Smell from my autos

Hey folks❤️

Im growing autos in my garden this year. Im using biotaps and they work wonders!
My question is: do autoflower-plant smell less then pheno? Or could it be that im using Biotaps instead of Biobizz…

Im from a country where thing still illegal and I always have issues with smell and it stresses me:)
But this year my autos dont smell that much even though they are 2 weeks i flower…

Best regards Sune


that could be. in my opinion photos can smell stronger than autos… of course it depends on the strains you´re running.

Genetics and size of the grow are always the biggest factors, autos being compact aren’t gonna be super stinky but the right strains it’s possible one might be a stinker but if the plant ain’t big won’t travel far