CSI Hawaiin Lites F2 Grow Log: Phase 1 of a project

Hello fellow Growmies!!!

I didn’t think I would have started my next grow log/journal so soon but I have more room in my tents to keep growing and should start doing a project I have in mind. This log will focus on me growing 8 seeds of Hawaiin Lites F2 from Humbolt CSI. I chose these seeds after reading about their lineage and a review that reminded me of the last wedding anniversary I had with my late wife in Honolulu.

Similar to my previous grow log/journal on my BanHam’s I will start the seeds in a soil mix of FF Ocean Forest and HF Soil Conditioner. Once that runs out I will be try a hand at Promix HP. If using two different mediums during this grow doesn’t sound crazy I don’t know what is? :crazy_face:

The seed will start off soaking in lukewarm tap water till they pop open and expose the tap root. From there, into the classic red solo cup as I have a plethora of them and for some reason I can’t toss them or give them away. As my 2x4x5 is housing a male cannabis plant I am collecting pollen from, these HLf2 will have to tent up with some late Veg females I have. Or, I need to set up my last tent which I really don’t want to have four tents running in my home. :joy:

This is all I have so far fellow Gromies!!!
Till next time :call_me_hand: 🫶 :vulcan_salute:


awesome, good to see, interested!


I had a freebie pack that I think I traded away. Will be interested to see what you get !

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Small update:

All eight seeds popped with a few having nice roots poking out after soaking for 24hrs. Didn’t expect to have the seeds soak that long but got tied up yesterday. All are in their solo cups with heat may and humidity dome.

I am guessing they will break soil in the next 3-4days and will give an update after then.

Till next time Growmies!!! :call_me_hand: 🫶 :vulcan_salute:


Have been curious about this line myself. It will be nice to see what comes out of that pack Good luck!

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The breeder was incredibly generous and doubled the order I placed and gave plenty of other freebies as well. With 24 of these seeds I have plenty to work with and keep my own version of the line going. :grin:


All eight have emerged from the soil! Five of them had helmet head and had to help a little. The one my finger is pointing at was the first to pop and just excelled showing it’s cotyledons in no time!

Might be able to move them into a tent this weekend but waiting on my last harvest to finish drying and need to clean that tent out.


Finally got these seedlings into their forever home. Due to working with my other plants I will be keeping these HLs in my 5x5 tent. The medium used for them is Promix HP besides one that finished off my remaining FF soil. I have given them their first round of water soluble fertilizer.

I had a busy week trying to finish trimming up my latest harvest and having my kids bday party. These got a little neglected and stayed in the humidity dome a little too long. :sweat_smile:

I am going to guess that I have 5 females and 3 males out of this bacth?


Getting more adjusted! I am having some doubts about using promix as the medium… Might just be me overthinking it :sweat_smile:


Well these plants are getting bigger! Found out one of my oscillating fans broke down so I need to get that replaced. I am still getting used to how nutrients need to be applied with soilless mediums. I do appreciate how fast the water gets absorbed compared to other soil mediums I have used.

I am think there will be 3 males and 5 females taking an amateur guess/judgement by their structures. What do you all guess?


Some good growth over the last 5-6days! I have never seen such a large three point leaf before. :laughing:

Waiting for some new oscillating fans to come in tomorrow to get air flow back in the tent. I noticed a few things I have noticed a few things compared to my other grows. It seems some of the steams are “shedding”. Not sure if this is their way of hardening or building up support for the remainder of the plants life. Doesn’t seem to be in stress but will keep an eye on it.

The other thing I noticed is the “fuzzy hairs” by some roots exposed. Not entirely sure if that’s a mycelium of some sort or if it’s just the root system itself. I covered it will some extra medium in the area. Once again, not too concerned but will keep an eye on it.


Plants are growing well and gettingnuswd to their water needs with the soilless medium. I am confident I have found 3 males so far. We will continue growing till certain :grin:

I have been hesitant on pruning regular cannbis plants since I am focusing on identifying males/females and collecting pollen/pollinating over yeilds.


Plants looking strong @JonPott !

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Thank you! I am questioning if they need more nutrients on a few but they seem happy for the most part. Not sure if I will do a soilless medium again.

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those leathery indica leaves looks fantastic. I’m puling up a chair to follow along.

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These are looking great so far!

I have a pack of these in the stash. When I have space/time I would love to give them a run.

Looking forward to see what that do for you



Thank you! I feel a few of those leaves look odd or telling me something. Part of me wonders if this tent has enough air flow conpared to my other tents where the fan is built into the lighting. Overall, they seem happy and are growing so I wont over think it.

Thank you! Csi was kind enough to double my order and send a plethora of freebies also. I was skeptical at first but a local growmie assured I wouldnt regret it. I selected this one and another that I will probably start germinating half way through flowering to make my first cross.