney type, and a serious sour Body Oder type along with Skunk types.
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> From 20 females I have grown from the original seeds I received, I have gotten 2 legit Road Kill type Skunk females. When I made these F2’s I used a single male—easy choice—and three different females. I used one Road Kill, one Piney, and one (barf me out) sour body-odor/funky-feet variant. However, I used 2 clones of the Road Kill female, and single clones of the other two. The chances for the Road Kill should be fairly good here in these F2s, however, not common.
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> The Road Kill variant tends to favor the classic Christmas Tree morphology. It sometimes seems to grow slower overall than siblings, but not to fear, she likes to build big roots and big buds. Spot on Road Kill Skunk terpenes/smells, no ifs ands or buts. Extra frosty as well. Back in the early 80’s this Road Kill Skunk was also highly mold resistant. I have not tested this thoroughly regarding mold yet, but my breeder plants (from original seeds I received) endured some fairly high humidity during flowering and showed no issues with any of the plants. However, any long IBL line (especially if BX’d), is normally not very mold resistant when it comes to outdoors in humid environments; like coastal.


Old School Genetics has a White Widow from the 90’s and they have a couple skunk varieties you may be interested in.